Super Golden Eye

C144 Seven Stars Coiling Dragon Formation

C144 Seven Stars Coiling Dragon Formation

0"Jin Yuanbao? Jin Yuanbao?" Faang Yang was stunned for a moment. This name was really strange. He used the Golden Eye to take a look. This guy was just like his name. This line of fortune was even greater than Shen Furong's.    


Jin Yuanbao knew that his name had caused a misunderstanding. He chuckled and explained, "I was originally called Jin Yuanbao, but my body wasn't in a good condition when I was young. My father changed the treasure into a leopard, and he wanted me to get better."    


After Jin Yuanbao's explanation, Faang Yang carefully looked at his face and Feng Shui. He really had a deficiency of innate five elements, and a deficiency of kidney energy. The word 'leopard' was water. After changing it, it would make up for Jin Yuanbao's deficiency in the innate.    


"The change in name is indeed not bad. It will make up for your deficiencies in the innate water affinity. It also increased your fortune. Looking at how fat your ears are, it should be because you have a good family background since childhood. Hmm, judging from your eyebrows and collarbone, I think all the aristocratic families do antique business." Faang Yang said.    


However, he changed the topic and frowned slightly. "But I think there is a trap between your eyebrows. Did you encounter some trouble? It should be an enemy who came looking for you. Hmm, it must have been a big loss."    


After Faang Yang finished speaking, he minded his own business and drank his tea. Xin Ming and Jin Yuanbao were left dumbfounded, and it took them a long time to recover from their shock.    


"Old Xin, you didn't tell Mr. Faang about me, did you?" Jin Yuanbao swallowed his saliva. He had seen too many Feng Shui Masters. It was the first time he had seen someone like today.    


Xin Ming scolded him and said, "We haven't seen each other for half a year. How would I know about your matter? Damn it, Faang Yang, don't tell me you really saw through it yourself. "    


"How can this be fake? Don't speak nonsense if you don't understand. Mr. Faang, no, Master Fang, can you move my shop? Help me look at Feng Shui. Name the price." Jin Yuanbao glared at Xin Ming and got up to invite Faang Yang to Binhai City to take a look.    


Binhai City was on the other side of Jiangbei City. It was about the same distance as Songjiang City. It was less than an hour's drive, so it was not troublesome to go there once.    


However, whether to go or not did not depend on Faang Yang, but Xin Ming. He raised his head and looked at Secretary Xin. He was the one who introduced him, so he had to speak.    


As the mayor's secretary, Xin Ming understood the meaning of the look the most. Liu Fei was already obedient to him, let alone Faang Yang.    


His eyes turned and he understood. He quickly got up and said, "Panther is my good friend. How many years has it been? If it's convenient for you, you can go and take a look."    


Hearing this, Faang Yang immediately got up and nodded. He didn't drive his own car and directly got into Jin Yuanbao's Mercedes-Benz.    


Jin Yuanbao personally drove the car, while Xin Ming and Faang Yang sat at the back. Faang Yang didn't say anything. Xin Ming smiled bitterly in his heart. He knew that if he didn't take out some work, he wouldn't be able to explain.    


"Mayor Liu is preparing to promote super buses all over the country, making Hundred Flowers Technology a pioneer model. I estimate that you will be able to receive orders from all over the country before the New Year, an order that is estimated to be worth at least 10 billion." Xin Ming said, this matter was basically set in stone, because it was Liu Fei who suggested it. He went to do it. He used almost all of Liu Fei's connections in the country to push Bai Hua Technology out.    


Faang Yang thought in his heart, this is the information I want, it wasn't in vain for me to sell you this favor. But to shoot a bird in the head, this matter still needs to be weighed. At the very least, we need to bring in a few comrades, otherwise, with the strength of Hundred Flowers Technology... Being split up is definitely a matter of course.    


"The original shares of Bai Hua Technology are still in our hands, it's only a matter of financial cooperation with the Red Star Machinery Factory regarding the Super Battery. We still have the power to make decisions, so if it's convenient, we need Secretary Xin to mention it to Mayor Liu. Can we find a few partners for Bai Hua, this money is a bit too hot to spend " Faang Yang said with a smile.    


Xin Ming's eyes shifted, secretly saying that Faang Yang was a talent, even at this point, he was still able to remain calm and see the situation clearly.    


"Mayor Liu already had plans for this matter, but the specific parties are still discussing it. Currently, I only know about two families." Xin Ming said.    


"Which two families?" Faang Yang asked. He knew that the main event had come.    


"The Wanqiang Group in Four Nine Cities and the Limestone Investment in East Sea City." Xin Ming said.    


Faang Yang remembered the names of these two companies, especially the Limestone Investment Group in East Sea City. He was going to go to East Sea City with Wang Qiang to participate in the jade trade fair in a while, so he could ask around about the situation.    


Half an hour later, they arrived at the crossing river bridge in Binhai City. Jin Yuanbao said his antique store was not far from the bridge. The Azure Light Mountain was 30 kilometers behind him.    


"I wonder if the dojo in Azure Light Mountain is still there." Xin Ming was from Binhai City. He couldn't help but think about it when he returned to his hometown. He and Jin Yuanbao were classmates in primary school, and the two of them lived at the bottom of Azure Light Mountain. After Xin Ming graduated from university, he became a civil servant. Jin Yuanbao took over his father's job and went back to the antique store.    


"The old Taoist came back from the Spring Festival tour this year. If you are interested, let's go up the mountain next time we come back and donate some incense money." Jin Yuanbao said. He stepped on the brakes and reached the place.    


Faang Yang got out of the car and saw that it was an Antique Street. There were antique jade shops on both sides of the street. The decoration style was roughly the same. The customer flow was not much different from the old Taoist in Jiangbei City.    


"My store is right in front of us. Mr. Faang, please go ahead." Jin Yuanbao gestured for Fang Yang to leave first and followed behind him. Xin Ming followed beside the two and walked into the store together.    


The Mercedes-Benz stopped at the street corner of Antique Street. When it passed by more than 50 meters, the owners of the shops looked outside and greeted Jin Yuanbao. At the same time, they sized up Faang Yang.    


"This is it." Jin Yuanbao stopped in his tracks. Faang Yang looked up and saw that the brown card was three meters square. There were three big words written in golden paint: Jin Ling Pavilion.    


These three words were very particular. The words were mixed with nature and seemed to be connected to the spiritual qi of heaven and earth. Faang Yang took a look at the Golden Eye. Good fellow, there was indeed a secret hidden within.    


This plaque contained a formation, and it was similar to the Wealth Gathering Array in terms of profundity. The Heavenly Cycle Revolution seemed to have the sound of golden scales swimming in water.    


When he walked into the wooden door and stood inside, a gentle breeze blew from top to bottom. Faang Yang looked up and saw that there was a skylight on the roof of the shed. The wind blew in from there.    


"Qing Feng entered the house and sprinkled his daughter's wealth. The house is like water gathering a hundred riches. Boss Jin, your plaque and skylight contain the Geomantic Omen Power. It's very particular." Faang Yang nodded and said. He looked straight ahead and said, Good fellow. A three-clawed golden dragon was imprinted on the screen.    


"Mr. Faang has good eyesight, but these are all ordinary goods. There's nothing to be particular about." Jin Yuanbao chuckled and personally brewed tea for Faang Yang, letting him sit down.    


Xin Ming followed him into the house and looked around. He also felt that the decoration of the Jin Ling Pavilion was a little mysterious, especially the jade Buddha on the shelf on the right side of the door. "Leopard, your jade Buddha is perfectly arranged."    


"That Jade Buddha is not important. What's important is the Five Monarch Money underneath the Jade Buddha." Faang Yang picked up the Jade Buddha and looked at it. Indeed, there was a string of copper coins that were worn with red lines.    


He put the copper coins away and looked around the Jin Ling Pavilion. Then, he picked up the teacup and took a sip. However, his expression was quite serious. "Seven-star Coiling Dragon Array, Boss Jin has the protection of an expert. Then why did you invite me here?"    


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