Super Little Farmer



0Seeing me staring at her, Zhu Dantong's face reddened, as if she was experiencing the shock and the thoughts in her head. But even so, she didn't flinch. Instead, she sat on my bed as usual and smiled at me. Yunzi, I'm your girlfriend.    


I had nothing to say. A moment later, her heart was beating faster for Zhu Dantong, who slightly lifted her legs and placed them on the edge of the bed.    


Because I'm sure that Zhu Dantong, who came to my room with me in her nightgown, is not wearing any undergarments!    


Her breasts were as bulging as ever. I could even clearly see the slight bulge on the pair of drums; and as for the hem of the nightgown, the white thighs glowed with an enchanting brilliance that filled one with innumerable fantasies!    


Nothing else, this woman was exceptionally beautiful! No, not only was it beautiful, it was especially tempting!    


I swallowed. He didn't dare to look at her again, nor did he dare to persuade her to return to her room. Instead, he turned around and continued his work. However, by the time I had completed all the plans, it would probably be around four in the morning. When he looked at Zhu Dantong again, she was already asleep. With a sigh, I gently carried her to the middle of the bed and covered her with something before leaving the room and falling asleep on her bed.    


The next day, at some point, I felt a little awake from some sound or movement, but I was still so tired in my head that I wanted to sleep. I slightly opened my eyes, but I was surprised. I didn't feel sleepy at all!    


Nothing else, because in front of me is a perfect woman's body, without a trace of a woman's body!    


I tried to move, but I couldn't. His brain was short-circuited, but he quickly reacted. It turned out that Zhu Danton had gone back to her room to change her clothes!    


As expected, she was not wearing anything under her nightgown! Moreover, she didn't seem to care about the image in front of me. Or perhaps, she only dared to change her clothes when she thought that I was still asleep!    


Bra. Little underwear. Meat lace undergarments... One by one, Zhu Dantong slowly added them. She didn't even feel like she had a pair of eyes like mine to look at!    


I'm sure this Zhu Dantong is the best! Not any less than Zhou Bingjie, Zhou Yajie, or the Spirit, or Ronnie or Romel. That waist, that thigh, that chest, every part of it was extremely wonderful!    


For some reason, I suddenly felt a little flustered. After a while, I realized that it wasn't good, because I could already feel that my next words had become forceful! Knowing that it wasn't a matter of fact and feeling terrible about it, I pretended to stretch on the bed in case I had to embarrass myself in front of her. I turned my body to the side and barely managed to cover my tracks. Zhu Dantong was obviously surprised, but after a while she calmed down and continued putting on her clothes calmly. After putting on some makeup, he kissed me once before quietly leaving.    


I don't know how I got through it. It took a while for her to wake up completely. As he thought back to Zhu Dantong's beautiful figure, he thought about his own thoughts. Then I remembered what I had to do during the day, and I didn't get up until everything was quiet outside.    


When I got to Liu Liangyu's place, I signed the cooperation agreement with her with almost no effort at all. She even completely accepted my suggestion. This matter was handled smoothly, which surprised me a little. He sighed, "Having acquaintances is easy to do." At the same time, he had a faint feeling that the story behind this wouldn't be so simple! However, as of right now, I don't need to think about it too much. I just need to do something.    


The wine was dry. I went out on my own in the midst of Mrs. Liu's blessings.    


The matter over here had finally come to an end. However, what made me at a loss whether to laugh or to cry was that, of course, when I returned to the villa, I met an old acquaintance who I hadn't met for a long time.    


When I met this one at the door of my own house, I was almost shocked. I can't imagine how she found me! Even though there were ten thousand questions in her heart, she could not find anything to ask when she saw her expression. That is all, for this beautiful woman from England, who had been half-crouching outside my door, almost jumped to her feet at the sight of me, and then threw herself into my arms with delight! Even though that hot and spicy body made every man want to embrace her in his arms, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't want to do this, or perhaps I'm not mentally prepared to believe it at all!    


However, this beautiful young lady from the other side of the ocean obviously didn't care about my rejection as she resolutely threw herself into my embrace. The breasts, which were clearly more ample than Zhou Bingjie's, Confucius's, or Zhu Dantong's, were pressed against my chest. I couldn't, and while I wondered what she meant, I embraced her and patted her on the shoulder.    


After a while, the beautiful young girl finally calmed down. Of course, I couldn't stay out much longer, so I opened the door to the living room and ushered Sally Williamson into the hall. He Guoqian's sister served her tea. Sally took a sip and calmed herself down. Then, she smiled at me and said, "Luck, I've finally found you!" Good luck, I want to be your woman!    


I hadn't really understood the first sentence, but the second sentence had left me in a daze for a long time. My understanding is not bad. I think that this beautiful woman from across the ocean probably doesn't understand the true principles of the Chinese language and said those words wrongly. He smiled at her. However, the beautiful English woman did not let her words go unnoticed: "Luck, I will marry you, be your woman, and bear your children!" Good luck, I want to sleep with you everyday!    




This time it was my turn to drop my teacup!    


I doubt if I heard it! But I'm sure I didn't hear wrong! And I'm sure, she said so clearly, that now I really understand what she means! From the very beginning, she hadn't been wrong!    


Seeing my stupefied expression, Sally threw herself into my arms and hugged my arms tightly, completely ignoring the unprecedented pleasure that her extremely large breasts were giving to my arms: Good luck! Sally loves you! Sally will never leave you!    


I tried to get away from her, but it was a struggle, and I had to give up. After a final thought, he no longer tried to shirk her and gently embraced her. My embrace clearly had a great effect on Sally, who was now calming down. After a few moments of careful communication, I finally found out where she came from. She secretly came to Hua Xia under the orders of her family, and especially her father, to find me!    


There was only one reason, to avoid marriage!    


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