Super Little Farmer



0The first was the problem of demolition. However, there weren't many people living in this area, and the road I built wasn't that long, so the number of houses to be demolished wasn't large. I asked Yukiko's second uncle and the cousin of Seiko to help me with my duties. Because I paid the compensation in full and on time, with Xie Yating's support, my progress was still quite fast.    


In addition to these, the other items that I directly grabbed were the cement factory and the modified asphalt site. The cement factory was easy to handle. I called my cement factory in Ox-Head Village in Jingshan City. Without a second word, Deputy Director Guo handed the matter of the factory to Yinzi's Uncle Man, personally led the team to Jing Chu, and set up a small factory in the outskirts of the provincial capital. The cement produced was directly supplied to this road.    


As for the modified asphalt, it was personally developed by Professor Zeng. This also came from another idea that I had.    


In my vision, the newly built road will not use cement. Although cement roads may be cheaper for me, I just don't like the way they are. I always thought they weren't for my taste. What was the reason? I don't know how, but I like the oil sand roads in Shenzhen or Shanghai. Only after checking on the internet later did he find out that it was called modified asphalt. When I told this idea to the two old professors, the two of them expressed their support for me without a word, and the old professor offered to help me. As a result, he developed this new modified asphalt. Although the basic model was still the same, the formula was even better than the original one. To that end, I had the Deputy Director Guo add more equipment to produce these items for later use. When Deputy Director Guo received my ingredient list, he just looked at me in silence, then without a word, he also took it.    


To my surprise, these things that should have troubled me didn't bother me much, but something else that shouldn't have troubled me made me worry a lot.    


It turned out that once those excavators and truck loads were put into use, they would often have all kinds of small problems. In the first few times, Zhang Jun only said that this was a new machine and that it would be ready after a period of time, but that both the manufacturer and the dealer had already expressed their opinions, and would be responsible for the maintenance of the machine in full during a certain period of time. So he didn't tell me. However, there were more cars and there were more minor problems, which he could not handle by himself. Sometimes, when the technician from the factory had finished maintaining the car and left, there were some minor problems with the car. Or, when a technician came and was maintaining the first car, there were some problems with the second and third cars. Zhang Jun finally felt that doing this again was a waste of my money, so he directly told me about it. After a careful examination, he found that this was indeed the case. I called the factory to send a few more people, but the attitude left me speechless for a long time: all their staff had been sent out. If they wanted someone, they had to wait!    


I was annoyed. I can't wait! I have to spend money every minute! The problem is, I'm short of money right now! I have no money! The money I have right now is all squeezed together!    


By comparing his depressed mood with Zhang Junyi, he had discovered that there were some problems:    


First of all, we have to hire people to look at the various kinds of maintenance and repair of these vehicles, and the manufacturers do send people here, and they don't charge money. However, although this period is still the maintenance period of the factory, I do not have to pay for it, but it does not mean that the maintenance period of the factory will expire in the future. On the contrary, I am sure that the manufacturer will ask me to pay a large sum of money! Moreover, from the looks of the situation, some of the maintenance problems are just small problems, but because none of us understand, we have to trouble the manufacturer every time. If we can figure it out ourselves, we can solve some of the small problems ourselves, so we don't have to bother them. If we can learn or master some ourselves, it will be good for our own project, and we won't have to trouble them any more.    


With this sum, Zhang Jun and I had an idea. In the end, I decided to set up a department in this subsidiary of Zhang Jun's, led by myself. Zhang Jun could also be counted as one, and then I would find a few like-minded young migrant workers, or migrant workers who had a certain foundation in agricultural machinery, and work as an assistant with the maintenance staff of these manufacturers, in order to learn some maintenance skills. Zhang Jun also specially recommended this to me because this guy has mechanical skills. When he was very young, he already knew how to make those diesel engines, so perhaps he would be able to help me by coming here. I knew this young man from a long time ago, his work is very solid and he has a certain level of intelligence. Thinking about Zhang Jun's suggestion, I also agreed, and later on I even let this Yang Zhengzhi be Zhang Jun's assistant and head of this group of young laborers. Hearing my announcement, Little Yang didn't appear to be in high spirits, he only calmly nodded his head in agreement. This made me admire him more and more. Because I insist that the technical people, is to be able to keep calm.    


In my mind, it's actually very simple. It's just inviting people to do it all the time. It's too troublesome. If we can learn some skills and not talk big, we won't be able to solve this big problem. When the young men heard this, they all smiled.    


Just like that, the technical team of seven like-minded young migrant workers, including me, followed closely by the maintenance staff of these manufacturers every day, handing out wrenches, giving out screws, helping out, and learning from experience, actually had a few minor problems that we had solved ourselves. I thought for a moment. It seemed that I hadn't taken the wrong way, so I let Old Professor Zeng step in and ask two teachers from the relevant departments to give us additional lectures. He also bought some books for everyone to study, and he often went out to play, but he often shared his experiences, so we all had a bit of a chance. After another mechanical failure, which was a little bigger, we young people decided to work it out on our own. Although everyone stayed up all night, they had to move the car the next morning. With this, we became more and more daring, and more and more experienced. In the end, we basically didn't hire any more maintenance staff from that factory.    


And so, once I was at work, I sank into the construction site day and night. I'm familiar with the smell. I like it, too. Every day, I am happy to leave early and come back late... Aitin and Sally also follow me around day and night, leaving early and returning late …    


After all, she was born from a normal family in China. Sally, on the other hand, made me sigh in amazement. I could not see that such a rich girl from England would do the same with us, and not complain at all!    


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