Super Little Farmer



0His heart skipped a beat, and in his mind appeared the alluring and sexy image of Liu Lianyu. Especially that plump chest, that alluring buttocks, no matter how you look at them, they attract my attention!    


However, after a short moment, I started to blush again. Pui, am I even human? She was my big sister, and now she was my partner, and I was looking at her body! If she were to know that I had such an unbearable thought right now, she would probably ignore me no longer. And me, isn't this a little too extravagant? There were still a few left at home, and now they were looking at another one! How could this work?    


After some discussion, he calmed down. He thanked her, hung up, and went to rest. The rest of the time was spent either thinking about his own matters or helping to take care of those businesses. Very well, everything is on track. Although the Gadfly Mountain trip had caused him to draw a lot of money from various sources, after more than a month of development, he was able to return to his original state in all aspects, and each of them had its own developments.    


Two days passed quickly. Liu Liangyu finally brought me good news. Her travel agency finally took over the first list of teams. A team of 37 people was coming to my Gadfly Mountain. The full ticket price was set. I almost jumped with joy and hurried to thank him. Liu Liangyu, feeling my excitement on the phone, told me another piece of news. According to the current reservation, there would be more tourists to Gadfly Mountain in the future. I thank you again. After hanging up, he dialed Ronnie's number and informed her of the situation. She was happy there, too. After all, this was the first guild list. Although he had previously accepted some orders, they were all small orders. And with the temperature rising, summer coming, this kind of situation should happen more often in the future! Reiko was with Ronnie, and when she heard the news, she answered the phone and spoke to me. After chatting for a while, the spirit told me that the cement factory was now using the Gadfly Mountain brand, which had opened up in the local market. According to the news that Deputy Director Guo had given her this morning, she was afraid that she already had a 70% market share in their county's cement market. This time, it was my turn to be taken aback. I never expected the development to be so fast. Although 70% of the market share of a county is nothing for other factories, but for my factory, it is a very good result! However, I'm a bit curious. I spoke with Old Guo on the phone this morning, but he didn't say anything about it. After thinking about it for a moment, I understood. Old Guo was a man of his word and never spoke nonsense. Not to me, but to him, I was the boss, and he was working for me; but to the Spirit, the Spirit, like him, belonged to the generation that worked for me, and to the Spirit, he was under no psychological pressure, not to mention that he and the Spirit were both from the Gadfly Mountain.    


Thinking of this, I smiled bitterly. Come to think of it, he did not know the true relationship between the spirit child and me! Then I thought, I'll have to find a way to tell him, and tell me this sort of thing in the future.    


After a few more casual conversations with the two of them, I hung up and told everyone the good news. Everyone was naturally happy. I left them to their own amusement and went to bed early. In the evening, when everyone had gone to bed, he slipped straight into Romel's room and spread the excitement of the day over her. Rommel just took it comfortably and let me do what I wanted.    


Starting the next day, I began to push harder. Almost every day, I visit a tourist club, negotiate with them, and sign agreements with them. It was a good thing that there were a lot of information provided to me in all aspects, including the news from South Wei Television, including the news from Central TV, including the promotions provided by Ye Shuzhen's supermarket, including the promotions provided by the restaurant where Romer stayed, and even the promotions provided by He Guoqian and the other hotels, all of which were of great help to me. I let this series of tourist clubs decide that the Dadan Mountain is a well-deserved and unique place to travel. If you have something to look at, you can recommend the mountain to the tourists and they will earn a lot of money. One by one, the various travel agencies finally signed a cooperation agreement with me.    


The scales are finally tilting in my direction …    


With the first order, there would be the second order. The next month saw a rapid development of ecotourism in the Gadfly Mountains. At the moment, the average number of visitors was four thousand a day, and on the most recent day, there were twelve thousand! To my greater delight, all the travel agencies now agreed that I had not deceived them; for those who came to the Gadfly Mountain, admiring and admiring, had indeed made a great deal of money from it!    


The situation was getting better and better, and more and more travel agencies were making important recommendations to the mountain. Ronnie couldn't stay in the redwoods for long because of her work on the satellite channel. After I suggested it, she found a few talents in the area, including Ying Zi's sister-in-law, and asked them to take responsibility for one thing and one thing only for her. It was only then that she relaxed and returned to Jing Chu with her spirit child. I was also very happy to learn that they were coming back, so I called Aiten, Zhou Bingjie, and Zhou Yajie to come back. When they heard my tone, the three of them laughed. They knew that I was going to have a good time, so they agreed and said that they would come back tonight by plane.    


After making all these arrangements, I went to rest. In the evening, everyone came back. At dinner, I introduced my thoughts. That is, at this rate of development, I am sure that the initial investment of 10 million yuan will be fully retracted by August. Because in the current situation, not only had the 500,000 yuan from the cement factory been retracted, it had also earned almost 500,000 yuan. With the opening of this cement factory, I made the most of the local resources. The initial capital of more than ten million yuan, I actually spent no more than seven million yuan, and the remaining three million yuan, in addition to the more than one million yuan that I had always kept in my account, was invested in Gadfly Mountain to develop other subsidiary industries, such as the tourist caravan. Now, with tourism as the core, the average gross profit per day would be over 80,000 yuan, and the extra time would be close to 200,000 yuan per day. In this way, with this rate of development, within the next four months, the gross income would surpass 10 million yuan. Excluding the necessary costs, the profit should be over 7 million yuan. In other words, from September onwards, all of the income would be pure profit! According to a daily calculation of 100,000 yuan, it could still last for a month. By the middle of October, the floating stopped and the income would be reduced accordingly. However, there should still be regular tourism income. That was to say, by the end of this year, the net profit from this trip to the Gadfly Mountain could reach more than three million yuan!    


At this point, my heart bloomed with joy. In this way, I have a new moneymaking machine at my disposal! When everyone heard this, they were also very excited.    


This dinner can be a great feast. I got a little drunk and somehow got into bed. When he woke up in the middle of the night, he was somewhat thirsty. When he woke up to drink tea, he felt that something was wrong. In the dim light from the bedside lamp, I discovered that I was naked, and on my bed there seemed to be three women in the same condition as me.    


Ah? How could this be?    


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