Super Golden Eye

C726 Crisis Resolved

C726 Crisis Resolved

0Luckily, Wu Yuanzheng was holding him back. Otherwise, Hsu Yunfei would have put the entire city under martial law! With Baofu and Mr. Shiwu's joint operation, Faang Yang wasn't worried about any accidents.    


An hour later, Wu Yuanzheng's secretary personally handed a small notebook to Faang Yang.    


It looked like a very ordinary Small Red Book. There were only two golden words on the front side, Dragon Guard, and a golden dragon behind it. It surrounded a pentagon star, looking majestic and majestic.    


"This is the certificate of the Dragon Guard? There's nothing special about it!" He casually fiddled with it for a while. Just as he was about to put it in the drawer, he thought about it and decided to put it in his pocket.    


Along with the Dragon Guard certificate, there was also a detailed schedule of the National Day Review Troops.    


When he opened it, he saw that the end of the military parade was around 12 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. The total time was about three hours.    


According to the usual practice, starting from 10 o'clock in the morning on October 1st, Chief No. 1 first went to the East Inspection Team along East Peace Street.    


Then, around 10.20, the troops would be divided into different categories. From east to west, they would demonstrate the might of the army through East Peace Gate. Finally, the crowd would march through East Peace Gate.    


At 12 o'clock, the parade and the parade ended. Before the parade started, Chief No. 1 was going to give a national celebration speech in front of the military parade building. Starting from 9: 50 PM, the broadcast, television, and other media outlets would broadcast the entire process live.    


Considering that the theme of this year's military parade was to save money, the length of the National Day parade would need to be re-estimated. The end of the National Day parade might also be brought forward.    


The entire military parade was divided into five steps: Mobile Entry, Field Preparation, Military Reading, Separation and Retreat. These five steps were organized and implemented: Mobile Entry, Field Preparation, Military Reading, Separation and Retreat.    


There were two steps for everyone to watch, which were the military parade and the dividing line. The total time of these two steps was about 66 minutes.    


This parade would have 14 marching teams, 30 equipment teams, 12 aerial units, and 12 missile teams to be read.    


Five missile phalanxes appeared in the equipment team. 108 missiles included conventional missiles, land-based cruise missiles, medium-earth long-range missiles, intercontinental strategic nuclear missiles, and so on.    


Not only were there many of them, but they were all model models. Furthermore, they were the latest generation of missiles developed in China. They were high-tech and powerful.    


It could be predicted that if the Terrorist shells hit the missiles and caused a series of explosions, the losses and casualties would be inestimable!    


After looking at it, Faang Yang felt a great pressure. He stood up and walked to the window to breathe in the cold morning air. He felt that his mind had cleared up a little.    


"What's there to be afraid of? When soldiers come, they will block. When water comes, earth will block. There is no hurdle that cannot be crossed!"    


Faang Yang felt much more relaxed in his heart. Just as he was about to go back to sleep, he found that Chu Bingqing had already gotten up and prepared breakfast!    


Seeing Faang Yang come out of the study with a tired face, Chu Bingqing was also a little surprised. "You didn't sleep all night, did you?"    


Faang Yang nodded. "There are too many things to do. How can I sleep? She originally wanted to take a nap, but she decided not to. It would be even more troublesome if I slept with Boss. "    


Chu Bingqing sighed," Sorry, I did not help you much. "    


"What are you talking about? If you hadn't helped me, the Yangming Group wouldn't have existed in the Imperial Capital, right?" Faang Yang pretended to be relaxed.    


"Back then, you were my boss. The Yangming Group was able to achieve what it has today. Many things were learned from the Hundred Flower Company. I really don't know how to thank you."    


"Faang Yang! Thank you!" After Chu Bingqing said that, she went into the kitchen and concentrated on preparing breakfast.    


Faang Yang took a shower and just as breakfast was served on the table, Lu Wei also came out of the room in a daze and yawned. "Ah ~ Why are you all so early? I always feel like I haven't slept enough."    


"People without hearts and lungs have a high quality of sleep." Faang Yang did not know why, but he suddenly remembered this sentence and blurted it out.    


Lu Wei was unhappy at that time. "What do you mean?! Didn't he just sleep a little? Why did he become so heartless? "    


Realizing that he said the wrong thing, Faang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't mean it that way. Isn't it okay to know that you are wrong?"    


Lu Wei coldly snorted and said, "Hmph, there is no sincerity at all!"    


Faang Yang was having a headache about how to coax him when he saw Baofu walk in from outside. He immediately put down the tableware in his hands and greeted, "Baofu, come over and eat first."    


"Thank you, Master."    


Baofu felt warm in his heart. He did not refuse. He sat down beside Faang Yang and started to eat.    


If it was anyone else, they would have asked how things were going, but Faang Yang didn't. Instead, he let his subordinates rest and eat! Just this point alone made him feel comfortable.    


Baofu ate a lot, but he also ate quickly. The battle ended in less than ten minutes. Faang Yang put down the utensils in his hands and handed him another glass of milk. "Eat slower, what are you in a hurry for?"    


"I'm used to it. It's fine." Baofu took the milk and drank it in one breath. Then he said, "Master, according to your instructions, Hundred Eyed Daoist and I have found four strongholds. We captured 21 people alive and killed six people."    


"Very good. Thank you for your hard work. It's good that you are not injured. Are you alright, Hundred-Eyed?" Faang Yang did not ask if there were any fish that escaped the net. As long as his own people were not injured, it was fine.    


Baofu said, "I'm fine. It's just that he has been using the Soul Searching Arts for a long time. He has consumed too much energy. He has already recovered from his injuries."    


Faang Yang said, "It's all thanks to you all this time. Go and rest first. I'll call you if there's anything."    


"Yes, master." Baofu bowed obediently and turned around to return to his room to rest.    


Lu Wei had already forgotten about the heartless things and asked curiously, "Faang Yang, what did you ask Little Baofu to do? He is still so young, don't bully him!"    


"Not at all! Eat your food!" Faang Yang rolled his eyes when he heard that. If Baofu was small, no one would dare to say that he was big. Of course, this was his absolute secret, and no one could disclose it.    


"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it, you cheapskate!" Lu Wei was so angry that she used the knife and fork in her hand to randomly cut the sausage on the plate.    


Faang Yang pretended not to hear anything. He had just eaten two mouthfuls when Hsu Yunfei called again. He could tell that he was in a very good mood.    


"Godly Doctor Fang, those two experts of yours are really amazing! If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have known that there were so many dangerous people hiding in Imperial Capital!    


If they really appeared at the parade today, God knows how much trouble they would cause! Fortunately, we found them in time. It's truly a blessing in disguise. It seems like the intensity of the surveillance is still not enough!"    


Faang Yang smiled." Haha, the monitoring strength is only one aspect. Most importantly, there is still a spy. Otherwise, these things would not be able to casually drift to Imperial Capital."    


Hsu Yunfei agreed with what he said. "You are right! There are all kinds of birds in the forest! I really don't know what to think. Is there something wrong with my brain?    


If it really becomes chaotic, who will benefit? Wouldn't it be a waste to let the M Nation take advantage of us and let those Ah San and the monkeys watch us make a fool of ourselves?"    


Faang Yang looked at the time and saw that Chen Mo's plane was about to arrive. "This is unavoidable. There are still a lot of things to do during today's military parade. I won't disturb Elder Hsu. It just so happens that I still have to go to the airport to pick up people. We can talk later when we have time."    


Hsu Yunfei was also straightforward. "Alright. If we can pass this test smoothly, I will definitely thank you properly! If not for you, I am afraid that I would have become a sinner for thousands of years!"    



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