Super Little Farmer



0Compared to these girls, Aiten had the most money on hand. She had the Road and Bridge Construction Company and three subsidiaries, you know. About $100 million of the $200 million spent on the first leg of the journey had been earned back by her company. This time, 200 million yuan was mortgaged back on the land, and 100 million yuan was injected directly into the companies in her possession. That was to say, the capital she had on hand, in addition to capital, was as high as 200 million yuan!    


This was even more than Ye Shuzhen. Ye has 500 million yuan in liquid capital, plus fixed assets, profits from the supermarket and my capital injection, which totals 100 million yuan. However, out of the 600 million, 500 million are for customers, or they can pay a deposit or admission fee! That is to say, the money is not ours, but we have it for the time being. As for Yukiko and Romel, they had more than a billion yuan on their hands, but there was still a gap between the amount Aitin had and the amount she had.    


Actually, I didn't notice this. Neither did Ye Shuzhen and the others. At first, only Yukiko knew. It was easy because she was the financial director of all the companies. The other one, however, was Aiten, who had told me in private that she had calculated a little and was surprised to find that it was so. Of course I exhorted her to do so with equanimity; she managed to calm down, but there was something sparkling in her eyes, and she gave me a fierce nod of assent. I guess she was a little touched, but she didn't think it was necessary, so she stopped thinking about it and just went about her own business.    


As expected, in the last two months before the end of the year, not only did Aitin organize her own company with strict requirements, but she also used various methods to get our partners to work together to achieve impressive results. Apart from anything else, the rest of the road, apart from the part where I told everyone to stop, had already completed its basic tasks. Think of it, coming up after the new year, after laying the road, greening and other after-care affairs, no later than the end of April next year, this road will be able to achieve traffic. That would not be an ordinary bus, but the first major road connecting Jing Chu City and Jing Kou City!    


The two cities, you know, used to have three roads, one national, one provincial, and one intercity, but either one followed a curve, not a straight line between the two cities. Moreover, all three roads were ordinary roads. The widest one was the 107 national road, which was also only a two-way four-lane road. More importantly, all three roads were old and severely aged. Since Nanwei Province was the province that had to be travelled from the south, all three roads had to be traversed by a convoy from the south. There were many vehicles on the road every day. Therefore, these three paths were becoming more and more inconsistent with the requirements of economic development!    


Therefore, once this road could be used, it would have an incredible meaning. Because this is a straight road at first and the distance between the two cities is the shortest, it will take the least time for the vehicles to travel through the two cities, which not only indicates that the distance between the two cities will be seamless, but also sets the stage for the construction of the following roads. This was because the road from Jing Chu to Jing Kou city was about 18 kilometers in Jing Chu city. This section was obviously the shared route that Jing Chu had taken to Jing Shan, Jing Zhen, and Jing Kou three cities.    


Because this main road entered Jingkou City at a place called Wu Hou Hall, and Wu Hou Hall is also a concentrated boundary between Jing Shan and Jing Zhen. In my plan, Wu Hou Hall will be the core of the city, and we will build an interactive center here, leading Jing Chu to Jing Kou. We will also split the main road into two main roads, one connecting Jing Zhen and the other Jing Shan. From here to Jingzhen City, it was only 37 kilometers; from Jingshan City, it was only 28 kilometers. Clearly, this distance was closer! According to the plan, after the year was over, he would immediately enter the preparation period for the two roads, and after the first day of May, he would enter the construction phase to strive to open the road before the National Day holiday next year! In other words, next year, after the National Day, there would be a straight line leading to Jingkou city as well as a twisted line leading to Jing Shan and Jing Zhen cities!    


When Etten had shown me to the scene and had asked me, with a smile, to name the three roads that were to be revealed, I looked at her somewhat thin face and slightly tired expression and felt a strange warmth and pain in my heart. I wanted to hold her in my arms and comfort her, but I knew it was impossible, so I had to put it down and think of fame. This didn't work, so I named the main road from Jing Chu to Jing Kou in two parts: Jing Chu City's Jing Chu Road and Jing Kou City's Wu Kou Road. As for the people from Wu Hou Hall to Jing Shan City, they were called Wu Shan Road. The people from Wu Hou Hall to Jing Zhen City were called Wu Zhen Road. After hearing what I said, Alting immediately smiled. My face reddened. I also knew that this person was not creative, because this was a combination of the beginning and the end of each road. Only the Jingchu Avenue still had a bit of momentum. However, I didn't really care about this matter. Although my face turned red, I could only smile and say "Thanks for your hard work" to Aitin before falling silent. After being praised by me, Aitin, who was smiling all along, lifted her eyes and gave me a deep look. Her face flushed red for some reason, and she no longer said anything. She just stood by my side quietly.    


Aitine's meticulous work allowed me to open my arms and study the sections of the road that needed to be resolved. Unfortunately, during these two months, Zhang Jun and I have tried no less than ten methods, none of which worked. But I really didn't want to give up, and I didn't want to destroy that ecological nature, so I had to push and push the implementation time. When I think about how the girls in my family manage their businesses at a rapid pace, and then look at the work at hand, I feel embarrassed at times. However, knowing that this was a matter of great urgency, I had to stick to my usual position: if I couldn't figure it out for a while, I would put it down for now and talk about it later. What I didn't expect was that this push, this "we'll talk about it later", would last for two months at a time, and the end of the year would come in an instant. Since there was no other way, I just let Zhang Jun put it down. We'll talk about it again during the new year.    


At the end of the year, I prepared a big red packet for every girl. Yi Jing and Zeng Haiying were both worth 40 thousand yuan. Although Xie Yating only joined at the end, she was very meticulous in her work. I gave her 60 thousand yuan. Zhu Dantong received 50 thousand yuan. The rest were all worth 100 thousand yuan. Of course, I also explained the reason to everyone. Since I needed a lot of money from all sides, I put more money into the process of development. Everyone would definitely give more money to me in the future. The girls knew that I was telling the truth, and they all said that they had taken too much. I ignored it, insisting on the verdict. The girls had no choice but to accept it. I gave myself 30 thousand yuan.    


Ai Ting, Ling Zi, and a few other girls thought I was short on money; while Romer and Ye Shuizhen remained silent, Zhou Yajie, Zhu Dantong, and Yinzi all looked at each other and smiled. In the end, it was Zhu Dantong who spoke up, "Everyone, don't worry about him. He has 1 billion yuan on him right now!"    


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