Super Little Farmer



0Once again, Yukiko nodded seriously. When I was sure it was true, I threw myself on her and held her tight, a beautiful woman full of wisdom and youthful vigor.    


Yunzi, everyone is here! After being hugged like this, that Ying Zi's face immediately turned red. She immediately gave me a light push and said softly. I finally reacted. When I looked back, I saw that all of the ladies were giggling as they looked at me. The old man's face burned with an inexplicable heat, and he knew that he had been too excited. He quickly let go and poured a cup of warm water on the table for Yukiko to drink, then pulled her to my seat. Yinzi's face was still red, but she finally drank some warm water and sat down. Everyone just smiled and stared at her. After a short rest, Yukiko began to explain her situation.    


As a matter of fact, her duties had always been heavy, and she was in charge of both financial and human resources. At my request, she has been preparing for the new company. After internal distribution, recruitment, hiring three ways, all the people have arrived, until I announced, can be put into operation. However, there were two people who'd never received an accurate answer.    


One was Mr. Zeng Chuntai, a professor at Nanwei University. Although he had a variety of identities, the only one he currently recognized was that of a professor of civil engineering at the School of Architecture at the University of South West. "He was one of the leading teachers of my two elective majors at the university, and the younger brother of Professor Zeng Chun, known as" Nan Zeng Bei Li "." Professor Zeng Chungan is the authority of the economics world, and is also the tutor of my beautiful and unmarried sister-in-law, Sister Guo Qing, who studied as a graduate student. However, I am not sure whether Sister Guo Qing is reading or not. According to the school, Professor Zeng Chungan is also known as Da Ceng, and his younger brother, Zeng Chuntai, is the absolute authority of our province, or even the entire country, and is known as Little Ceng.    


The other one is the vice principal of the South Wei Province's City Construction Academy, Professor Rhodes, who is also one of the authority in the construction of roads and bridges in our province. What was rare was that although he mainly attacked the road bridge construction, he was in the same class as Mr. Zeng Chuntai, who was in the same field as Mr. Tsang Chun-tai, who was in the same field. The two of them had a good relationship.    


When my proposal for road repair was put forward, I always felt that there were certain aspects of it that were lacking. After discussing with Yinzi and a few others, I finally found out that the shortage of talent, especially professional talent, is my biggest problem. Later, the beautiful policewoman, Yi Jing, suggested that I might. She even suggested that I should call Professor Rhodenbarr. This immediately resonated with me. In the past week, I've been on my way to Jingkou to find this expert. After stating my purpose for coming here, Professor Luo didn't show it. He neither confirmed nor denied, only telling me to come back first. After returning home, I talked to Yi Jing about this situation. Yi Jing just smiled and didn't say anything. Zeng Haiying, who was with her, suggested that there was another expert in the province, one of Zeng Chuntai's. I could also give it a try. Professor Zeng, I have been in contact with him since I was a student. I know him well, and he appreciates me very much. It's just that I'm a little worried that he's an academic leader in a small company like mine. However, Zeng Haiying only encouraged me. I also specially went to find Professor Zeng. Although I knew him well, and although he admired my youth, he, like Professor Luo, did not give a clear answer to my request.    


Over the next few days, I went to each of the professors. Although I was not able to promise them much in material terms, my thinking, my preparation, my forward-looking analysis, my feasibility analysis were prepared in great detail, with detailed oral statements and written communications to the two authorities. As a result, the two professors agreed that they wanted to meet, and that the meeting would take place this morning to determine their target of action.    


To tell the truth, my heart has been hanging. Of course, it would be best if these two were to move at the same time, but in my heart I was sure that if I could get one of them to move, I would have been virtuous in my previous life. What I was most worried about was that after all these discussions between these two people, no one would be able to get involved with them.    


I am not afraid of trouble. Besides, I have already made up my mind. If they do not come, I will continue to work hard.    


Knowing that the two of them were discussing this morning, I asked Yukiko, who had been running with me for the past few days, to stay there this morning. And now, it was clear that Yinzi was sending me a letter of joy, for both of them had agreed to come to me at the same time!    


Although I always felt that it wasn't that simple behind the scenes, I was still very happy. It could be seen that everyone sitting in the hall was very happy. That happy smile on their faces was not something they could fake!    


However, when I looked around, I always felt that Yi Jing and Zeng Haiying were looking at each other and smiling the brightest. However, at the moment, I couldn't be bothered with all that. I was so excited that I immediately sent a text message to the two old people to express my gratitude and continued my meeting.    


With the support of my technology, I felt a bit more at ease. This was software, but not as hard as hardware. As long as one had money, they could basically get the hardware; this software might not be able to do it. Even if one had money, it might not be able to do it! But it was different now. The software had been set!    


Then, looking at the situation in front of me, there is only one thing left for me to do, and that is for the standing committee of Jingchu City to discuss the resolution. I have nothing to lose if I fail; if I pass, it is a challenge to me. If one were to say whether there would be profits after passing the examination, that might not be so. However, there is a possibility that there is, and according to my deductions, a very high probability that there would be. That is to say, I am betting that after these roads are repaired, the land on both sides of the road will be used. If that happens, the price of the land will rise and I will be able to earn some money. Not only could he earn a lot of money, he could at least save some money or raise the value within the range that he was given. Although I didn't have a 100% chance of winning, in my subconscious, I believed that it was completely possible.    


With this thought in mind, he turned his gaze to Ronnie, Romel, Xie Yating, and Zhu Dantong. To be honest, these four girls were the main reason why the resolution was made twice on the Standing Committee of the Jingchu Municipal Committee. From a purely professional point of view, Zhu Dantong produced a feasibility analysis report with detailed information. On the other hand, Xie Yitian discussed from the legal point of view. Although she didn't say it explicitly, her words hinted that this was a very practical and legal case. As for Ronnie and Romer, they used their own resources to directly hand over the document to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee and the Secretary of the Municipal Committee of Jing and Chu, He Ping. Of course, the Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Committee of Jing and Chu, the Mayor of Jing and Chu, as well as the Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Committee and the Secretary of the Municipal Political and Law Committee of Jing and Jing, Yi Shuiming, each had their own copy. Otherwise, no matter how good the text was and how much it suited the interests of the city government and people, it would not have been discussed by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee twice in such a short period of time. I think there are at least three meanings to this situation: first, that the two sisters are really close friends; second, that the contents of my paper are really tempting; and third, that some of the leaders in this city really want to do something!    


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