Super Golden Eye

C6 Arrange Work

C6 Arrange Work

0The restaurant is nice, and the Korean cuisine is delicious. The two of them ordered barbecued meat and side dishes, but Faang Yang did not eat too much.    


"Are you worrying about work?" Han Xueqing was very happy. Because of the contract, her admiration for Faang Yang increased again. Naturally, she cared about him and asked with chopsticks.    


Faang Yang shook his head and denied, "I'm a businessman. It's the same no matter where I go. It's just that I'm a little sad after leaving my old boss."    


In fact, Faang Yang was not sad. He was in high spirits now. He pretended to be unhappy and wanted to go home to study the Golden Eye.    


" Hey, I thought it was something. I won't go to the new one, I won't come to the old one. Oh yeah, you're in the market, and your planning is so good. Why don't you come to our company, I'll recommend it to the leader. You're so excellent, you can definitely stay." Han Xueqing rolled her eyes and thought of something. She was impatient. After saying that, she took out her phone and called the leader.    


When Faang Yang saw this, he quickly stopped her. However, it was already too late. The leader had already picked up the call and arranged the interview in a few sentences.    


"Done. We'll go back to the company after dinner. If you pass, remember to treat me to a meal." She smiled and winked at Faang Yang. Her big eyes blinked. She was very cute.    


"This little girl is really charming. She won't pay with her life. She's trying to harm me by making a mistake. " Faang Yang's heart skipped a beat as he thought to himself.    


Sure enough, he could not wait any longer. As soon as Han Xueqing finished eating, she urged Faang Yang to report to the company.    


The Hundred Flower Technology Company was a small company with only two floors, and it was located on the east side of Yellow River. There were not many people in the company. There were more than 20 of them, and most of them were women.    


Moreover, these women were all very attractive, and all of them were beautiful women. They were walking around in front of their eyes, and it was extremely stimulating.    


Such a scene once made Faang Yang wonder whether this was a technology company or a model company.    


No wonder it was called Hundred Flower Technology, it indeed had a lot of flowers. Faang Yang looked around the office and thought to himself.    


"Although we have fewer people here, our sisters are definitely the best looking ones. I don't know how many people squeeze their heads out every day. They want to work for us. " Standing in the public office area on the second floor, he looked at the golden flowers in front of him. Han Xueqing was pleased with herself.    


The Hundred Flower Technology Company might not be as good in business for the time being, but they had never lost to any companies in terms of looks.    


In other words, they could eat with their faces, but they had to rely on their abilities. If it weren't for the fact that they didn't want to rely on men, there would have been a group of people helping them set up the company.    


"You mean, this is the blessing of eight lifetimes." Faang Yang smiled and joked.    


"Of course, ordinary people in our company are not allowed to come!    


"Xueqing, is this the God of Planning that you talked about over the phone?" As she spoke, a beauty wearing a white short skirt walked over.    


This beauty was tall and slender and dressed very sexy. She stood beside Han Xueqing and was actually a few centimeters taller than her.    


"This leg is really long!" Faang Yang glanced at her and sighed in his heart.    


"Handsome, how should I address you?" The beauty put one hand on Han Xueqing's shoulder and greeted Faang Yang.    


She looked very charming and her pair of red phoenix eyes were very charming. She blinked gently.    


This scene made Faang Yang's heart beat fast. However, he was after all a person who had experienced a big scene. He was able to keep his heart steady and calm. He only took one more look before returning to normal.    


"My name is Faang Yang. This is our first time meeting. Please take care of me." Faang Yang calmed himself down and stretched out his hand generously, answering with a smile.    


"Lee Anqi, the manager of the Public Relations Department. The handsome guy is not bad. Would you be interested in having an appointment with my sister tonight? "Lee Anqi reached out his hand and shook Faang Yang's hand like a dragonfly touching the water.    


However, she only became serious for a second before returning to her previous appearance. Her coquettish eyes appeared again. Her words were full of adult colors, as if she was very interested in Faang Yang.    


"I won't make an appointment."    


Faang Yang was not a young university student. How could he fall for Lee Anqi's trick? He knew that Lee Anqi was deliberately teasing him.    


"Anna, don't mess around. If you scare him away again, he will run away. By the way, is Ms Bingqing in the office?" Han Xueqing saw that Lee Anqi was getting more and more serious and quickly interrupted her. She looked at Faang Yang, who was a little embarrassed, and stuck out her tongue to talk about proper business.    


"Alright, alright. Ms Bingqing is in the office. Oh right, that Jia Youming is also there. You should be careful when you go in." Lee Anqi instructed and turned around to leave.    


But before she left, she deliberately looked at Faang Yang again and gave him a flirtatious glance, as if to say, Handsome boy, don't be shy. I'll wait for you at night.    


"Ms Angel likes to tease her new colleagues. Everyone in our company has been tricked by her. Actually, she was quite a good person. Don't mind her. Ms Bingqing is our leader. I will take you to see her now." After Lee Anqi left, Han Xueqing quickly explained.    


"Okay. Lead the way." Faang Yang said it was fine and followed Han Xueqing to the office.    


However, he turned his head and looked at Lee Anqi. He sighed in his heart. He did not know who would benefit from it in the future.    


The General Manager's office was next to the public office. He walked over in a few steps. When the two of them went in, there was another man in the office.    


Faang Yang did not know this person, but he guessed that it should be the Jia Youming that Lee Anqi mentioned.    


Jia Youming was not tall, about 175 cm. He was very thin and wore a pair of silver-rimmed glasses. At first glance, he looked gentle, but there was a hint of viciousness in his eyes.    


Faang Yang did not like this person, because he looked a little cunning.    


"Xueqing, you are back. Quickly sit down. You are thirsty. Come, drink water." The moment Jia Youming saw Han Xueqing, he immediately stood up from the sofa. He poured water again and fanned the wind again. He looked very attentive.    


As for Faang Yang who was beside Han Xueqing, he was directly ignored by him and did not even look at him.    


"So this kid likes Han Xueqing. No wonder Lee Anqi asked her to be careful." Faang Yang saw all of this and thought to himself.    


But facing Jia Youming's solicitous attitude, Han Xueqing did not catch a cold at all. Instead, she felt a little disgusted.    


She frowned and moved her body to the side. She only said a few words of thanks before pulling Faang Yang to the front.    


"Ms Bingqing, he is Faang Yang. This is the plan he wrote. Take a look. Faang Yang, this is the general manager of Hundred Flower Technology Company. Chu Bingqing, our boss. "    


When she introduced Faang Yang, Han Xueqing changed her previous irritation. Instead, it was replaced by excitement. She held Faang Yang's hand, showing no intention of letting go. The expression on her face was full of love.    


This scene made Jia Youming frown and feel a little unhappy. However, since Chu Bingqing was here, he could not say anything. He could only glare at Faang Yang fiercely.    


"Hello, I am Chu Bingqing. Please take a seat." Receiving the proposal from Han Xueqing, Chu Bingqing politely nodded at Faang Yang.    


She was also a beauty and her appearance was not inferior to Han Xueqing. She was only a little short. However, the aura on her body was very strong. It was even stronger than Han Xueqing's. However, the expression on her face was pitifully small, like a piece of ice that had been frozen for ten thousand years.    


"Ice beauty?" Faang Yang thought in his heart.    


"Ms Bingqing, I want Faang Yang to come to our Marketing Department. I can be his assistant. He came from the Taxaceae High Technology. He is more capable than me. With him here, we will definitely receive more business. " Han Xueqing was the manager of the Hundred Flower Company's Marketing Department, and she had taken a liking to Faang Yang. She even said that she was willing to be an assistant.    



These words made Chu Bingqing very surprised. She was the clearest about Han Xueqing's temper. At first glance, she looked like a weak beauty, but in reality, she was a tough woman who refused to admit defeat.    


But now, as the manager of the marketing department, she actually wanted to be Faang Yang's assistant. This was something Chu Bingqing had never thought of.    


But before she could speak, Jia Youming, who had long seen Faang Yang unhappy, immediately opposed it. It was overbearing. : "I don't agree. The Marketing Department is an important department of our company. If we let an outsider have the final say, who knows what will happen. And who knows if he was fired by the Taxaceae High Technology? What if he was a commercial spy? And if he was really capable, why would he come out of the Taxaceae High Technology? I have doubts about his identity!"    


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