Super Little Farmer



0The first call was from Liu Zhiyun. He told me quietly that he had registered, in my name and in the name of the head of the brigade, a mother, three sons, and a base in three companies in Brazil. Namely, the head of the company (Brazil) limited liability company, the head of the company (Brazil) marketing limited liability company, the head of the company (Brazil) manufacturing limited liability company, and the head of the company (Brazil) limited liability company Rio de Janeiro base. Of this total, the company has registered capital of US $1 million; marketing and manufacturing companies of US $1 million each; and the Rio de Janeiro base of US $500 thousand. Three companies and one base co-operated and now rent a house in Rio de Janeiro for office use. and has bought land in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.    


At that time, Rio de Janeiro's land prices were rising strongly, with the prices they had selected reaching R $4080 per hectare, or about R $2.08 per hectare, or more than US $1960 per hectare. Liu Zhiyun was quick to take action. At that time, he had already taken 1500 mu of land. Even though this 1,000 hectares of land cost Zhang Zhang almost 2 million dollars in work, it was a fact that he was doing well, because the land was just getting his hands on and the price was rising again. By the time of the phone call, the price of these lands had risen to over R $4,150 per hectare. It had only been three days! He had just learned a little about the reasons, which had been driven by rising demand for food and alcohol, and by rising prices for agricultural land in Brazil, which were also indirectly driving up prices for other lands.    


Hearing Liu Zhiyun's introduction, I smiled inwardly. Liu Zhiyun was indeed someone who was good at doing things. He said this to me, but he was worried that I would not believe him. What I didn't know was that I was someone who paid attention to doubting the use of others and didn't doubt the use of others. Since I gave him full authority, I didn't care about it at all. With that in mind, I thought highly of his work. He was also immediately appointed as the head of the Brazilian department, as well as the general manager of the company of the head of the company, Heavy Industries (Brazil). As for the other two subsidiaries and the one in charge of the base, they are all recommended by him and all he has to do is report it to us for the record. As for the executive general manager in Brazil, I need detailed information. Everyone in Brazil, apart from himself, asked him to take a plan and report it to Yukiko. As for his personal salary, he didn't have to worry about that. I will not only pay him a special salary, but I will also give him shares.    


Liu Zhiyun didn't expect me to be so generous. His voice, which had always been calm, finally became agitated. However, this brat was not bad and suppressed it. He only expressed his gratitude. I didn't decline, I just wanted him to immediately recruit some people to plan and lay out the land, and also to dispatch some men and women from the domestic "Pill Fate Building" to build it. Of course, there are two points to note: first, equipment is procured locally in Brazil; second, the language of personnel, namely, more translations from home and Brazil; and, further, it is recommended that professional staff be asked to train all staff travelling to Brazil in the language of the land. Liu Zhiyun agreed. He also expressed his intention to let his current deputy, Wang Zeng, temporarily take charge of the overall work in Brazil and fly back home to prepare. I did. At that time, they immediately informed Zhu Dantong, Lingzi, Yanzi, and Zhou Yajie of the preparations for the construction company, the staff of the director, the staff who were recruited to work in Brazil, especially those who knew Portuguese and wanted to work in Brazil, and the salary plan for the staff stationed in Brazil. He only needed to wait for Liu Zhiyun's return before he could hand him over immediately. He also asked the former classmate of Liu Zhiyun, Yu Hui, who had joined the company with Liu Zhiyun at the beginning, to become vice president of the company, to assist the former classmate and Zhang Jun. Due to the rapid expansion of the archer's work, Liu Zhiyun's original batch of technicians had now fully stepped into leadership positions at all levels. A new batch of recruits had replaced their original positions.    


The second call was from Romel. There was only one reason: since the Pauli Group acquired more than 1,200 mu of land from them, a large number of well-known real estate companies both at home and abroad had called to buy land. I just smiled, knowing, of course, that after the provincial government's plan, before the Pauli Corporation bought the land, there was a group of real estate companies that came to ask for land. But now, not only did the Pauli Corporation come in, even Sheraton came. However, even if they want the land, I might not let them go. There were at least two reasons why the Pauli Group had come to take the land: One, the Pauli Group was the one that had bought the head beast in Yuan Ming Yuan, and I respected them; the other, I really needed some money to use, and the Paulie Group had paid fairly well, which was a good way to sell it. However, things are different now. I have plenty of money on hand, so I don't need to rely on selling land for money anymore. What's more, looking at the situation right now, my 30 thousand mu of land is worth a lot of money.    


So I just smiled and didn't answer. As soon as Romel heard my voice, of course he knew what I meant, and he said no more. Then, inexplicably, I asked what kind of enterprises came to the rendezvous. Romel just said a few words, and I was so surprised I couldn't say anything for a long time. That's all, because the first of these companies is the Country Garden, and the second is Hutchison Whampoa, followed by Evergrande, Guangdong Rose Garden... F * ck, they're all top real estate figures in the country, and a lot of them are my idols. It took a while for me to calm down. Then, inexplicably, my heart skipped a beat and I asked if there was any real estate owned by Pan Shiyi in Beijing. After a while, he became proud again. After a while, he thought, all these real estate moguls are coming to collect the land together, what's going on here? It seems that there is only one reason, these places are all places where real estate will have to contend for in the future! Then I thought, These real estate bosses have no place to spend on land, only one purpose, real estate; and I, with so much on my hands, and so many construction companies, why not real estate too? Thinking about it, if I were to do real estate, it would definitely be more convenient than them. After a while, he thought, "The construction of the 'Hall', oh, no, the 'Pill Transport Building' is a great opportunity for development." Not only my staff dormitory, the Zhang Gong heavy industry base, Zhang Gong heavy industry base in Brazil, they all need to build teams to participate, I think the Danyun building has expanded quite a bit compared to before. If I were to do real estate again, the scale of this Pill Transport Building would probably have more than doubled!    


Fuck, this is a good idea!    


When he thought of this, he was even more unwilling to sell these lands. With a single thought, he told Romel that these lands would not be sold for the time being. Right, for the time being!    


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