Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C11 New Mission

C11 New Mission

0The village chief tossed the choice to Yu Yue. He was still in the small world that he had added points to. Now that the village chief had suddenly asked him a question, he was naturally very unhappy, but he still had to say what he wanted to say.    


He closed the page of the skill tree that he had been struggling with for a long time without adding a single point. He raised his head, and in the eyes of the Luo father and son pair, the light that shone from his eyes was like a frightening light in the eyes of a man-eating tiger.    


He first looked at the village chief, and the old man gave him a loving smile.    


Yu Yue also responded with a smile, but in his heart, he was scolding him with disrespect.    


The village chief looked like a dog, but he was definitely not a good person. Just now, Capitalist Luo and his men had almost flattened our family. Why didn't he come out to uphold justice? Now that Capitalist Luo had lost his power, he had come up with a set of tricks that sounded even better than singing. What did he mean by letting them go because they were in the same village? Bullsh * t! He only came out to beg for mercy because he cared about Capitalist Luo's lousy money.    


When he looked at the Luo father and son again, the two of them were sized up by his emotionless gaze until their hair stood on end. They were afraid of this young man from the bottom of their hearts.    


Although he was struggling with the problem of skill points just now, it was not a state of isolation where he could not hear or hear what was happening outside the window. He had seen the ugly behavior of the Luo father and son. He could tell that these two were the type of people who would seek revenge for the smallest grievance. Letting them go would not do him any good. However, it wasn't realistic to think that Demon Son would be burned to death. He had to think of a way to give them a good blow to the head.    


He cleared his throat. He opened his mouth and was about to speak when a hoarse roar came from afar and got closer and closer.    


The words that were about to come out of his mouth stopped, and he and his father looked at each other. Because that roar kept repeating three words: "Something happened!"    


The loud shout seemed to have come from the village entrance. The villagers also became restless because of this voice. Yu Yue could tell that the owner of this voice was hunter Feng from the west of the village. He was an expert hunter, and also an old hunter. He rarely showed such a panicked look.    


In less than three minutes, hunter Feng appeared in everyone's field of vision. The villagers made way for hunter Feng to come to the middle of the crowd.    


Hunter Feng looked at Luo Qiangzhuang who was kneeling on the ground and had yet to wipe away his tears. He was very shocked. After taking a few deep breaths, he said with a hoarse voice, "You... why are you all gathered here? Let's go. There's an emergency!"    


After saying these words, he gasped for a long time and did not say another word. This made him anxious to death.    


For a moment, the crowd began to clamor: "Hunter Feng, hurry up and say it!" "What kind of emergency situation is this!?" "What's the use of hanging your appetite for this kind of thing!"    


Hunter Feng pressed his hand down with all his might, his face flushed red as he took a few deep breaths, and then roared out: "It was Qing who was taken away by the Devil Beast!"    


With a thud, the village chief fell to his knees, and his face was as pale as a sheet of paper.    


Qing, full name Bai Yuqing, was the village chief's only granddaughter. However, her personality was completely different from the village chief. She was obedient and kind, and was very loved by the villagers.    


When she heard this news, Yu Yue's heart also suddenly thumped, as if he had fallen into a bottomless abyss. His heart began to hurt intensely. The white-clothed girl with a beautiful face in his mind could not be left unattended. This was not the feeling that belonged to Yu Yue on Earth, but the feelings of Fatty Yu Yue from Oracle Continent, because Fatty Yu Yue had always had a crush on Bai Yuqing.    


At the same time, his mind was in a trance again, and the system's voice sounded again.    


"Ding! Player Yu Yue has accepted the compulsory quest - Save the Girl. 'Save the Girl: Save the Girl Bai Yuqing from the Devil Beast.' 'Return her to his grandfather, the village chief of Kaz Village, bai Maocai. ' Mission Completion Reward: 300 experience points for the Novice Knight branch, 1 skill point for the Novice Knight branch. Mission Failure Punishment: Novice Knight Branch's level will be lowered by one level. Novice Knight Branch Skill Points: 1. Quest Failure Requirement: Within 30 days, Bai Yuqing has not been rescued or Bai Yuqing has died. "    


Although his heart was in pain, he paid more attention to the new quest that he had forcefully accepted.    


This new mission had an unprecedented "Mission Failure Punishment." To be honest, Yu Yue did not take this mission seriously. It was just to farm monsters and save people. With Yu Yue's high status, if the mission failed, he would not have to stay in the professional circle anymore.    


However, the appearance of the "punishment for failing the mission" did not prove anything. It made him foresee a lot of things. According to the Grand Knight passive system, as long as it was an event, it would force him to accept it. If it was only the reward after the mission was completed, it would be fine, but if it was a failure, then it would be a failure. If there was a penalty for a failed mission, then he would transform into a terrifying double-edged sword.    


Think about it, when you were in a very urgent situation, something happened around you. The Grand Knight passive system forcefully accepts a mission, and this mission not only has a penalty for failure, but also a time limit. You said you were doing a mission or dealing with a very urgent matter, wasn't that a pain in the ass?    


At this moment, a window appeared in front of him.    


"'Ding... Discovered quest - Rescue Girl. ' 'Save the Girl.' 'Save the Girl Bai Yuqing from the Devil Beast and return her to his grandfather, the village chief of Kaz Village, bai Maocai. ' Mission Completion Reward: 200 experience points Would you like to accept it? "    


There were also two options below: "Accept" and "Reject].    


The sudden appearance of the window stunned him, and he couldn't quite understand what was going on. He had clearly already accepted the" Save the Girl "mission, why did the same mission appear for him to accept now?    


After thinking for a while, he came to a conclusion. The quest that he had forcefully accepted in the beginning was a quest issued by the Grand Knight passive system. The mission that appeared later on was a mission issued by Oracle Continent. Therefore, although the two missions were the same, the rewards were completely different.    


It was not bad to be able to receive two rewards from completing a mission like this.    


Just as he was thinking about the relationship between the two, the villagers asked Hunter Feng more questions.    


"As you know, the village chief has been twisting his waist recently. So the kind Qing went up the mountain to pick herbs for the village chief. She did not expect that halfway through, a Devil Beast would appear and snatch Qing away... And that Devil Beast... is an Ice Snow Ape Devil King..."    


" Ice... Ice Snow Ape Devil King! " This news was really too despairing, causing the village chief to directly faint.    


The Ice Snow Ape Devil King was the main culprit behind the attack on the village and snatching away the children. Because it was a level 7 Bronze Level BOSS with powerful strength, the villagers had already given up on the expedition and were contacting the big cities in hopes of getting help. However, the people who had gone out to deliver the news had only left for a few days. Without a month's time, the rescue team would not have been able to arrive.    


As for the savage villagers of the Ice Snow Ape Devil King, they had also heard of it. After all, there was once a brave hunter who had looked at the cave of the Ice Snow Ape Devil King from afar. There were no living people inside, only corpses. From the tattered clothes that were thrown to the side, it could be seen that these corpses belonged to the children who had been taken away from the village. Thus, under its hands, the chances of surviving for a month were practically zero.    


"Sigh, what a pity, such a good girl is gone just like that..."    


"Shh, don't speak nonsense. Perhaps Qing will be lucky enough to escape from the Demon Claw."    


"Really, Qing is really kind, but she also knows that she has provoked the Devil Beast's constitution. Why did she insist on going up the mountain... Ai..."    


Under the whispers of the crowd, the village chief slowly woke up. He looked around blankly a few times. Then, tears suddenly flowed out of his eyes, and he started crying like a child. "My poor granddaughter. Why did you go up the mountain to pick herbs? Although my waist was twisted, but not to that extent. Ahhhhhhhhh... "    


That cry was truly heart-wrenching. Anyone who smelled it would feel sad. After crying for a while, the village chief suddenly looked at the hunters in the village with an eager gaze and knelt down with a plop. "Please, save Qing. She is still an underage child! My poor granddaughter... I beg you..."    


The hunters who were looked at by the village chief turned their heads away in sorrow, not daring to look at the village chief.    


An honest old hunter could not stand it any longer and walked forward to support him: "Brother village chief, it's not that we don't want to save Qing, but we are really powerless... That's a level 7 Bronze Level BOSS. Even if we gather the strength of the entire village, we can't walk five rounds under its hands! "    


This sentence was like a blow to the village chief's head. The village chief stopped crying and stared blankly into the distance, as if he had lost his mind.    


The villagers looked at this miserable scene. They felt terrible in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do. For a moment, there was silence. Everyone was immersed in sorrow.    


At this moment of silence filled with sadness, our protagonist took a step forward without any scruples. A calm and steady voice came from his throat, "I can help save Qing."    


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