Super Little Farmer



0When I woke up the next morning, Rommel was long gone. I didn't care. I was still in her bed, having a good night's sleep. He didn't get up until around 11 in the morning. The lunch was to be eaten with the family of He Guoqian's brother-in-law. In the afternoon, I continued to plan my own affairs. I kept having the feeling that there was something about the matter regarding the road repair that Xie Yuting mentioned that I missed. However, every time I thought about it, I still couldn't come up with a definitive answer.    


At dinner that evening, everyone came. Because everyone was tired, most of them went back to their rooms to rest after dinner. Romel was more beautiful today than ever because of my nourishment; but she had obviously slept late last night, and had risen earlier, and had had a hard day, and was feeling sleepy now. I just looked at her with a profound look, and she seemed to understand my apology. She blushed a little and gave me a soft look, not daring to look at the others any longer. She went back to her room alone. This made Ye Shuzhen, Yingzi, Zhu Dantong and the others look at him meaningfully. As for the others, they didn't seem to be paying attention to this and were just eating seriously. My face turned slightly hot and I quickly finished my meal. Under the complicated gazes of the ladies, I quickly left the villa.    


Tonight, Su Hua's Bar was as lively as it used to be. When I entered the bar, I only glanced at the beautiful woman who was sitting in her usual place. Who else could it be other than Sister Liu?    


He walked over and sat down on the opposite side of the table. Apparently, Liu Lianyu was thinking about something. After a while, she raised her head. She seemed to realize that someone was sitting in front of her, so she was slightly startled. After a while, he seemed to have seen that the person who came was me and a trace of happiness was written on his face. And I could see a light in her eyes.    


I didn't say anything. I just smiled, opened a glass, gave her a toast, and went back to drinking. Liu Liangyu just looked at me with a smile. After I finished this glass, she picked up her glass and drank it all in one gulp.    


Long time no see. "No," I said. Keep looking at her.    


The girl in front of him was still as beautiful as before. She wore a proper casual attire, making her look especially harmonious. She's about thirty years old, I'd guess, but she still has that kind of charm. Her tall and straight chest, her slim waist, everything matched beautifully. From what I can see, her breasts are probably no smaller than those of Rommel and the others. He couldn't tell that a girl of that age was still so plentiful.    


I sighed in my heart. Such a woman, she was truly an exceptional one.    


As he thought of this, he started to curse at himself again. I've already seen those girls, but I'm still thinking about the breasts of other girls. He only calmed down a little after cursing at himself. After a while, he recalled his purpose of coming here. As his mind raced, he also had a plan.    


Liu Liangyu smiled and nodded at me, while looking at me carefully. After a while, he smiled and said, "Zhang Yun, you're rich?"    


Where? Just better than before. "No," I said. She paused for a moment before saying, "Sister Liu, I came today because I have a request for you."    


Oh? What do you want from me? Tell me about it? Liu Lianyu was obviously very curious about my suggestion, so she asked immediately.    


I helped her fill up the glass and drank another cup. Then, I gave a detailed account of my current situation. Liu Liangyu listened attentively and did not interrupt. Only when I had finished telling him about the tourist attraction and the hype at the Gadfly mountain did he look at me with a smile and look at me seriously for a long time. After a while, she smiled and said, "Sister Liu did not misjudge me." You're a promising boy. After pausing for a moment, he continued, "I've seen the news both times. At that time, I felt that something was wrong. Now, I understand that it was you who did it." However, this method is not bad. You have financial intelligence! Alright, what do I need Sister Liu to do?    


When I heard those words, I was overjoyed. I knew that I had succeeded tonight's matter. At this point, I quietly explained in detail what I had imagined: that the attraction I had asked her company to set up was the original ecological feature; that it was a series of vegetables; that it was a series of unique landscapes, especially the three great landscapes; and that it was an ecological drift. As for the proceeds, my company has signed a contract with her company for a 50% discount.    


Alright! I'll do as you say! When Liu Lianyu heard that I had finished speaking, she didn't think much and immediately expressed her opinion. With her opinion, I was able to work on my task, so I continued to discuss some details with her. Fortunately, she is an expert in this field and was able to settle the matter after a few moves. She only wants me to go to her company tomorrow to sign an agreement. I nodded in agreement. When we were done, we sat for a while and then went out together. Tonight, I really am the one who took Sister Liu home, but I was the one who took her home in her car. She asked me to drive the car. As soon as I got in, she asked if I could drive, and when I got my driver's license and knew how to drive, she got into the passenger seat without a word and I had to drive her. Outside her villa, we all got out of the car.    


Come to my house? After getting out of the car, before I could do anything, Mrs Liu sent an invitation with a smile. I thought it might be too late, so I declined and said I would come back next time. Liu Lingyu didn't try to persuade him otherwise and went into the house. I gave her the key, but she wouldn't take it and told me to drive home. I was stunned. However, she continued, since you're coming to my office tomorrow, you can pick me up. I thought it made sense, so I said no more and watched her go into the house and get in the car.    


When he got home, it was already late at night. However, I was a little agitated. Even after taking a bath, I was still unable to sleep. I turned on the computer and drafted out the contents of the agreement for tomorrow.    


I was typing seriously when I suddenly felt someone around me. He turned his head and saw that indeed. No one else, but Zhu Dantong, my nominal girlfriend. She's making me tea. Somehow, facing her pure and kind gaze, I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.    


No wonder. She was my girlfriend, but I had a relationship with a few other girls, and a few of them were her best friends!    




I sighed in my heart, stood up and took her tea. I thanked her, and said, 'I am drafting an agreement. We have just reached an agreement tonight, and we will sign it tomorrow. Oh right, why aren't you sleeping?    


Zhu Dantong did not answer. She just stood there looking carefully. After a while, she softly said, "I'm waiting for you." Aren't you awake too?    


I sighed in my heart. I am different from her. I haven't been sleeping, and seeing her like this, wearing a nightgown, I'm afraid she woke up again in her sleep! He felt warm inside and said gently, "My situation is different from yours, and it's more urgent." If that's the case, you can go rest first. Don't worry.    


Zhu Dantong nodded and turned around. But a moment later I realized something was wrong, because instead of going back to her room, she went straight to my bed and sat down!    


Ah? She's sleeping in my bed tonight? She wants to sleep with me?    


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