Supreme Emperor





The air shook, thunder crashed in all directions.    


Crack, crack, crack ?    


Qiu Baifeng opened her eyes wide, and her entire body trembled slightly.    


The collapse array was one of the three great ultimate formations of the Emperor Xuan Sect.    


In the entire inner sect, no one cultivated this formation, and no one had the chance to even touch this formation, so for many people, this was an extravagant hope.    


But no one would have thought that the Great Elder would actually refine the collapse array into a Buried Dragon Spear.    


With the spear pointed at him, all life collapsed!    


This powerful killing power was not something that the Rosende could withstand.    


Just a moment ago, Yang Shaotian's anger was soaring to the sky, but now, he was lying on the ground like a dead dog, spitting out blood.    


The Rosende also returned to Yang Shaotian's body in a dark and lifeless state.    


"How is that possible? How could the Rosende lose? "    


Yang Shaotian looked at Qin Feng in disbelief.    


The surrounding spectating disciples were even more excited.    


"He's too strong, Qin Feng is just too strong, even Yang Shaotian was beaten like a dead dog by him."    


"What treasure is this fellow holding?" It's actually this powerful? "    


"That is a Buried Dragon Spear, and is said to be obtained by a Ancestor from the Emperor Xuan Sect, when he was travelling around the sea. Later on, many people wanted to possess this treasure, but they were unable to.    


"I thought the Rosende was strong enough. I didn't expect the Buried Dragon Spear to be even more tyrannical."    


"Yang Shaotian thought that with the great treasure in hand, he could easily crush his opponent. Unexpectedly, Qin Feng's treasures were even more powerful, and this time, he had stepped on a nail."    


At this moment, the Buried Dragon Spear had become the focus of everyone's attention. Its limelight had even overshadowed Qin Feng's.    


Even the elite disciples of the Alternate List were all attracted by this great treasure.    


"Buried Dragon Spear, that is a legendary Heavenly Treasure of the sea. If I can obtain this spear, how difficult would it be to fight my way to the top ten of Alternate List?"    


"There is a collapse array in this treasure, even if it is a Successor Disciple, they should be somewhat afraid, right?"    


"Unfortunately, such a domineering treasure ended up in the hands of a newcomer. Bright pearls were thrown to him from the shadows."    


Some were shocked, some were envious, and there were even some who were full of regret.    


This was because many people believed that Qin Feng could defeat Yang Shaotian not by relying on his own strength, but by relying on the strength of the Buried Dragon Spear.    


Therefore, they did not approve of Qin Feng, they only admired him.    


However ?    


Qin Feng was too lazy to bother with these people, towards those unrelated people, he had never cared.    


If he cared too much about the opinions of others, wouldn't he live too long?    


All this time, Qin Feng had always been a free and easy going person. Even after he had reincarnated, that trace of unruliness in his bones was still unerasable.    


"Yang Shaotian, you were bullying my weak cultivation back then, bringing people to deliver bells. But this time, the person who should be giving the bell away is you. I wonder if that bell of yours is still there? "    


With pike in hand, Qin Feng walked towards Yang Shaotian step by step.    


"Don't... "Don't kill me ?"    


Yang Shaotian turned his body around and laid on the ground, begging for mercy with his life on the line.    


"I was in the wrong in the past. Considering that we're fellow disciples, it's best for you to be magnanimous."    


At this moment, Yang Shaotian truly felt the threat of death.    


Dignity, hatred, everything was insignificant in the face of death.    


This scene caused everyone to sigh endlessly.    


"Yang Shaotian can be considered as number one in the inner court. He had only stepped onto the Alternate List last year, but he was defeated by a new person."    


"How pitiful, he actually had to beg for mercy from his enemy. Moreover, the enemy might not even let him off."    


"Yang Shaotian has already collapsed, if not he would not have begged for mercy. Qin Feng will not forgive him."    


Many people had already guessed the outcome, but they only thought that after Yang Shaotian acted out before he died, he died without backbone.    


Since it was a life and death duel, there was naturally no way for him to survive.    


If it wasn't an enmity that couldn't be resolved, how could he have entered the life and death arena?    


"Yang Shaotian, you're regretting it too late. Forget about the private grudge between us, if I let you go, wouldn't I be letting down Jiang Mofeng and Lei Yiming?"    


Qin Feng shook his head and sneered.    


At the same time, the Buried Dragon Spear pierced Yang Shaotian's head with a fierce stab.    


Puff ?    


Fresh blood flew everywhere, and Yang Shaotian fell to the ground.    


"Senior brother Jiang, Senior brother Lei, your souls in heaven can rest in peace now."    



Qin Feng sighed at the sky.    


Only the death of Yang Shaotian would let this matter rest.    


Of course, to those disciples who came to watch the show, Yang Shaotian's life and death had nothing to do with them.    


However, once an inner court disciple dies, it would naturally not be so easy to take care of the aftermath.    


"Yang Shaotian's master is Elder Ji Wu Chen. I'm afraid this matter is not over yet."    


"Even Elder Ji Wuchen doesn't have the right to ask about such matters when it comes to determining life or death in the life and death arena, right?"    


"Even so, Elder Ji Wu Chen likes to protect his own son. I'm afraid he'll take his revenge in the dark."    


"Shh ?" "You're quite bold, and you dare to speak carelessly like that?"    


Some noisy noises could be heard from the crowd.    


Who was Ji Wu Chen?    


Qin Feng's mind stirred. He had just entered the sect, and was indeed not familiar with the elders of the Emperor Xuan Sect.    


However, Qin Feng didn't think too much about it.    


Yang Shaotian had to die. Even if the Emperor Xuan Sect s wanted to stop him, they wouldn't be able to change this decision of Qin Feng's, let alone Ji Wu Chen.    


"Senior Sister Qiu, I admit my defeat, your Stardust Bracelet is mine."    


Qin Feng walked down the life and death arena, and arrived in front of Qiu Baifeng.    


"You ?"    


Qiu Baifeng's beautiful face flushed red, a pair of watery eyes filled with hatred and helplessness.    


"Junior Qiu, you won't go back on your words, right? Since Junior Brother Qin has won, shouldn't you hand over the thing? "    


Sikong Yi shrugged his shoulders with a look of schadenfreude.    


In the inner sect, Qiu Baifeng was definitely shining like a bright pearl, she had always kept her promise.    


However, this Stardust Bracelet was the love of her heart, and it was unknown how much effort she spent to obtain this treasure.    


Right now, she was extremely unwilling to just hand it over to Qin Feng.    


"Junior Brother Qin Feng, it's not impossible that you want this Stardust Bracelet, but you need to receive three of my strikes. Otherwise, I won't be able to give you this item."    


Qiu Baifeng deliberately made things difficult.    


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