Super Little Farmer



0Next up on stage is Zhu Dantong, who is the managing director of the Nanwei Dutong Enterprise Group and vice president of Nanwei Dutong Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.    


I don't know when she got such a position. I remember that the company I originally worked for seemed to be called "Cloud Thunder Propagation". She was the general manager of that company at that time, but she started working here again at an unknown time. Later on, it seemed that regardless of whether it was the "Hall of Healing building" or the "Yun Lei Communication", they were both subsidiaries of the Zhu Family's "Zhitang Enterprise Group", and Zhu Dantong was the only daughter of Zhu Zhitang, so it was extremely important. From that point of view, it was as easy as playing with her to get a general manager.    


There was also a large crowd of people below the stage, including Zhu Zhitang, the chairman of the company; and two people beside him, Yue Tuo and Lu Ping, the director of the provincial reform committee; and behind them were several other leaders. Yue Tuo came to our site. Luo Jin told me about him. He was easy to recognize, almost like a Maitreya Buddha, short and fat, with a permanent smile on his face. The most memorable thing was his extremely sparse hair. Although it was a bit more than "Three Hair", it could absolutely be counted, yet it was not a bald head. It was precisely this kind of strangeness that made me memorize it with a single glance. That Lu Ping was a middle-sized middle-aged man. I also know Lu Ping, the last time he and Deputy Governor Guo Ming came to our site to inspect. He was the closest to Vice Governor Guo.    


It's just that I don't quite understand. Logically speaking, these people's positions were clearly above Zhu Dantong's, but he didn't know why they would go up on stage after her. There seemed to be something wrong.    


As I was wondering, I saw Zhu Danton greeting Lin Lang Williamson with a big smile, hugging Sally Williamson and Han Bing'er, and the three beauties quickly gathered together and started chatting in English, leaving Lin Lang Williamson to the side. Fortunately, Linlon Williamson was a gentleman, and he smiled at the three beauties.    


So that's how it was! Now I fully understand. Zhu Dantong stepped onto the stage first because of the William siblings and Han Bing'er. It was obvious that these people knew each other from the very beginning. Furthermore, they were all very familiar with each other.    


Looking at Zhu Dantong and the rest of them talking and laughing together, and thinking about her misunderstanding of me and her cold and disdainful attitude towards me, I couldn't help but bitterly smile. I wanted to shout into the sky to vent my anger!    


It doesn't matter if I don't raise my head. The moment I look up, I jump!    


Because, I clearly found that at the top of the opposite building, the tower crane that was designed to match today's activities was currently lifting a prefabricated concrete slab. As for the four steel cables that were tied to the precast concrete slab, one of them was about to break!    


Because the prefabricated concrete slab blocked the view of the people below, the people below could not see the danger at all; all they could see was the young man with the tower crane and me, who was in a state of boredom! The problem was that the guy on the tower crane was staring down at the three chatty beauties and didn't notice that the precast concrete slab was currently an extremely dangerous bomb! But if I call him, it's a distant, noisy call, and I'm afraid it won't do; moreover, even if I shout in agreement, the moment he activates the tower crane, it might immediately break the steel rope!    


Danger! Get out of the way! I panicked and shouted at the arena below! However, the commotion below was so great that no one heard anything!    


Danger! Too late! If that steel chain broke, the prefabricated concrete slab would definitely fall to the ground. Then, the person on the stage would definitely be smashed into a meat patty or a meat patty! Although I didn't like her, and even hated her a little, she obviously didn't want to die. As for the others, that wasn't even worth mentioning.    


I couldn't care about that anymore. I jumped up subconsciously and jumped down from the window in front of me that had no glass on it, heading straight for the stage!    


I jumped down from the sky and, using a large balloon on the side of the stage, flew towards the stage. Before I could land on the ground, I felt two strong gusts of wind rushing towards me. One went straight for my chest, the other went straight for my right arm!    


They were all experts! As I was descending, I immediately felt that the origins of these two strong gales weren't small. However, with my skill, it's not that hard to dodge. However, once he dodged it, the cement prefabricated plate would fall down and it would become a tragic sight. Too late! Gritting my teeth, I forcefully caught the two gusts of wind and continued to do what I wanted to do when I jumped out of the window.    


"Bam!" My right foot landed on the right shoulder of Lin Lang Williamson. Almost without any suspense, this handsome young Englishman flipped over from my kick and was sent flying, landing right in the middle of a pile of migrant workers.    


Almost at the same time, two strong gusts of wind landed on my body. The pain in my left chest and right arm was enormous. I know, at least one of my ribs are broken in my left chest, and my right arm should be broken as well! My chest suddenly felt stuffy and I felt a sweet and sour feeling in my heart. A fishy smell came from my internal organs as it gushed out from my mouth.    


As soon as I could, I almost unconsciously repressed the liquid. Almost at the same time, I spread out both of my arms, including the broken bones in my right arm, and pounced on the three beauties with all my might, wanting to throw them off the stage. At the same time, my right leg and left waist were hit by another gust of wind. However, I was unable to counterattack or dodge, so I could only grit my teeth and endure the two gusts of wind!    


I finally pounced on the three beauties at the side of the stage. On that side were ornamental bonsai landscapes. The moment I stepped down from the building, I had already thought of the procedure to save the three women. The moment I jumped off the stage, I held the three women tightly in my arms and turned around in midair, letting my body, which had been tempered in the mountains, rest on my body as best I could, protecting the three weak women from the pain of touching the ground.    


Usually, you have to do this action well, and it won't be difficult. When my father taught me, there was a reason for this action. It was called "Wukong Moon Hugging the Earth", a movement that belonged to the kung fu system. Back then, when I was learning this technique, I didn't know what it was used for. I only felt that it wasn't very elegant to roll around on the ground. But I had great faith in my father, whom I had long believed to have a reason for everything; and, living in the mountains, I did not reject the idea of rolling about on the ground; not only did I not reject it, but I felt strangely affectionate. Thus, despite my doubts, I learned this move seriously. That day, when I was competing with my brother, I picked up two sacks of rice each and practiced this action. I was completely successful! After all, two sacks of rice were almost two hundred kilograms!    


But today, it was obvious that I had some difficulties! Because, my chest is in extreme pain. My right arm has already been broken, and my waist and legs have both been severely injured! I can hardly help it!    


Almost subconsciously, I shouted and used all of my strength to put my arms in the middle and hugged the three people in my arms with all of my might …    




I fell heavily to the ground!    


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