Super Golden Eye

C379 The Restaurant Was Attacked

C379 The Restaurant Was Attacked

0"You heartless bastard! You let us work so hard there, yet you're sleeping here! Be careful, you'll sleep like a pig head! "    


"Ouch ~" Faang Yang was woken up by Lu Wei and quickly hid behind Chu Bingqian. "You crazy woman, what is wrong with you again!"    


Chu Bingqian quickly stopped between the two of them. "You two stop for a while. It's not early, so find a place to eat first."    


Lu Wei insisted on rejecting, "No need. We are just doing business. If we go out to eat in public clothes, it would not be good to be seen by others."    


Although Xu Lei and Lee Qiang wanted to stay, when Lu Wei said this, lu Tao saw it and remembered that there were a few pandas in his office. He went up and took them out and threw them to Xu Lei and Lee Qiang.    


"My brothers have been busy for a long time. All of you smoke a cigarette. Since we can't do it today, let's wait for a day before we gather again. I'll treat everyone to a seafood feast. "    


Xu Lei and Lee Qiang were happy when they heard that. They took the cigarettes and split the points. "Thank you, Brother Mr. Faang. Why don't we go back to the station first and let Xiaowei stay here."    


Lu Wei's small face immediately turned red. She pretended to be angry and said, "Xu Lei! If you keep talking nonsense, I will blow up your balls!"    


When he heard this, Xu Lei felt a chill in his lower body. He quickly raised his hands and surrendered, "Okay, okay, okay. I was wrong, okay? Little Aunt, I can't afford to offend you."    


Lu Wei did not know whether she was angry with Xu Lei or angry that Faang Yang did not keep her. When she got into the car, she closed the door so loudly that it shook the sky. Xu Lei and Lee Qiang made an expression as if they were praying for their own good before driving away.    


Faang Yang didn't dare to make a sound! Recently, he didn't know if it was due to psychological effects or something, but he felt that Lu Wei had a different feeling from when they first met.    


"Thank you." Chu Bingqian walked to Faang Yang and sincerely said, "If you didn't arrive in time, I'm afraid I would have given up on Hundred Flowers."    


"Bai Hua is our common property, how can we give up just like that?" Faang Yang saw that Chu Bingqian looked a little tired, so he suggested, "Let's find a place to eat first?"    


Chu Bingqian hesitated for a moment and said softly, "I usually don't eat at night..."    


"Afraid of getting fat? Then how many meals did you eat today?" Faang Yang was somewhat speechless.    


Chu Bingqian was about 1.68 meters tall and definitely did not weigh more than 100 kilograms! Because she often exercised, her figure was very perfect. If she had to lose weight like this, who knew how many people would cry to death in the washroom.    


Chu Bingqian muttered, "There are so many things to do today. How could I have time to eat? But at noon, I ate an apple."    


"I ate an apple a day and still need to control my diet? This is Wang Er's little cow herding - don't rush to the good road! " Faang Yang waved his hand.    


"Go get the car and eat. Even if you don't want to eat, I still want to eat! Is it worth it to force a diet like yours to spoil your body? "    


Chu Bingqian did not say anything. She drove her newly bought Porsche out and the two of them went straight to the nearest western restaurant. Maybe it was after dinner, there was only one table of customers in the restaurant.    


After finding a quiet corner to sit down, Faang Yang ordered a steak, foie gras, seafood spaghetti, and a bottle of red wine. Chu Bingqian thought about it and asked for caviar and fruit salad.    


While waiting for the dishes to be served, Faang Yang asked, "Is the company that difficult? Didn't I leave you some money? Plus the shares from the new battery cooperation with Red Star, there should be no problem in maintaining a livelihood, right? "    


Chu Bingqian was a little down. "Sorry, it's my fault. She wanted to earn enough money as soon as possible, so when she was doing the venture capital project, she was set up by someone and lost all her funds.    


The share of the New Energy Battery will be split according to season. It is not time yet, so today's financial chain broke. "    


When he was in Jiangbei, Faang Yang still had a certain understanding of Chu Bingqian. He knew that she had the ability, so he was confident that he could invest the money into the Hundred Flower Group.    


Now, it seemed that only the ability was insufficient. Chu Bingqian's resistance was too great, and she had to face too many challenges.    


When she faced the Hongsheng Group, she was already in a situation where she could protect herself. Plus, the Ning family was secretly plotting against her. It would be strange if she didn't lose.    


Faang Yang did not want to give Chu Bingfu too much pressure. "It's fine. It's just doing business! The business world is like a battlefield. There will always be victories and defeats. It's normal. Oh, the dishes are here. Let's eat first. "    


While they were talking, the waiter placed a few plates in front of them. Just as he was about to lift the plates, Faang Yang suddenly felt a sense of danger. He could not help but shout," Wait a minute! "    


The waiter was stunned and asked in confusion, "Sir, is there something wrong?"    


Faang Yang did not say anything. When he saw a fish tank not far to the left, he immediately picked up the plate in front of Chu Bingqian and threw it into the fish tank.    


The lid of the plate fell off in the fish tank. What came out was not caviar or fruit salad, but a bunch of densely packed black bugs!    


There were originally dozens of ornamental fish in the tank, but in the blink of an eye, they were chewed into white bones by these bugs! The most terrifying thing was that these fish bones still maintained a leisurely swimming posture!    


"Wow." Chu Bingqian, who was behind Faang Yang, had never seen such a disgusting and horrible thing. She vomited on the spot, but there was no food in her stomach. She vomited yellow water.    


Faang Yang's hands did not stop. He pulled off the power of the oxygen pump in the corner. He stretched the entire tank. After a series of sizzling electric currents, the black bug in the fish tank was electrocuted half to death. The lights in the entire restaurant were also extinguished in an instant.    


After throwing the electric wires in his hand to the side, Faang Yang did not care about eating. He pulled Chu Bingqian, who was vomiting heavily, and turned around to run outside.    


"Humph, you destroyed my treasure and still want to leave?" One. A stiff voice sounded in the spacious hall.    


Faang Yang immediately stopped in his tracks and protected Chu Bingqian behind him. He circulated the Golden Eye with all his strength to search for traces of the enemy. "Who is pretending to be mysterious here?! If you don't come out, I will call the police!"    


The mysterious person laughed sinisterly. "Hehe, call the police? When those useless things come over, you are already a pile of bones! Let my Xiaobao Bei'er play with you first!" After saying that, there was no more sound.    


Faang Yang did not think that the other party was scared away by him. He was definitely preparing a powerful move. What surprised him was that the Golden Eye, which had always been successful, did not find any traces of the enemy this time!    


There were only two possibilities for such a situation to occur. One was that the enemy was too far away, exceeding the range of the Golden Eyes's vision.    


As for the second possibility, it was also the situation that Faang Yang did not want to see the most. The enemy's strength far exceeded his, and they were not affected by the Golden Eye!    


However, the enemy's voice was very clear, and it was definitely not transmitted through any other equipment. Therefore, it could only be said that the enemy's strength was too powerful, or that the Cultivation Method was too magical.    


In the darkness, there were constant rustling sounds. Countless black dots gathered from all directions towards the place where the two of them were standing, even the ceiling!    


There were snakes, centipedes, spiders, toads and scorpions, as well as all kinds of poisonous insects. With a rough scan, there were more than ten thousand of them!    


Even if Faang Yang was bold enough, his scalp would still feel numb at this moment. He said to Chu Bingqian, who was standing behind him, "You must follow me closely. If we fight, I'm not sure I can take care of you. I can't even tell what these damn things are. Charge!"    




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