Super Little Farmer



0I felt that ever since that incident, Romer had not taken the initiative to greet me, and many things would have preferred to avoid me. Only when I was eating did I meet her face to face. Still, she avoided me, often driving away on the pretext of feeding Etten.    


And the figures on my books continued to grow. By the afternoon of the 30th of the new year, I had confirmed that I had 310 million yuan in cash on my books, of which 45 million yuan was mine!    


At this point, I felt that money was almost a number to me, I did not get much of a sense of reality. However, I was a little depressed over Romer's sudden unfamiliarity with me. However, there was nothing I could do about it. I do not wish to explain much about this aspect, so I let it be.    


Time passed quickly and in the blink of an eye, it was already the sixth day of the first month. For the past few days, I've been just looking at the various fresh supermarkets and greeting some friends on the phone, such as He Guoqian and others. Just like that.    


On the sixth day of the first month, Confucius and Yukiko came back at noon. Not long after noon, Zhou Yajie and Zhou Bingjie also arrived. Ronnie returned in the evening. As for Ye Shuzhen, of course, she came back every night. Although she came back very late, she usually came back. I didn't see her for the rest of the evening, except to call on her in her room. Even that night, I felt so tired that I couldn't bear to say more. Today, on the sixth day of the first month, everyone had gathered. Ye Shuzhen finally had time to relax, and Aitin could finally get up and move around slowly. Of course, I ordered our chef to prepare a sumptuous dinner to welcome everyone. At dinnertime I added that, from tomorrow, the seventh day of the first month, each of us would return to his old job, taking over from Ye Shuzhen and me. I also indicated that, from tomorrow onwards, I would go out to rest with Romel, and that Ye Shuzhen would have to take over the shift and rest at that time. Everyone had no objections and accepted it one by one.    


That night, when everyone was asleep, I sneaked into Zhou Bingjie's room. No matter what her attitude was, I didn't say anything. I just kept going in and out of her body, tormenting her. My body has already fully recovered. After holding it in for so long, I need a girl now. Zhou Bingjie had already fallen asleep. Just as I entered her blanket, she woke up and saw me. She was clearly struggling in anger, but I did not care about her. I knew she was resisting, and it must have been the night that made her a little angry. Sure enough, I forcefully entered her body and kept moving. She finally gave up on resisting, and in the end she actually started to cooperate with me. After my fifth orgasm, she finally caught her breath and gave me a hard look. You're an enemy. She didn't say anything else, but I knew she meant I had her sister. It was her sister who had been messing with me, but I didn't want to pester her any further. I just sent her to fairyland once more, touched her back a few times, and when she fell asleep, I sneaked out and sneaked into her room. It was obvious that the spirit child was a little tired. She only reacted when I took off her pants, causing her to fall into a dead sleep. She wanted to scream, but when she realised it was me, she didn't make a sound. Instead, she cooperated with me with some excitement. Of course, I sent her to the climax three times. Under her coquettish laughter, she once again left the room and entered Zhou Yajie's room. Zhou Yajie slept even more soundly. I even caressed her for a while, but she didn't feel anything. When he woke up, of course, he was still sound asleep. Of course, I didn't care about her. I directly entered her body and started tormenting her. She was finally awakened by me, with a coquettish "It's too long a run," and then she told me to hurry up and take a step forward, and of course I was happy to do so. This time it was me who was with her at the climax. I sprayed all the essence that I had stored up for months into her body before I pulled out my body and went back to my room to rest.    


The next day, of course, I got up late. When I woke up to eat breakfast, I found that Ling Zi and Zhou Yajie had just woken up. Zhou Bingjie was even still sleeping. The other women were long gone. Of course I was glad to be in Zhou Bingjie's room again, dressing her and taking advantage of her. Originally, Zhou Bingjie might have been full of anger towards me, but after being touched by me last night and being petted this morning, she was extremely beautiful. Not only is there no anger, I'm sure that the eyes you're looking at me with, are completely filled with affection!    


After breakfast, although we all felt guilty, now that the three of them had been petted and I was satisfied and refreshed, we all sat down happily and chatted, of course, about the New Year. Soon, it would be noon. The other women had all returned. After lunch, the four of us went to the table, but we didn't have much to eat. After a short rest, we packed our bags and left. Rommel was still indifferent to me, but he didn't object to going with me, and he took the initiative to get into the driver's seat. That afternoon, we arrived at Jingshan City. I saw that it was already late, so I decided to stay close to the city.    


Fortunately, before I left, I greeted He Guoqian. He used his methods to prepare a room for me at the Spring River Hotel's Thornhill branch. Only after getting a room card from the main station did I realize that we had only prepared a standard double room!    


I didn't feel good, because I was afraid that Romel would misunderstand me, so I called for another room. Maybe we came here a little bit, or maybe the hotel's business is so good that we don't have any other rooms. I didn't say anything. I didn't care if Romel looked into my eyes. I led her directly to the 18th floor, entered her room and settled her down. Then, I headed out by myself. Just as I was about to open the door, Rommel stopped me and asked me what I was doing outside. Of course I told the truth: I would find a guest house nearby and spend the night there. Romel was silent for a moment. When I refused, she said I was "wasteful," and again that it was a lack of confidence. I was finally speechless and agreed to join her. He thought to himself, It's only for one night, nothing will happen.    


Only when he had completely calmed down did he remember that he had not eaten dinner. He then invited Rommel to a roadside restaurant near the hotel for a meal before returning to the hotel. I did so well that night that I did not scratch Rommel, but slept soundly. The next morning, we went straight back to our old mountain. By the middle of the year, we had reached our mountain and parked at the mouth of a cave I knew so well. Romel and I walked up the hill.    


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