Super Little Farmer



0While sighing, he looked at his right arm, which had been bitten and now bandaged, and smiled bitterly. Thinking about how he had no results in finding Han Bing'er and being misunderstood by Han Jue`er, he finally had nothing to say and could only go home gloomily. Yu Ke was also speechless. It seemed as if he was protecting his boss at close range, but he had actually injured him in such a manner. However, just as he was about to investigate, he was stopped by his boss. He was somewhat discouraged. I was sure of Yuke's spirit, and I was afraid that he would think too much, so I tried to persuade him. In the end, Yuke smiled and drove the car single-mindedly.    


When he returned to his room, he didn't care about Zhou Bingjie, Zhu Dantong, Ronnie, or the others who were chatting in the living room. He only smiled at them with slight bitterness. Only then did I fall asleep. Ronnie and the others entered the room to look for me. I didn't want to tell them more, I just said that I was sleepy and needed to rest. The beautiful girls looked at each other, still looking at me suspiciously, but couldn't find any details, so they just left. As I watched them leave, I thought of Han Bing'er again. When I thought of Han Bing'er, I thought of how if I brought her back, their relationship with the girls at home would be really hard to handle. Just like that, his mind became blurry as he continued thinking and gradually fell asleep!    


It was late when he got up the next morning. When I think about what happened last night, I feel a little annoyed. Of course, the most important thing is that even today, I actually do not have any information on Han Bing'er. He immediately went straight to the office and called He Shi over, asking him to think of a way to expand the intelligence department and see if he could find Han Bing'er's whereabouts. Today, I suddenly felt that the intelligence training department and the security company that I had been working on were actually helpless before this kind of thing. It seemed that it was necessary to keep this information in detail. So now I'm giving Ho Chi a new order: to consolidate the existing intelligence training department and the security company into a new company or department, and to prepare the information. As for the money, he can handle it himself, within 3 million yuan. He Liu went off to do his own business.    


The day passed just like that. The next few days passed just like that. I was a little angry, and since I had never been touched by a woman before, I tried every night to get what I could from the girls. But whether it was the spirit, or the spirit, or Ronnie, or Zhou Bingjie, or Zhou Yajie, or Romel, not only did they respond positively to me, they even half-agreed to some of the tricks I proposed, which allowed me to enjoy a sense of bliss that I had never enjoyed before. It was still the same as before, a pair of Ying Zi and Ronnie, a pair of Ling Zi and Zhou Bingjie, and a pair of Romel and Zhou Yajie. In fact, Zhou Bing Jie didn't want to do it until I was killed. She had always been alone with me, but this time, for some reason, she agreed. I was a little confused, but one time, when I was doing push-ups on her, she was hugging my neck in a daze and moaning comfortably, but she didn't answer. In the end, it was the eyes of the Ling Zi lying next to me that told me, affectionately, that after my accident, everyone had thought it was the best thing to be together. Of course, it's one thing not to love each other, but we loved each other so much that we already had such a relationship, so we don't care about anything else. We only care about this person, this kind of relationship!    


I felt the same way, because I hadn't planned to come back alive when I fell out of the plane, and it was the girls I'd missed in the end. After dying once, I am much calmer now, and the more I understand the importance of this truth. He was greatly touched to hear his two women's analysis. His performance that night was extremely outstanding. He only allowed the two of them to experience an unprecedented happiness peak. Only then did he hug the two of them in satisfaction, and fell into a deep sleep!    


Ten days passed in such a beautiful manner. This morning, just as I was getting into Bentley to go to the provincial government, I received a phone call that said "secret number." I accepted it. It was a somewhat familiar male voice. He was stunned for a moment and immediately remembered that it was Han Bing'er's brother Han Bin's voice. He was pleasantly surprised and quickly responded. However, I couldn't hear any attitude from the other side. I was just told to immediately rush to the provincial capital, Clear Sky City. When I heard that, I immediately agreed. I immediately had Yuke turn the car around and drive straight to the airport. At noon that day, I took the opportunity to leave alone. Yu Ke desperately wanted to go, but I eventually stopped him.    


When I got out of the airport, I immediately saw that someone was waiting for me with a sign. I was stunned because I did not inform Han Bin. In fact, I was unable to notify Han Bin either. However, I had no idea how they found out about my whereabouts! Of course, I didn't have much time to think about it right now because I missed Han Bing'er so much. Looking at the looks of these men, I immediately thought of one word: Military! Of course, they were not wearing military uniforms, but their vigor was still there. Thus, it was unclear whether they were serving in the military or serving as bodyguards for retired soldiers!    


The more I thought about it, the more confused I became. Fortunately, I was born and grew up in the mountains, and I was calm; I had fallen off the plane once before, and this time I had died, and this time it was more and more avalanche than paleness, and I kept it to myself as if it were nothing more than a normal thing, and worked calmly with these people from beginning to end. Get in the car and go straight.    


The car entered a large courtyard. As I entered, I was surprised to find that there was a special sign at the entrance: Military Management Area. In addition, there were armed soldiers standing guard at the entrance of the courtyard. Of course, as we entered the compound in the civilian license plate vehicle, the guard inspected it closely, confirmed that all the papers handed to me by the people who had picked me up were correct, and automatically let us through. The car turned left and right in the tree-covered courtyard, finally coming to a stop in front of a large courtyard. There were two more standing guard.    


The car stopped here, and I was invited out by these people. As soon as I got out of the car, I saw a man standing in front of me, smiling. It was Han Bin. I smiled back and reached over to shake his hand. Han Bin reached over and grabbed my hand.    




That was my first feeling.    


Han Bin let go and naturally took out a cigarette from his pocket and offered it to me. I took a look and saw that it was the Chinese cigarettes that were specially provided from the inside. It was a pretty good cigarette. While secretly praising him in his heart, he naturally took the lighter that the Spirit Child had given him, the GIVENCHY, out of his pocket. He lit it for Han Bin, then lit it for himself, and then took a long, beautiful inhale. Han Bin was obviously amused by my beautiful smoking attitude. Seeing that I was about to put the lighter in my pocket, he stretched out his hand and said, "This fellow is not bad. Let me have a look."    


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