Super Little Farmer



0The first to alight was a tall and sturdy middle-aged man with a kind face. Seeing me approach him, Director Tan didn't wait for me to speak. He smiled and said, "Little Zhang?"    


I nodded, guessing that he was Secretary Zhang Mingzheng from the provincial committee. I immediately smiled and said, "Nice to meet you, Secretary Zhang!"    


The clerk nodded with a smile, reached out to me, and shook my hand. Then, as if to introduce me to the people behind him, he leaned back; and suddenly, as if he were looking at something behind me, he smiled behind me and walked slowly. I turned my head in surprise. Secretary Zhang stepped forward and shook hands with Professor Zeng, then with Professor Luo. In the end, he half supported Professor Zeng. I was stunned and thought to myself, Secretary Zhang is rather approachable. He also seemed to respect the old man very much. After a while, he realized that the two of them seemed to be very familiar with each other. Taking a closer look, it seemed like this secretary was very respectful to Old mister Zeng!    


What was going on?    


I was just about to say something when I was once again stunned by the scene in front of me. Because I could clearly see a group of people surrounding Secretary Zhang and Professor Zeng and Professor Luo. They were either taking notes with their notebooks or taking pictures with their cameras. In the middle of them, there was a familiar figure. That beautiful figure, that beautiful face … if it wasn't Ronnie, then who else could it be? He was holding a microphone as well, followed by a photographer who was taking pictures of Secretary Zhang, Old Professor Zeng and Old Professor Luo. Looking at her microphone's logo, it was actually the South Wei Television Station's logo. Only then did she realize what had happened. She had come with the secretary of the provincial council to do a news interview.    


I gave a bitter laugh and looked at her, but met her sly gaze back at me. I sighed in my heart, a wave, a warm smile, and without looking at her, I took a few steps to her side. Ronnie turned away from me. But I could clearly see the happy smile on her face. Just as I was about to say something, the secretary, along with two professors, Zeng and Luo, came over and greeted me, and introduced the people who followed him. At this time, I was surprised to find that none of the people who came with Secretary Zhang were ordinary people: the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee, Deputy Governor Yu Kaiyuan; the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee, Secretary General of the Provincial Committee, Xiong Gang; the Committee of the Provincial Committee, Standing Secretary He Ping; the Director of the Provincial Development and Reform Committee, Ma Xianggao; the Director of the Provincial Development and Reform Department, Lin Dong Dong; the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Construction Hall, Wu Zheng Zheng; the Deputy Secretary of the Jingchu Municipal Committee, the Secretary of the Political and Law Committee of the Jingchu Municipal Committee;    


F * ck me!    


They were all powerful people!    


Under Secretary Zhang's introduction, I shook hands with each and every one of them, then handed over their business cards. Zhu Dantong had added them to my work the night before, but she didn't print any of them, just her name and cell phone number. She wanted to print all my jobs, but I wouldn't. Because I only want to use it this time, and maybe I won't need it next time, I don't need to print it, and I don't need to print it because I don't need to. Zhu Dantong felt that what I said made sense and knew that I was born to be so, so she listened to me and did as I said.    


When these directors and directors saw me handing over my business cards, they also passed them to me one by one. Strangely enough, apart from the directors and district governors of Jingchu City, most of the provincial directors were like mine, with only one name and cell phone number on their business cards. Fortunately, my memory is not bad, I remembered them all in a short while.    


Naturally, Secretary Zhang introduced everyone to the two old professors, Zeng and Luo, but it was obvious from the warm exchanges they had with each other that these two old professors were acquainted with each other.    


After getting to know each other, it was time for me to introduce the situation.    


Preparations have already been made in this regard. Luo Mei, Zhou Yajie, Xie Yitian, and the others had already set up several large wooden tablets beside the large piece of land. According to the results of the previous night's discussion, some information was drawn on these tablets, including the blueprints taken out from the Planning Institute. I took a small silver stick that Romel handed to me and introduced my thoughts and plans to the leaders. Obviously, my views are quite impressive. Even some leaders who were listening to my suggestion had quite a few surprised looks on their faces. One must know that these people are usually calm and collected people!    


In the end, I led Secretary Zhang and his party to the last wooden board. On the board hung the master maps of the four cities of Jing Chu, Jing Shan, Jing Zhen, and Jing Kou, and the contact point of the four cities was where we were currently located, outlined in red pen. It was like a huge fan or a crescent moon, and it was particularly eye-catching when introducing my thoughts to everyone present: I am the short-term plan, the road to Jing Chu, to push Jing Chu northwards; the long-term plan is to take this area of the four cities as a whole, and fix the road to assist the development of the four cities as a whole. When I finished, Old Professor Zeng and Old Professor Luo made clear the possibility and necessity from their professional point of view. The group of people following Secretary Zhang all nodded their heads. Only Secretary Zhang seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, I noticed that he had been staring at the map for a long time, as if trying to imprint it into his mind, or as if he were thinking of something else and didn't say a word. After a long while, he turned around and spoke to the two old professors with a calm expression.    


Next, me, Professor Zeng, and Professor Luo were invited by Secretary Zhang to board the first Chinese bus. I was a little surprised, unsure of what to do next. I remembered that the next step would be to head to the Spring River Hotel to listen to the report. That was how Aiten was arranged. She was still waiting for me. However, after a while, I calmed down again. As my eyes swept the area, I saw that the leaders were either pondering over something, or exchanging words in whispers, or looking at the information that Zhou Yajie had just given to each of them. My purpose was clear. I wanted everyone to understand my thoughts.    


The car moved on. Professor Luo and I sat in a row, while Secretary Zhang from the provincial committee sat in a row with Professor Zeng. Looking at how close the two of them were, I felt a little strange. In my understanding, no matter how familiar they were, they couldn't possibly be so close to each other!    


What was their relationship?    


I couldn't get an answer on my side, but the convoy continued on. When the convoy stopped, I was surprised to find that this was the central point of the sector, the confluence of the four cities. There seemed to be a group of people waiting there. As everyone got off the car and was introduced, I realized that this group of people was the Party Secretary, Mayor, and some other relevant department or region leaders of Jingshan City, Jingkou City, and Jingzhen City!    


They continued to greet each other. The introductions continued. It was a detailed inquiry. Continuing to be a detailed explanation. Of course, the introductions and answers were all my main characters, or Professor Zeng or Professor Luo. The leaders of the four cities, as well as the heads of relevant departments and departments, all answered with their own answers. The people who asked were mostly Secretary Zhang, or the main leaders of the departments and cities that had followed them here. While listening to the answers and looking at the diagrams, he was also observing the situation on the spot. All of this was done in the entire morning.    


Thus, by noon, everything finally came to an end. Secretary Zhang smiled as he led us to bid farewell to the three city leaders. He returned to our place of departure, escorted me and the two old professors down, politely declined my invitation to have lunch together, bid farewell to them, and left on his own.    


Seeing that they were about to leave, I remembered that I had left Aitin at the hotel and wanted to get Zhou Yajie to call her and tell her to come home. However, before I could say anything, I was stunned by a few words that Secretary Zhang said before he left. It turned out that after shaking hands with Professor Luo, Secretary Zhang finally shook hands with Old Professor Zeng and said: "Teacher Zeng, take care of yourself!"    


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