Super Little Farmer



0With that in mind, I went back to my room and turned on my computer to check on Yinzi's company.    


At the moment, even though I don't do anything, I still understand the situation of each clan. Moreover, Rommel had customized a software program for us through her relationship, and I was able to sit at home and understand the daily and daily operations of all my companies. It's just that I've always been busy with work, and I haven't had time to go into detail. Since he needed it right now, of course he had to take a look.    


One look, I found that the company in Yinzi's hands, once it integrates with Zhou Bingjie, Zhou Yajie's company, it will really be as I expected, become a great company!    


It has even established Beijing-led North and Northeast China, Shanghai-led East and South Central China, Guangzhou and Southwest China, Chongqing and Northwest China. The more than 30 provinces and administrative regions of the country, with the exception of Tibet, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, have all entered. They have already set up nearly 1200 network points throughout the country! According to my plan, I will be able to set up 2500 Internet outlets by the first of May next year at the latest. Tibet also wants to enter. As for the other three places, he could temporarily leave them alone.    


At this stage, according to the information I have, there are already people who are doing business in my line of work. Fortunately, I started it early and it has already formed a scale, and with every game of chess in the country, I have managed to unify the signboard, the brand, the style of decorating the store, and the employees' clothing. But I insist, only if the terminal network fine, to every county city, to every market, to create an absolute advantage, I can breathe a sigh of relief!    


As for the structure of the company, I already knew it. Yinzi is the chairman and general manager of the company and is based in Jingchu city. Xiang Zhi is a director of the Beijing Film Area and is based in Beijing; Xie Hui is a director of the Shanghai Film Area and a Shanghai director; Li Zhi is a director of the Guangzhou Film Area and a Guangzhou film director. As for the Chongqing area, I also have an ideal candidate.    


It turned out that two months ago, the two sisters, Zhou Bingjie and Zhou Yajie, had joined hands to recommend their uncle, Xu Yingli, to do something. Xu, I didn't know them before. I just wanted to find someone to help with the work in Chongqing, Chengdu and Wuhan, so I asked these two sisters. When he heard the two sisters recommend it, he agreed. When I met with Xu Huo, I realized that the Zhou sisters weren't bullying me. This was because Xu Huo had previously been in the vegetable business before, so he was very familiar with this industry. He had even been born into the military and worked in the Chengdu Military District. When he returned home from military service, he had always been in the vegetable business. It was just that because his wife had been ill for the past two years, he had not had the time to complete his business, and the result was that no one had robbed him of the market. Now that his wife was cured, his family was poor, and he had no business and very little capital, so he had to find a job outside. I was in need, so I answered. Seeing that this person was capable and experienced, I naturally agreed to let him go to Chongqing to fight. Now, however, Chongqing and Chengdu have developed rapidly. It could be seen that Xu Huo was working hard and had a way. With that in mind, I decided to let Xu be the district general manager of Chongqing.    


As for the director status, considering that he has not been in our company for long, it is not suitable for him to be given at present. He also thought that after a year, when he had made a real achievement in his work, it would not be too late to give him a little share. At that time, he would also be a director, so it should be good!    


Having made up his mind, he once again organized his thoughts and entered them all into the computer. After thinking for a while, he took out his phone and sent a message to everyone, telling everyone to come back tonight.    


After the arrangements were made, he remembered that Xie Yuting and Sally didn't have any. Fortunately, I already had my own plans, so I didn't mind. In my opinion, Sally acted as my secretary at the last minute and was in charge of contacting people. Xie Yitang is the legal adviser for all companies. After some thought, I even had the thought of helping Xie Yuting set up a law office. When he thought of helping Xie Yitang set up a law firm, and also remembered that Sally seemed to have the status of an international economic appraiser, he also thought of setting up a related economic firm. It seemed that Yukiko, Lingzi and Zhou Yajie were already accountants, Zhu Dantong was a land appraiser and real estate appraiser, and Romel and Ye Shuren were economic masters. Merely gathering them together was already a good group.    


I was relieved when I wrote all these thoughts and details on the computer. Looking at the time, it was already 4 PM. For a moment, he felt tired, so he lay down on the bed to rest. The next time I woke up, I was woken up by Zhou Bingjie pinching my nose. Only then did they realize that it was already past six o'clock and that everyone had clearly returned and dinner was already on the table. Only then did Zhou Bingjie wake me up. Although she was still confused, when she saw Zhou Bingjie's delicate appearance, she felt like she was on fire. The thing below her immediately propped up. Zhou Bingjie obviously noticed the change in my body. She gave me a pout and grabbed the thing twice while I was heading to the bathroom. When I came to get her, I had already gone out smiling and laughing, and was calling loudly for dinner as I glanced at her. I knew she was doing it on purpose, but I couldn't do anything about it, so I went sullenly to my bathroom. As he drained the water, he imagined how he would deal with this woman tonight. After a long while, the guy on the floor finally softened up. I washed my hands and face again and then walked out of the room, pretending to be a dog. The room was already filled with voices and chatter. All the women had already gathered and were discussing something. Everyone clearly knows that there must be something important for me to discuss with everyone since I've informed them so today. After all, Zhou Bingjie and Zhou Yajie had just returned to Shanghai, and now they were flying over. If it wasn't something important, I would never have made such a request to them!    


After dinner, without waiting for me to discuss it, we all consciously went to the living room to wait. Even the two of them, Yi Jing and Zeng Haiying, I didn't send them a text or invite them to a meeting, but they were already waiting in the living room.    


I got my computer from my room and went into the living room to talk. No one had any objections to the previous arrangement, including the integration of Yinzi's company and the Zhou sisters' company. Although we had discussed it a little, we were strongly supportive of my decision. It wasn't until I offered to set up two firms that we discussed it, and the final result was the same: feasible!    


Just like this, I contributed 2 million yuan to set up Xie Yuting's law firm. I only hold the shares, and Xie Yitian is responsible for the management and operation of the company. In fact, she would even be the one to confess to the staff members. Xie Yitian obviously didn't expect me to do what I said so she just agreed immediately. When she felt that everyone was looking at her and me with a smile that wasn't a smile on their faces, she shyly lowered her head.    


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