Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C357 The Name of the Dog

C357 The Name of the Dog

0It suddenly raised its head and let out a sharp cry.    


That's right, it was a cry.    


Its voice suddenly changed, not like a dog's roar, but a sharp chirp like a bird's chirp.    


This cry seemed to cause the surrounding air to become abnormal. Immediately after, an extremely powerful suction force suddenly erupted, sucking everything in the surroundings towards its body!    


Even the surrounding soil was lifted up and flew straight towards its body. Only Shangguan Zhitao could barely resist this powerful suction force.    


Shangguan Zhitao, Hilo, and the remaining Spirit Wind Beast could block this powerful suction force, but it was very difficult. Her body kept trembling.    


Especially the weakest Spirit Wind Beast. Its body was like a small boat in a huge wave, shaking violently.    


Very quickly, the suction force reached the limit of the Spirit Wind Beast. Its four legs immediately left the soil, its body separated from the ground, and was quickly absorbed by the Cerberus above.    


Immediately following that, Shangguan Zhitao was also sucked up!    


Yu Yue noticed the expression on her face when she was sucked up. It was not that she was helpless or shocked, but her eyes were unusually sharp.    


She was not passively sucked over. Instead, she was automatically sucked over.    


She had a plan.    


With a thought, a command was immediately sent into Hilo's mind.    


Hilo was stunned for a moment, and then he sighed helplessly. He relaxed his body's strength, and allowed the huge suction force to suck him into the sky.    


The three of them were quickly sucked toward the Cerberus.    


When they got close, the Cerberus immediately stopped howling, and the powerful suction force also stopped in an instant. Although the suction force stopped, the inertia still caused the three flying in the sky to continue flying towards it.    


After a while, its scarlet eyes stared at the three of them. A sense of crisis surged in Hilo's heart.    


His body spun rapidly, and in the next moment, a pillar of wind erupted from the ground and pierced through the direction he was previously at.    


Feeling the hissing sound of the wind from the pillar of wind, a sense of relief rose in his heart, but in the next moment.    




A pitch black claw cut through the air and struck Hilo's body.    


Hilo shot out like a cannonball and hit the ground in the distance, not far from where he jumped.    


A huge '-333' appeared above his head.    


The damage was astonishing.    


The same scene happened to the other two. The Spirit Wind Beast did not have Hilo's defensive power, and his health bar was emptied by the claw. Shangguan Zhitao was also hit by the claw, and she also fell to the ground like a cannonball.    


A shocking injury appeared on Shangguan Zhitao's body, and her entire body was covered in blood. However, at this moment, her body suddenly became blurry, like a cloud of smoke and dust disappearing.    


This was the skill of Divine Thief, her hidden profession. Yu Yue wasn't sure about the exact effects, but he roughly knew that this was a skill similar to a substitution technique.    


Fang Cai didn't die from her original body, but from a substitute.    


Shangguan Zhitao's original body suddenly appeared on the back of the Cerberus. The black shadow was slim and sharp, and the dagger in her hand suddenly turned into a golden bull as it smashed towards the Cerberus's body!    


When the dagger approached, it once again felt a strong resistance. The wind defense on the Cerberus's body was activated. When her weapon touched the surface of the Cerberus's body, it quickly lost its power. The golden bull disappeared and softly hit the Cerberus's back.    


The Cerberus also used the attack to find Shangguan Zhitao's figure.    


His jaw raised again and there was another sharp cry.    


This cry was different from the previous one. It carried a trace of roughness.    


The air trembled again. Suddenly, an extremely powerful repulsive force erupted around the Cerberus. Circles of air waves spread out along with the repulsive force.    


Shangguan Zhitao originally thought that its cry would produce a suction force, so she was prepared to resist the suction force. Who would have thought that a powerful repulsive force would suddenly spread out from its body, causing her to be sent flying.    


Countless wind pillars rushed up from the ground, sealing off all of Shangguan Zhitao's escape routes.    


The rapid wind pillars suddenly stabbed into Shangguan Zhitao's body. Terrifying injuries emerged from her body, and the black clothes on her body could not even cover up the blood that was gushing out.    


In the next second, Shangguan Zhitao's body twisted and turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared. At the same time, the space in front of Yu Yue distorted, and a beautiful figure appeared in front of him.    


Her skill was really powerful, but it was also very frightening. The scene of her being pierced through was exactly the scene of a real person being stabbed. If it wasn't for the fact that she had such a skill, even Yu Yue would have been confused.    


Shangguan Zhitao furrowed her brows. "No... My attack can't break through his defense. I have to move together with a powerful destructive attack."    


"Hilo's Blood Wind Roar has a two minute cooldown. This skill can penetrate his defense. I haven't tried his other skills. I don't know if they can break through his defense." Yu Yue said.    


"Then let's try. Two minutes is too long. We need other skills to support our attacks."    


Hilo stood up from the ground at the right time and patted the dust off his body. To Hilo who had a health bar of 3000, 300 damage was just a drizzle.    


He showed a cool smile. "Miss Shangguan Zhitao, don't worry. I am confident that there is another skill that can penetrate this beast's defense. However, this skill is not like Blood Wind Roar. It must be released at a close distance."    


"Close range, no problem. With the help of the Leaping Summoned Beast, sending you to its side won't be difficult." Shangguan Zhitao said.    


The two Summoned Beast that Yu Yue summoned just now were all killed by the Cerberus without exception.    


However, in this short period of time, Yu Yue had actually summoned another four Summoned Beast.    


These Spirit Wind Beast all had different shapes. They were either lions, tigers, or wolves. All of them surrounded in front of Yue, ready to strike.    


After the plan was set, the four Summoned Beast beside Yu Yue all rushed out. They, along with Hilo and Shangguan Zhitao, rushed towards the Cerberus at the same time.    


After being injured one after another, the Cerberus also became angry. Powerful wind pillars continuously gushed out from the surroundings, forming a prison around them.    


However, the few people who were charging at it were no pushovers. Their bodies kept flickering, dodging the wind pillars one by one.    



Only one of the Spirit Wind Beast was pierced into the air by the wind pillars along the way, and died on the spot.    


Hilo came to the side of the Cerberus and shouted. "Miss Shangguan Zhitao, get ready! My skill - Blood God Diamond, is about to be released!"    


His arm quickly condensed a powerful blood energy at a visible speed. The energy was abnormally turbulent, and it spun rapidly.    


Soon, his arm was completely covered by blood. The blood was spinning rapidly, turning into a sharp drill.    


"Blood God Drill!"    


He jumped up and shouted. The sharp drill on his arm cut through layers of airwaves and suddenly hit toward the Cerberus's knee!    


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