Super Little Farmer



0Let me in. It was cold outside. There was an air conditioner on inside? No wonder it's so warm! Zhou Bing Jie ignored me and continued to walk into the house. She, who was still cold and tense outside the door, had finally returned to her normal state.    


Brother Yunzi, is this man sleeping while closing the door? I was out cold for a while. Zhou Bing Jie looked at me, smiling shyly as she asked.    


The questioner has no heart, the listener has no heart. My heart began to race, and the sweat came out.    


Zhou Bingjie leaned back slightly, closed the door, and locked it again as she scolded me.    


I panicked. When she knocked on the door, I had a bad feeling; then she came in like this, which made me feel more and more nervous; and now that she had closed the door, my heart was almost in my throat: This week's Icemountain, will she come for the same purpose as the Spirit?    


I looked at Zhou Bingjie. I was already familiar with her body. Looking at her now, she was still full of curves and curves. I swallowed. The bath that was ignited by the Spirit Child just now was ignited once again, and the thing that had been frightened down till it turned soft also rose up once again. However, I know that this is not the time for her to do such a thing. There is someone else in the closet in this room!    


Brother Yunzi, look at you!    


While I was looking at Zhou Bingjie, she seemed to have felt the burning look in my eyes and gently rebuked. Just as she said that, she reached out her hand and grabbed my arm. He giggled.    


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. However, her small hands are quite comfortable grabbing onto that thing of mine. After a while, he recalled the Spirit Child that was hidden in the closet. He couldn't help but feel weak and cold sweat trickled down his back. Just as she didn't know what to do, Zhou Bingjie said, "Yunzi ge, are you sweating?" Is the air conditioner too hot for so much perspiration?    


Ah, no, no. I was flustered and at a loss for what to do, so I could only stutter.    


That's not right, I don't think it's too hot? Zhou Bingjie once again spoke softly, as if she was feeling the temperature in the room. After a while, he laughed: "Yanzi, have you thought about it?" Heh, Bing Jie knows. Didn't Bing Jie come on her own accord? Heh, Bing Jie actually wants to go as well …    


I, I, what should I do? I felt a little dizzy, and my mind turned to mush. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but I was extremely touched. I was just about to say something when Zhou Bingjie pulled down my underwear and started stroking it. After a while, he noticed that Dong Dong was getting stronger and stronger. Then, he gently smiled and said, "Brother Yunzi, we …"    


He only said the first few words and didn't say it again. I was flustered, of course, but at the same time very comfortable. Zhou Bingjie leaned into my arms and whispered into my ear, "Yunzi, carry me to my bed …"    


I was finally speechless, and my heart was beating faster and faster. This Zhou Bingjie was actually a demon as well. I thought her sister Zhou Yajie was, but now it seems she is too.    


Thinking of this, I subconsciously held the girl tightly in my arms. I exerted more strength and picked her up. However, I didn't move towards the bed. Instead, I just stood on the spot and held her tightly. There was still a spirit in the cabinet, so I didn't dare take Zhou Bingjie to bed to do it. Even though I want to do it now.    


A cake seller!    


I suddenly screamed in my heart.    


It turned out that when I picked her up, my right hand lifted her plump buttocks. I could clearly feel the pleasurable flesh. I bet she wasn't wearing those panties. In other words, the undergarments Zhou Bingjie was wearing were completely empty. She did not have a D cup bra, nor did she have a pair of pink underwear!    


I'll bathe in fire! I'm in pain! My body is swelling! I...    


Brother Yunzi, carry me to bed …    


Zhou Bingjie, who was lying in my arms, had a bright red face and closed her eyes. She looked especially alluring. I couldn't help swallowing again. However, I had to say it in a soft voice, "Bing Jie, it's not good tonight …"    


Of course!    


Zhou Bingjie did not know the reason behind my words, and said softly. Seeing that I was still hesitating, she smiled lightly and pulled up her undergarment with one hand …    


A cake seller!    


Her snow-white mountain was right in front of my eyes!    


Yunzi, do you want to eat? Hee, do you want Bing Jie to feed you? The way Zhou Bingjie looked at me while staring at her cat seemed to have already guessed that this would happen. She chuckled lightly and suggested.    


I finally couldn't stand it anymore, and I took the pink grape and sucked it up. Zhou Bingjie seemed to enjoy it and wanted to cry out, but she seemed to have some misgivings. In the end, she didn't say anything and just held my head tightly. I held her on the bed while I smoked. The blood rushed to her head and she stopped sucking. Her hands moved quickly, and with her active cooperation, she took off all of Zhou Bing's clothes in two hits.    


Her body was truly beautiful. I couldn't help but stare.    


Zhou Bingjie felt a bit embarrassed and said, "Yunzi, what are you looking at?"    


Beautiful, I murmured. Really beautiful. Saying that, she lowered her head, wanting to go back to her mountain peak. Before he could bend his body, the door creaked again. It was obvious that someone was knocking on the door again!    


F * ck me!    


What was going on?    


Zhang Yun, this is Dan Tong. Open the door. It was Zhu Dantong's voice outside.    


My heart almost jumped out of my chest. Of course, that Zhou Bingjie was the same. The tempting, nosebleed-inducing atmosphere instantly froze. Of course I straightened up and helped Zhou Bing Jie stand up.    


Luckily, my underwear hadn't completely fallen off before Zhou Bing Jie gently lifted it up for me. Then, she returned to her original state, gesturing for me to adjust it myself before replying. Of course, I did as she said, whispering to the door: Wait a minute, it's here!    


When I looked at Zhou Bingjie again, it was too late.    


It turned out that this Zhou Bingjie, in the instant I replied, had already wrapped her arms around the undergarment that she had just taken off. She aimed at my hanging wardrobe and opened it!    


But in the closet stood the same naked, with her arms around her clothes, and now she was looking at her with a flushed face. Zhou Bingjie wasn't expecting such a scene. She was shocked and looked straight at the spirit child.    


Luckily, I reacted quickly. I moved close to Zhou Bingjie's ear and whispered, "You go in first. If you have anything to say, we can talk about it later."    


Zhou Bing Jie's beautiful eyes looked at me, full of grievance, confusion and hatred. My heart went cold, but there was nothing I could do. I gave her a light pat on the butt and said, Blizzard, trust me.    


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