The Strongest Abandoned Master In City

C54 Life and Death Buddha

C54 Life and Death Buddha

0"Son of a rich family, you did the right thing. It's not embarrassing. "    


"Grandpa is right. Grandson has been taught a lesson. "    


"That little fellow from the Lin family has gotten angry. It's a little interesting. What does he want to express? He's straightforward, but I'm not straightforward. "    


"Grandfather is right. "    


Hwa Country, Capital City.    


The east four alleys were close to the roots of Ancient Imperial City. There were more than ten courtyards here, and people who could live here. All of them had the highest status in the entire Hwa Country.    


In the backyard of the innermost courtyard on the right, an old man sat upright. He was dressed in a straight grey Zhongshan robe, and his hair was pitch-black. He combed his hair meticulously, and there was no hair on his forehead. There were no deep wrinkles on his face, and every wrinkle represented an imposing aura.    


His aura was overwhelming, and he looked down on the world without being angry.    


No matter which word was used to describe him, it was not excessive at all.    


The Lin family was able to occupy the best of the more than ten courtyards. From this, it could be seen that the Lin family had a high position in the capital.    


"Come, tell me about this Yang Qiu. "    


Ye Suifeng stood behind the old man. He carefully told the old man everything he knew about Yang Qiu. After explaining everything, he frowned.    


"I didn't think too much about it, but this Yang Qiu's behavior is really. . . Too strange. "    


Elder Lin seemed to be in good spirits. There was a kind of kindness and kindness in his imposing manner. Although he was very old, his skin was still very healthy and his hands were very powerful. It wasn't hard to imagine that such a pair of hands could control such a powerful and terrifying family.    


"Strange? Hehe, in this world, there are always many strange people and strange things. You are still too young, so it is normal that you don't know a lot of things. "    


Seemingly noticing Ye Suifeng's surprise and curiosity, Elder Lin smiled faintly and didn't say anything else.    


"You can't stay in the capital forever. You should go back to Shang Hai. "    


When Ye Suifeng heard Elder Lin's words, his face instantly turned serious. What happened to Shang Hai? He would always get the most accurate information at the first moment. He was really a little afraid now.    


What his grandfather said was right. A daughter of a rich family would never sit down in the hall. There was no need for him to use his life to fight Yang Qiu.    


Besides, Ye Suifeng had never met someone who would kill someone so directly.    


In fact, this was a mistake in Ye Suifeng's understanding.    


For example, if he, Young Master Ye, wanted to casually crush a nobody, he didn't even need to do it. A single sentence could lead to the destruction of a family, the decline of a company, and even the collapse of a family.    


Similarly, it was precisely because of his powerful strength and background that others were unable to take revenge on him. Those people with the same status as him were also unable to truly rely on special means to get rid of him. Thus, they had always maintained this kind of surface harmony and secret confrontation.    


But now, in Yang Qiu's eyes, he was nothing.    


He didn't know that Yang Qiu wasn't a person of this world. To put it bluntly, Yang Qiu wasn't a person of this plane. He came from a plane that was one level higher than this plane, like the difference between a human and an ant. Although he had become an ant, he still had the ability of a human. Do you expect a person who has become an ant to treat himself as an ant?    


Just like the deities in fantasy novels who suddenly descended into the mortal world and possessed the body of a mortal, would he treat himself as a mortal?    


Therefore, even if Ye Suifeng was the Monarch of the mortal world, when Yang Qiu descended upon a beggar, the Monarch was merely a weed to the beggar.    


Ye Suifeng's expression became somewhat bitter. He stared at Elder Lin and spoke with a bitter voice.    


"Grandfather, I'm afraid that I will bring shame to Lin family if I go back like this. "    


Elder Lin looked at Ye Suifeng.    


"I will hire someone to protect you. You must respect this person. "    


Elder Lin's words made Ye Suifeng's heart twitch violently.    


Grandfather used two words.    






Given his grandfather's status, there was no need for him to say the word 'please' to anyone in the Hwa Country. As for respect, only respect was given to him. Since when was it his turn to respect others?    


Furthermore, he was already over eighty years old. Who was the person he needed to respect?    


Seeing Ye Suifeng's stunned expression, Elder Lin's eyes lit up. This detail was caught by Ye Suifeng. He asked the question he was most concerned about.    


"Who. . . Is this person?"    


Taking a deep look at Ye Suifeng, Elder Lin said lightly.    


"A strange person, a strange person who even I have to be respectful to. A very polite person. "    


When Elder Lin said this, his finger trembled slightly.    


"Forget it, I'll reveal a bit to you. Help me up. "    


Ye Suifeng quickly walked up and helped Elder Lin up from the chair. Elder Lin started to walk around the garden and said lightly:    


"What do you think of the two bodyguards that grandpa sent to you? How strong do you think they are?"    


Ye Suifeng looked at Elder Lin and nodded.    


"They are very strong. There is no one stronger than them in the whole country. "    


Elder Lin nodded and said.    


"Indeed, they are very strong. However, there are still many people who are more powerful than them. However, they are not ordinary people "    


"Not ordinary people?"    


"[That's right, they don't care about the world, they don't care about the outside world, they have a name, cultivator]"    



Ye Suifeng couldn't help but laugh.    


"Grandpa, are you joking?"    


Elder Lin looked at Ye Suifeng indifferently.    


"What I said is true. In this world. . . There is such a mysterious person. They are very powerful. No one knows. I suspect that. . . This Yang Qiu was such a person. That video. . . I saw it too. It's not something that can be done by human hands. If such a person wants to kill you. . . Indeed, you didn't even know how you died. "    


Ye Suifeng couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine.    


Elder Lin sighed.    


"I never thought that Shang Hai would be so full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. A young man is actually a cultivator. This can also explain why he has been a trash for so many years. Only by disguising himself like this can he deceive everyone. It seems like. . . There must be a teacher behind him. You have recruited a formidable opponent for the Lin family and Ye family. "    


Cold sweat suddenly flowed down from Ye Suifeng's body. He said in fear and trepidation.    


"Grandfather, I. . . !"    


Elder Lin nodded and smiled faintly.    


"What are you panicking about? Even though cultivators are powerful, but how powerful can a young man in his early twenties be? I'm only worried about the sect behind him, but from the looks of it, he doesn't have any background. Get ready and go back tomorrow "    


Ye Suifeng was overjoyed. He immediately bowed respectfully to the old man, then turned around and left.    


He knew that his grandfather had thoroughly investigated Yang Qiu in the past few days. Presumably, this was the limit of his means.    


Ye Suifeng's heart was burning when he thought about how he had almost fled. He was afraid that he had left a bad impression in the hearts of the wealthy families in the Jiangnan area.    


It was time for him to show his fangs when he returned.    


After Ye Suifeng left, Elder Lin circled around the garden once again before giving an order.    


"Prepare the carriage. "    


In the darkness of the garden behind him, a soft but clear voice sounded.    


"Yes, master. "    


A very ordinary Volkswagen brand car slowly drove out from the back door of the courtyard house and slowly drove into the main street from the alley. It then started to circle around the Ancient Imperial City. Half an hour later, the car arrived at a door on the right corner of the Ancient Imperial City.    


The Ancient Imperial City was called the Forbidden City in Dynasty, and now it was officially called the Forbidden City. It was a palace that only opened up a small part of the space to tourists. Many places were desolate, like haunted houses.    


Apart from a part that was open, in the right corner of the Ancient Imperial City, there was a palace that was clean and tidy. There was a large patch of bodhi trees outside the palace. They were usually shrouded in smoke and fragrance.    


As soon as they entered, they could hear the faint sound of chanting. It was a temple of lamas.    


After Elder Lin got out of the car, he entered a small, fat door of the palace with a pious attitude. After entering, he first bowed respectfully to a Buddha statue in front of the palace. Then, there was a Buddha statue that was no more than five or six years old. The little Lama, who looked like a jade carving, put his hands together and walked over. He spoke in a childish voice.    


"Master knows you are coming, come with me. "    


Elder Lin held his palms together respectfully towards a young monk who could make him have a grandson.    


"Thank you, Young Master. "    


The young monk didn't say anything else. He brought Elder Lin into the main hall.    


The main hall was very simple. There was still a Buddha statue, a few hassocks, and a skinny and rugged figure. The haggard face of the lama was meditating with its eyes closed.    


After Elder Lin went in, he knelt down towards one of the hassocks. The monk slightly opened his eyes and said in a deep voice:    


"I already know what you are begging me for. I only have one disciple. I'll lend it to you for three months. "    


Elder Lin kowtowed to express his gratitude, then respectfully said:    


"Living Buddha, can you tell me the origin of that person?"    


Lama's eyes flashed with two rays of light, and he suddenly let out two chuckles. His tone became somewhat uncertain:    


"One drink and one peck. Could it be that the heavens have decided? Back then, you gave me a place to settle down. . . Today, I will repay your kindness. From now on, I will not see you again. You, you will not see me. "    


Elder Lin sighed. He still wanted to say something, but the lama calmly said:    


"You have killing intent and greed in your heart. I can't help you. Please go back. "    


Elder Lin did not say anything else. He gave the old lama a deep look, then got up and left.    


After the young lama sent Elder Lin out, he turned around and came back. The old lama lifted his head with difficulty and looked at him. He said lightly:    


"Ten reincarnations of living and killing Buddha, go. This is your opportunity and also your fortune. "    


The young lama put his palms together and sang a mantra in the sky outside the hall.    


In the next moment, an incomparably mournful killing intent followed the mantra and soared into the sky.    


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