Strongest Deceptive System

C638 Spy

C638 Spy

0"Ding Ling Ling …" The system informed the host that this was not an ordinary military contest. It was completely controlled by live ammunition, and the location of the performance was located on the outskirts of Jingan, in the capital. On the surface, it was a military contest, but in reality, it was used to uncover the important spies lurking within the troops.    


The System explained to Shang Liang.    


"No wonder when we were fishing that day, Ye Zhengdao's face was so ugly, so it seems like there was a traitor within the army!" Shang Liang finally understood and thought for a while, then said to himself: "No matter what, Young Master Ye is my best brother, he has encountered a problem, I must help him. Whether it's because of the System's quest, or my friendship with him. "    


"Ding Ling Ling …" "Please set off as soon as possible to your destination and complete your mission within a day!" The system prompted.    


Since the System was urging him, Shang Liang naturally did not have any interest in continuing with the celebration. Thus, he turned to Sophia, Duan Peng and Peng Heihu and said: "Sophia, Elder Duan, Black Tiger, I have an urgent matter that needs to be taken care of. Therefore, I can't stay with you guys anymore. As for the two of you, eat and drink to your heart's content, then send Sophia home. Also, Elder Duan, Hei Hu, you two should hurry up and take over all of Capital Shark Gang's territories. "    


"Mr. Shang, I'll go with you to help you." Duan Peng suggested.    


"I'll go too." Peng Heihu was unwilling to fall behind.    


"No need." Shang Liang shook his head, and said: "This time, I am going to take care of some matters of the military, if you guys were to go, it would not be of much use.    


"Since that's the case, we'll follow the arrangements set up by the Mr. Shang." Duan Peng nodded.    


"Be careful, my dear." Sophia reminded.    


"I got it, don't worry, Sophia." Shang Liang replied.    


After exiting the Fishing House, Shang Liang drove his Range Rover straight to the mountain region at the edge of the new Jingan District. At the entrance of the border mountain, there was a sign. The words "Forbidden military area" were obvious.    


Moreover, there were a few heavily armed soldiers standing guard at the entrance.    


When Shang Liang drove the Range Rover over, the few guards immediately surrounded him with their guns. With a vigilant look, they said, "This is an important military place, please show me your ID!"    


Shang Liang rolled down the window and took out his school officer ID card from the security office in the center of the capital for the soldiers to see. After the soldiers saw him, they immediately saluted and greeted respectfully: "Greetings, Sir!"    


"I'm here to see Ye Zhengdao!" Shang Liang immediately revealed his purpose, "Bring me to him."    


"Yes, sir!" One of the soldiers led Shang Liang to the camp inside Ye Zhengdao's tent.    


With a loud bang, the people inside the tent started choking as a burst of smoke filled the air outside.    


When the smoke dispersed, Shang Liang walked in front of Ye Zhengdao and said with a smile: "Young Master Ye, let me help you."    


"Brother Shang, why are you here?" Ye Zhengdao who was dressed in his military uniform frowned, "Brother Shang, we are currently engaging in a live ammunition war, this place is extremely dangerous, you should leave quickly!"    


"Young Master Ye, I know that you are participating in this live ammunition military contest to uncover the spies in the army." Shang Liang said straightforwardly, "You want to find this spy through the deployment of troops. The live ammunition exercise has always been a demonstration of your tough style. "    


"How do you know?" Ye Zhengdao was very surprised that Shang Liang could understand all of this.    


"Young Master Ye, don't worry about how I found out first." Shang Liang said with a serious face, "I am, after all, a colonel in the Beijing Security Office, and my status is not low. It wasn't strange for him to know more about the military. As a soldier, I have the responsibility to uncover spies who endanger national security. "    


Ye Zhengdao shook his head: "This spy who's hiding in the army is extremely cunning, no matter how hard I try to probe, I can't let him reveal his fox tail. The capital's Jingan New District had military secrets. He absolutely could not let this spy leak out. Otherwise, it will be a huge loss to our military. "    


"Young Master Ye, I actually have a way to make this spy reveal himself." Shang Liang said as the corner of his mouth rose slightly.    


"What method?" Ye Zhengdao asked anxiously.    


Shang Liang moved closer to Ye Zhengdao and whispered: "Young Master Ye, our group, weren't we hit by a shell just now?! Although no one had anything to do with it, we could make a big fuss and pretend to fail and leave the camp. As for this spy, no matter if he's hiding on our side or the other side's team, he'll definitely make a move and look for an opportunity to spread the news to the outside world. "Therefore, at this time, we should pay close attention to the location of all sound sources."    


"What a good idea!" Ye Zhengdao nodded, then revealed a troubled look and shook his head: "Brother Shang, your idea is good, but I am lacking the advanced equipment to intercept the secret information source! Otherwise, I won't be bothered by this matter! "    


"Young Master Ye, don't worry." Shang Liang smiled and said: "You don't have it, I do."    


After saying that, Shang Liang took out a Treasure Chest from his Item Cart. Opening it, there was shockingly a source interceptor in his hand, specially used to detect the secret source.    


Seeing the source interceptor in Shang Liang's hands, Ye Zhengdao was overjoyed, and said excitedly: "Good stuff! With this, I can easily uncover the spies in our army! "    


Therefore, Ye Zhengdao followed Shang Liang's plan, pretended to be a military failure, and began to evacuate on a large scale. Sure enough, just as Shang Liang had expected, the spies hidden within the troops started to act.    


At this moment, the source of the information was displayed on the screen above the source interceptor.    


"The third tent!" Ye Zhengdao looked at the source of the message, and immediately took out his gun, and shouted: "Brothers, come with me, let's find the traitor!"    


Shang Liang accompanied Ye Zhengdao and the soldiers. When they were leading the soldiers into the third tent, an officer was squatting there, controlling a mini radio station.    


"Adviser Lan, so the spy was you!" Ye Zhengdao said with a face full of anger.    


"Young Master Ye, I …" Officer Lan didn't expect that Ye Zhengdao would appear at this time.    


"You what you!" Ye Zhengdao groaned, and waved: "Capture him!"    


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