Strongest Deceptive System

C367 Inversion

C367 Inversion

0Amidst Shang Liang's anticipation, the call finally connected.    


"Hello, who is this?" On the other end of the phone, Ye Zhengdao's voice came out.    


Although Shang Liang and the others had given each other their phone numbers, Shang Liang had bought this domestically produced phone from the System Merchant Shop, so he was not familiar with the phone number.    


"Young Master Ye, it's me!" Shang Liang replied, "Shang Liang!"    


"Brother Shang, is that you?" Ye Zhengdao asked in surprise, "Why did you change your phone number?"    


"Ah, Young Master Ye, this matter is hard to explain!" Shang Liang answered, "I'm in some trouble now, only you can save me!"    


"What?" Hearing Shang Liang's words, Ye Zhengdao's voice became anxious and he asked in concern, "Brother Shang, what happened? "Hurry up and tell me!"    


Thus, Shang Liang told the whole matter of participating in the Sarah's Charity Party to Ye Zhengdao. Only, Shang Liang concealed the results of his inquiry in the system's search box and only told Ye Zhengdao about the relationship between Young Master Nangong and a certain group of vice captains in the language of hints. After all, the system's matters were too mysterious. Shang Liang was not willing to arouse Ye Zhengdao's curiosity.    


After listening to Shang Liang's story, Ye Zhengdao had an angry expression on his face as he said angrily: "Hmph, this Young Master Nangong is simply going too far! And he even boasts about representing the entertainment circle in Beijing. In my opinion, he is embarrassing our capital! "    


Shang Liang laughed bitterly and said: "Young Master Ye, I am in a perfect condition now. Only you can save me!"    


"Don't worry, Brother Shang!" Ye Zhengdao nodded his head, "This Vice Leader, acting as a public servant to settle private matters, avenging private matters, is simply ruining the army's atmosphere! "Just the fact that he is secretly mobilizing an army is enough to end his career!"    


After ending the call with Ye Zhengdao, Shang Liang knew that he could be saved.    


Not long later, a rustling sound came from outside the room. Shang Liang heard it clearly, it was the lock opening at the door.    


Shang Liang thought: I think the main character is here to make things difficult for me.    


Just as Shang Liang expected, a familiar figure walked in. It was Young Master Nangong. Accompanying Young Master Nangong was the military officer who had kidnapped Shang Liang and entered earlier.    


Young Master Nangong looked at Shang Liang, and said with a face full of smugness: "Master Shang, you're a philanthropist, I didn't think you would meet me here, right!"    


"To be honest, I didn't expect it." Shang Liang said indifferently, "What makes me even more surprised is that Young Master Nangong, as a rich young master, you are so narrow-minded, but you were pressed down by me at the Sarah's Charity Party, why do you have to put up such a big fight for me, and invite me here?"    


"No matter what my Young Master Nangong does, we must strive for first place. This time, I want to take away the name of the great philanthropist, but you cut me off halfway. " The Young Master Nangong had a gloomy face, and said with extreme dissatisfaction: "What makes me even more displeased is that you are actually still in Sarah's Charity Party, humiliating me in front of so many people. You really can't tolerate it!"    


"Then what do you want?" Shang Liang said slowly, "Young Master Nangong, you did all you could to bring me here, you can't be thinking of saying these things to me, right?"    


"Of course not!" The Young Master Nangong asked, "Shang Liang, do you know your current identity?"    


"Your prisoner." Shang Liang mocked.    


"It's good that you know this." The corner of Young Master Nangong's mouth raised slightly, revealing a demonic smile, he said: "Truthfully speaking, your current identity is that of a national spy, committing acts that seriously endanger national security, as long as my cousin gives the order, you can be shot on the spot!"    


"On the spot?" Shang Liang laughed coldly, "Young Master Nangong, don't scare me! If you want to kill me on the spot, you would have already done so. Is there even a need to keep me here until now? "    


"You're very smart." "But being overly smart isn't a good thing."    


"That's right, I could have killed you with one shot, but I wouldn't do that!" The Young Master Nangong said complacently, "Because I want to keep you alive to slowly torture you! The humiliation I received in Sarah's Charity Party, I want to repay a hundred times over! "    


The officer said with a smile, "Cousin, a new shooting-range has been constructed in our team's base. I think it's better if we play target games." With this human meat target, I think this game will be very exciting! "    


"Alright, I'll listen to you, cousin." Young Master Nangong laughed as he walked out of the room.    


The officer walked out of the room and ordered the guard: "Take him to the range."    


"Yes, sir!" The two soldiers answered at the same time.    


Just as Shang Liang was brought to the newly constructed shooting-range, a soldier ran over and approached the officer. After bowing, he said respectfully: "Reporting to Sir, the Guild Leader has called and asked for you to take the call personally."    


"Alright, I understand." The officer nodded, then turned to Young Master Nangong and said: "Nan Gong, I'll go to my office to receive a call. I'll be there in a bit."    


"Go." Young Master Nangong waved his hand.    


When the officer arrived at his office, he saw that the microphone on his desk was still lying there. He reached out to pick it up and placed it beside his ear. "Hello, Guild Leader!"    


"You bastard, just who did you capture!" What the officer didn't expect was that the leader on the other end of the phone roared: "Did you know that the Peng City Committee municipal government is calling to ask why I set up sentries in the Peng City area to randomly arrest people? The Tian Dynasty Philanthropist Association sent a call asking, "Did we catch the well-known person who just donated 30 million yuan and won the 'Great Philanthropist'?"    


The officer heard and broke into cold sweat, and said in surprise: "Leader, this Shang Liang, he is a spy! We are interrogating Shang Liang right now, we will definitely make him confess his crimes obediently! "    


"Spies?" The Guild Leader berated him with extreme dissatisfaction, "I see that your head is filled with water! Let me tell you, this person called Shang Liang is someone that Ye Family of the Capital values! Just a moment ago, the military and the capital had called to ask the military region about this matter. When the military leaders heard this, they were enraged and called me incompetent! Do you think it's me or you that's incompetent? "    


"Army …" "Military?" Hearing about the highest authority in the army, the officer could not help but break out in a cold sweat. Just who was this Shang Liang, to actually cause the military to pay so much attention to him!    


"Yes, I was wrong!" The officer quickly changed his words.    


"Since you know you're wrong, why are you still standing there?" The captain roared, "Hurry up and release him! Go apologize to him! Otherwise, I will destroy you with one shot! "    


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