Super Golden Eye

C595 Fortunately It Didn't Disappoint Me

C595 Fortunately It Didn't Disappoint Me

0Obviously, Chen Mo was not satisfied with Faang Yang's attitude. "The quality is about the same. Each tent costs more than fifteen thousand. Two hundred thousand is thirty million!    


Cotton sheets with average quality also cost sixty to seventy one beds. Another six to seven million went out. This is only a part of it. Do you think Miaoyu would dare to approve such a large number? "    


Faang Yang flipped to the last total. When he saw the budget of 61 million yuan, he almost fainted.    


"Cough cough... This was simply burning money! However, I believe that the country will also have relief supplies. There is no need for us to take full responsibility, right? "    


Chen Mo said," Of course the country has emergency relief supplies, but those are only the most basic early stage emergency supplies.    


If we wait for a large amount of relief supplies to come, the process in between will be very complicated. Moreover, many things may not even reach the hands of the disaster victims!    


In addition to the sudden landslide on the other side of the river and the endless hidden dangers in the Jiang Han region, whether or not these are enough is still a problem."    


" Good fellow, more than 60 million gold and silver is much harder to throw out than earning money " Faang Yang also felt some pain in his heart. Although he had some money now, he could not make it like this!    


Faang Yang didn't object to charity, and he supported it quite a bit, but he still had to have a bottom line in everything.    


Faang Yang felt that it was already very generous of him to take out 50 million to become the Yangming Foundation. He did not expect Chen Mo to be even more ruthless. She had just taken up the position, and she had already made a 60 million plan!    


His fingers lightly tapped on the table and Faang Yang said in a deep voice, "Chen Mo, I am not opposed to your plan. When the country is in trouble, we should make a contribution based on our feelings and reason.    


But isn't your plan a little too big? Besides, we are purely obligated. It seems we can't get any benefits, right? When doing charity, one must act according to one's ability.    


Therefore, you better think of a reason. Otherwise, I might really not agree to this expenditure, because this is already beyond our limits!"    


Chen Mo already knew that Faang Yang would not easily agree, so she made preparations in advance." I know that the number this time is a little large. This is also because this year's disaster is much fiercer and more concentrated than before.    


If we send the rescue supplies earlier, the disaster victims will be guaranteed earlier. This may not bring the company a direct economic benefit, but it can make the company's image deeply rooted in people's hearts.    


In the future, when faced with the same competition and choice, our advantage will be revealed. Those who win the hearts of the people will rule the world. You should understand this saying, right?"    


Faang Yang smiled bitterly and said," I understand, but the price is really a little high. "    


He just learned from Cao Miaoyu that the Yangming Group's net assets after the complete integration were estimated to be more than 70 billion, which was about to be thrown out almost 10% at once. It was indeed a little painful.    


"Can bear to part with it, can't bear to part with it, where did you get it from?" Chen Mo's eyes seemed to be exceptionally bright, "This matter is like this. Whether this money is approved or not, it still needs you to make the final decision.    


When the country is in trouble, every man has a responsibility. If the country does not have any savings, how can it be considered a home? I hope you can make a wise decision."    


Faang Yang felt annoyed. Of course he understood the meaning of doing charity, but he did not expect Chen Mo to be so ruthless. Cao Miaoyu must be afraid of taking responsibility, so she asked her to come to him.    


Chen Mo in front of him was still calm, so no one could tell what she was thinking. Among all the women Faang Yang had come into contact with, Chen Mo was indeed the most special one!    


After pondering for a long time, Faang Yang smiled. He picked up the pen on the table and signed his name on the review.    


"You won! I really don't know if it's a good or bad thing to let you preside over the Golden Foundation. If this continues, sooner or later, even I will make you donate it. "    


Seeing Faang Yang sign, Chen Mo's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise." Don't worry, no one will sell you. I'm afraid you won't even be able to sell the pork price.    


The boss has already signed, so I have to go back and pay for the goods. Tomorrow, I will follow the disaster relief materials to the disaster area. At least for a short period of time, you won't be annoyed seeing me again."    


Faang Yang was shocked. "Ah? Leaving in the afternoon? I just signed it for you. Why did the goods arrive so quickly? "    


Chen Mo rolled her eyes at him." The moment the disaster notification came out, I placed an order. Whether you sign it or not, I will follow the disaster relief supplies to the disaster area.    


The only difference is that if you don't sign it, then perhaps after I leave, I will never come back. Fortunately, you did not disappoint me. "    


After saying that, Chen Mo turned around and left, leaving Faang Yang who had complicated feelings sitting there for a long time. Only then did she return to the front.    


Wang Qiang and the others naturally saw that Faang Yang was in a bad mood. They didn't make any more noise. After drinking a few cups casually, they were about to leave one after another.    


Faang Yang was in a bad mood, so he called out to Qu Yan, "Qu Yan, wait for me for a while. Let's go back to Jiangbei."    


Qu Yan was stunned. "Go back to Jiangbei with me now? There are so many things here that you don't need to deal with?"    


Faang Yang gritted his teeth and said, "Since we all want to play big, then we don't need to keep a low profile anymore. Go back and get rid of the club's matters, then set up a cultural media company. We'll capture them together! "    


Ji Ping's eyes lit up. "Mr. Faang, that's a good idea. That cultural media company, can you arrange a position for me?"    


Needless to say, this kid must have gone crazy again. Since it was a cultural media company, there were definitely many beautiful women!    


Faang Yang glared at him. "Look at you! Rabbit still doesn't eat the grass at the edge of the nest! If you have the ability, go and get the celebrities from other companies for me. I will cover all the expenses for you! "    


" Really?! Then thank you so much, Mr. Faang!" Ji Ping was so happy that he almost jumped up and jumped out.    


Faang Yang could not do anything about it. "Qu Yan, go and book the tickets. I'll give Miao Yu a call and then go to the airport."    


After Qu Yan left, Faang Yang dialed Cao Miaoyu's number. After the call was connected, he asked, "Chen Mo, you asked her to come to me on purpose, right?"    


Seemingly already knew that Faang Yang would question her, Cao Miaoyu very firmly agreed. "Yes, she is the person you introduced, and that sum of money is really too large.    


Although the company's financial power is in my hands now, this matter, whether I sign it or not, is not human. You have to help me think about it."    


Taking a deep breath, Faang Yang tried to calm himself down. "Sorry, I did not mean to blame you. You did the right thing.    


Call me to discuss with you. Since we have invested so much in this disaster relief, it would be a loss if we do not use this matter to spread our influence as much as possible.    


So, I was thinking, should we find a few more breakthrough points and launch an all-out attack to successfully establish the image of Yangming in the hearts of the people? "    


After hearing what he said, Cao Miaoyu knew that he must have some other ideas. Maintaining vigilance, she asked, "What kind of lousy idea do you have?"    


"What is a rotten idea?" Faang Yang was a little speechless. "We have invested so much into disaster relief and emergency rescue. After that, there will definitely be relevant policies leaning towards us. The media will report that we need to make good use of it.    


In addition, the media is definitely the most direct and effective way to create a company's image. I have already asked Qu Yan to set up a professional basketball club in Jiangbei.    


As a response, I want to set up another film and cultural company. The location will be in Imperial Capital. What do you think?"    


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