Super Little Farmer



0Of course, in spite of all my doubts, I replied respectfully: I have a brother above me. Unfortunately …    


When I mentioned where my brother went, I felt some pain. However, as soon as I said those words, I saw that this Lieutenant General Han's body was trembling and his face was filled with pain. This is the second time I've seen such a high ranking military official with a face that has always been calm. The first time he saw my face, he seemed extremely surprised. I already understood that, because when I saw the picture in his room, I understood it completely. Come to think of it, he didn't seem to expect that there would be such a person in the world who was so similar to the person in the photo in his study! However, this point surprised me!    


You mean, you have a twin brother?    


Only after a long while did this Lieutenant General Han seem to be able to extricate himself from a sort of incomparable pain, and then he slowly asked this question. Although I was surprised, I nodded my head resolutely.    


You mean, his name is Zhang Gang (Steel), that Gang (Steel)?    


General Han seemed to be in a hurry as he continued asking.    


It was not steel, but the astral form of the Heavenly Dipper Sword!    


I stared at him. I just felt that he was a bit weird today. After thinking for a while, I realized that this old man must have lost his composure. Why is he acting like this now? This didn't seem to be the situation of a normal person in the upper echelons of the sect. Of course, even though I missed it, it didn't stop me from understanding the meaning behind his words. Instead, I asked my brother about the specific pronunciation he had and immediately made it clear.    


What I didn't expect was that this Lieutenant General Han was once again shaken, his hands clenched tightly, trembling, and his eyes lifted as if in extreme pain. I was also secretly shocked in my heart, and guessed that this Father-in-law seemed to be extremely responsive in his heart. Otherwise, with his status today, his calm personality today, and especially this soldier's strength, he wouldn't be able to display such an ordinary reaction. But right now, such an intense reaction clearly far surpasses his ability to bear!    


What kind of secret would that be?    


I felt an inexplicable shock and curiosity. Shocked, but because this man in front of me can look like this, because I really can't predict what kind of confusion or pain the people of this world will have, just a few words from me can move this strong man before me! Curiosity was a yearning desire to understand this secret. I long for the answer!    


What's your father's name? Where is he now? Do what?    


After a long while, this general finally calmed down and after a while, he firmly raised another question. He seemed to be in a hurry, but he also seemed to be holding it in.    


I was curious and in pain. It was strange that this Lieutenant General Han would ask such a question to ask my father's name. Of course, it wouldn't be wrong to tell his future father-in-law. As for me being in pain, it's actually because my father is long gone. Of course it's my pain! Even so, I calmed my heart and slowly said,    


His father, Zhang Zhengyun, had been working as a farmer deep in the mountains of the Gadfly Mountain. Now, four years had passed since his death!    


I was all right with the first sentence; in the end, I was a little downcast. However, what I didn't expect was the general's attitude. When he first heard my father's name was Zhang Zhengyun, he was startled, as if he was baffled, thought for a moment, as if he had understood something, and then slammed his palm down heavily on the desk, shaking the sturdy desk. When he heard that my father had passed away, the lieutenant general suddenly became sad, stood up, and slammed his hand down on the desk again, ignoring the fact that the desk was almost leaning forward, and stared into my eyes, then asked word by word, Your father is dead? How could he have died? How did he die?    


I had been struck dumb by his stand and slap, and when I heard him ask this question, I was stunned. Subconsciously, I began to narrate the story of my father's passing. For some reason, I suddenly felt that I didn't want to lie in front of this elder. I wanted to tell him the truth. Furthermore, I had a feeling that this person before me might be related to my father.    


For the first time, I felt that way. For the first time, I felt that my father, Zhang Zhengyun, who worked as a farmer in the mountains of the Gadfly Mountain in Jingshan City, South Wei Province, might have some connection with this high-ranking Chinese general, the military chief of a large military region, and the lieutenant general Han Wenghua!    


Of course, I don't know the exact connection!    


Thus, almost unconsciously, I told him the whole story of my father's death: that he was invited by the townsman, Zhang Tie-huan, to clear away the "Mute Cannon" with my brother, Zhang Gang. He was wounded by the "Mute Cannon", and died after being seriously injured!    




This time it was my turn to be shocked. After hearing the news that my father and brother had both passed away, this Lieutenant General Han in front of me suddenly lowered his voice and tears actually began to flow from his eyes. After a while, I seemed to recall something and hurriedly asked, "Then, what about your mother?"    


I lowered my head again. After a while, I forcefully suppressed the pain in my heart and said, "Mother, because …" Because he missed his father, and because his body was always weak and sick, he couldn't bear the shock of his father and brother passing away at the same time.    




When I said this, this Lieutenant General Han shook and wailed. Suddenly, as if his mind had been emptied, he slumped into the chair. His eyes were dull and tears gushed out like spring water. Then, he started to sob lightly!    


A man's tears!    


My pain was momentarily forgotten by this father-in-law in front of me. I let him whimper for a long time before I finally responded with a question: "Mr. Han, what is this about …"    


Oh... Oh … Uncle is fine!    


General Han clearly reacted. He glanced at me and turned his head slightly to the side. It seemed that he wiped his tears before he came to look at me. However, there was no trace of the pained expression on his face. It was instead a look of love. That surprised me. I didn't expect such a compassionate gaze from a military officer who didn't smile at all. To an outsider like me, that was definitely something strange! More importantly, this was the first time General Han had said a word: Uncle!    


That's right, he called me "Uncle", and it was under these kinds of circumstances. Calling himself that would definitely have a very rich meaning! I couldn't help but be startled. The lieutenant general continued to look at me while saying gently, "Child, sit well. Let uncle have a good look at the real thing!" It was so similar! It was carved from the same mold!    


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