Super Little Farmer



0Those of us who can't find out why the technology was stolen or who stole it from our captains do not say that the police cannot find it. One day later, Yi Jing and two policemen, a man and a woman, arrived at my office. The three cops didn't bring guns, but laptops and other devices I didn't recognize. Ling Zi, Zhou Yajie, and I received the three policemen together, then sat down to listen to their detailed analysis. At this point, a person, no, a group of people appeared.    


The leader was none other than one of Liu's three assistants, a young man named Lu Bin. At this point, Liu Zhijun had been promoted to the position of general manager of the Brazilian company. All three of his assistants were promoted to the position of director of research and development center, which was the same position as Liu Zhijun's previous position. The position was directly under the group, at a higher level, at the level of the General Manager of the head of the company; the second vice president of the manufacturing division of the head of the head of the company, Luo Haijun, was promoted to the level of the vice president of the head of the head of the head of the company, and the third was given to Lu Bin. This time, he was promoted to the position of the head of the technical department of the manufacturing company, directly under the management of the group. Although this level wasn't as high as the first two assistants, it was still not bad. According to the original intentions of the spirit child and I, this fellow is still a bit young. The steel fire is too hard, so we still need time to polish it. Adding on the fact that this time's position adjustment was complete, the first two assistants were promoted. However, they were both left behind by Liu Zhijun. However, because they only had two vacant seats, the two assistants took up the positions. The remaining technical director asked the kid to take up the post. And according to the speed of development of Zhang Gong's heavy work, I can guarantee that as soon as it's six months, or as slow as a year, this kid will also be promoted to the level of vice president of the company!    


As for the other people in this group, there are as many as six of them, almost a third of my core technical team!    


To be honest, I thought that I had treated these people well and had given them a lot of chances. When Yi Jing said that these people were the technology sellers, I did not believe her at all. However, when Yi Jing and the others provided the inference, I realized that it was possible. At this moment, I finally understood. This was the same person. The reason why the two of us could not find out his weaknesses, but it wasn't that difficult for the police like Yi Jing to do it, it was because the two of us used different methods. I was innocent, that is to say, I put everyone in a situation where they were innocent, and then I deduced, one by one, that no one could be betrayed. But Yi Jing used guilty reasoning, suspecting everyone and analyzing every person's family background and psychology and studies, and so on, to infer such a group.    


However, even if we were to infer such a group, we would not be able to find the core evidence; in fact, even if we were to obtain the evidence from them, Yi Jing would tell me that we would still be unable to sue Nanhe Heavy Motor. The main reason for this is that our technology is still in the process of being developed and is still in the core of the company. As a result, the outside world is unable to determine which company the technology belongs to. After a detailed investigation, Yi Jing and company did not discover that there was a large amount of money in their accounts! Hence, the reasoning and judgement ended here!    


Still, I was furious. I commissioned Xie Yating to gather evidence against the South River Heavy. On the one hand, I continued to strengthen the recruitment and nurturing of research and development personnel, and on the other hand, I took some internal measures to prevent such problems from happening again. This time, although I have always been at a disadvantage, I still saw two hopes: One, this technology is really good stuff, you see, because of these two products, not only the production plant and sales company are both in business, but the price of the stock rose. At one time, he had pulled three blisters. Therefore, to me, it's not only necessary to catch him in the future, but also to make a big grab for him. On the other hand, it also strengthens my work on confidentiality. As a matter of fact, I have always paid attention to secrecy, but mostly on the outside, not on the inside. After this incident, I can think of a way to strengthen the internal security against theft.    


The days passed one by one. What happened next was obviously hard for me to accept. As expected, Xie Yitong came forward to sue Nanhe Heavy Industries under the name of Chief Heavy Industries. Just as Yi Jing had predicted, she declared the evidence insufficient and rejected the accusation of Chief Heavy Industries. Although Xie Yitong provided oral testimony, reference materials, technical parameters, and even original blueprints for all of the staff who worked on the equipment, Nancheng also provided the relevant "evidence". In fact, they even provided more detailed original blueprints for the equipment than we had, even to the extent that the revised draft was seven drafts, two more drafts than ours. Looking at the evidence provided by the South River Heavy Motor, if I was an outsider and did not participate and knew that we developed this product ourselves, I'm afraid that I would have believed that this product really was developed by the South River Heavy Motor! In the end, I had nothing to say, so I had no choice but to dismiss Xie Yating!    


The haze of failure continues to envelop us.    


But I have to develop. As the year drew near, I steered the large corporations forward as they had planned, strengthening some of their preparations.    


For example, this time, I suffered greatly. First, it wasn't until my opponent released the stolen technology and produced the equipment that I knew the gist of it. As for the exact information, it was still unknown, so I was determined to enhance the monitoring of the information, or rather the analysis of the information. In the past, I had heard my father say that the situation was important and didn't take it seriously. I also thought that a man from the mountain wouldn't know about all of this, but this time, I was convinced. He felt that the truth was the same as his father's warning. Even though there were still some doubts as to why his father had known about the information, he was determined to formulate a new plan. Secondly, this time, I was put into a passive position. First, the opponent stole the technology, then the prosecution failed. This was a crisis, but after this happened, we didn't even have a complete solution. Therefore, this aspect also needs to be strengthened.    


Therefore, in accordance with these two ideas, I have decided to set up two departments in each group. Each group, the head office of each group must set up a corresponding department. One of these two departments was responsible for information monitoring and intelligence analysis, which was called Intelligence Operations. The other part is primarily responsible for crisis management, including the anticipation and treatment of general crises, as well as the emergency management of sudden crises, etc. This new department was called Crisis Operations. Two departments plus the original external department created a new public relations department. Sally served as Director of Public Relations, and Shinzi served as Deputy Director.    


Just when everyone thought this year would end in such an atmosphere of failure, I received a few pieces of good news.    


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