Super Little Farmer



0In the next month or so, I had about $7 billion in capital, which I secretly entered into Japan from hundreds of accounts in 20 countries around the world, namely the United States, Germany, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Australia, Brazil, France, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and so on. I purchased as much of the shares of the British Wilhelmssen Chemical Fiber Company listed in Tokyo as possible.    


Obviously, my previous trick had worked, or perhaps my opponent didn't think that a Chinese company like me would buy Wilhelmsson's business, or that my huge amount of capital was scattered and left unnoticed, or that even if I bought these shares, I wouldn't be able to take control of the company. Anyway, my stealthily acquisition lasted for more than a month, and I had already acquired 17.9% of the shares listed in Tokyo, but the opponent didn't react at all. And because I did it quietly, the acquisition didn't raise the price enough, so I didn't spend that much money. I didn't even spend $2.5 billion on that much stock.    


After setting up two more projects in the dark, I went to Japan myself to find the chairman of Big Spring, who owned 28.3% of the company owned by Britain's Williamson Chemical Fibres (Tokyo Institute) and owned by the family of the second-largest shareholder, the small island family. Of course, I hid a bit before that. I even went to Sudan to invest in an environmental company, and I spent money on another identity and a passport. That was why, as chairman of the Sultanate Environmental Protection Corporation, he had come to Japan to discuss business. As a result of deliberate and unintentional laissez-faire, I, a Sudanese capitalist who carried billions of dollars into Japan in search of a partner, immediately attracted the attention of several Japanese chemical fiber giants, including, of course, the Big Spring. After a lot of intentional coincidences and probing, I finally met Ichiro Ota, CEO of Daichun Chemical Fiber, in Tokyo, Japan. Of course, it's about my Sudanese company's collaboration with Daochun Chemical. The conversation was more congenial because Daichun wanted to see me and was very modest; my Japanese was also taught directly by my father, and my ability to interpret was very strong. At a very appropriate time, I proposed to "visit" the chairman of Chunghwa and actually take control of the island. Ichiro Sr. clearly did not expect me to make such a request. He seemed to have been humiliated. I was taken aback. I guessed that this Ichiro Ota didn't believe me when I went to his boss instead of talking business with him, so I explained with a smile that this was my way of doing things, and that I was only going to "visit" him, so don't think too much about it. At this point, Ichiro Ota agreed to come down and then went out to "wash up". I guessed he was on the phone with his boss, but he just smiled and nodded.    


After a while, Ichiro Ota came back, chatted for a while, and then separated. Ichiro Oda only said that he would give me a message later and that he would communicate with his boss. I knew that he had already communicated with the boss, and that this was just a matter of the situation, and he didn't mention it. He just agreed. The next morning, Ichiro Ota called as promised, and the next day at 3 p.m., their boss, the island, had a full meeting.    


The next day, in the VIP box on the 56th floor of the top hotel in Tokyo, I met with the island for the first time. However, what surprised me was that I seemed to have seen this island before. In retrospect, I remember years ago, when I was at my most desperate, I was in a car accident on my way back to the mountains, where I rescued Sachiko the Island and two bodies. Half a year later, three Japanese men and two Chinese military men came to find me. One of them took back the two corpses and the other one took away the island named Heizi. I remember that before I left, a military man told me in secret that the two dead people had stolen tree species from Huaxia, but unexpectedly, an accident happened and the species died instead of being stolen. It seemed like the two dead people were the parents of Sachiko. The man in front of him was obviously one of the three Japanese men who had picked up Sachiko five years ago.    


Unexpectedly, this small island family was the family of Sachiko. I just don't know if Sachiko, the island's lucky son, is doing well today? Thinking about it, the current her should be around sixteen or seventeen years old, right?    


When I thought of this, I suddenly understood. There are people of the same name everywhere on the streets of China. This kind of habitual thinking like mine is actually used in Japan. I didn't expect that this island would be this small island. This is really empiricism!    


Before I could finish my thought, the island was startled as well. Apparently, it recognized me as well. It was full of shock, and after a while it became calm again. It just bowed to me with the usual Japanese etiquette. I used Chinese etiquette and cupped my fists in greeting.    


It's easy to get acquainted with him, not to mention the fact that I owe a debt of gratitude to his family. Now, the island and I sat down to talk business. I, obviously, am not here to do business, but for something else. It didn't take me long to come up with my own idea: I would like to take a 28.3% stake in Britain's Williamson Chemical Fiber Co. (Tokyo Institute)!    


The pure island did not expect that my business would be so direct. He was stunned. At the time, I didn't want to be so direct, but there was nothing I could do. I couldn't afford to waste my time, and now that I had an ace up my sleeve, I wasn't afraid.    


The island seemed to calm down for a while, and then it seemed to smile again. In the end, it courteously said, "I, although I have been of great help to their family, but this action is related to their family's interests as a whole. It still needs to be discussed, so I will have to wait a few days before I give a reply." When I saw his expression, I guessed that there was truth in his words as well as falsehood. I didn't say anything more and just talked about something else before saying my goodbyes.    


The next day, I didn't get a call, nor was I in a hurry. In just a few hours, about $3 billion more went into operation without being able to get into Japan. On the afternoon of the third day, I finally got to the phone number on the island, but I was sorry to say that they might not be able to help.    


I sighed in my heart. I had already known that this would happen. I felt depressed, but there was nothing I could do. He thought for a while and came up with an idea. At once he said to the island in a calm voice, "That's easy to do. Let's start the board meeting tomorrow!" On the other end of the line, Shunsuke was stunned. I didn't say anything, just smiled coldly and hung up the phone. As soon as the phone stopped ringing, I asked Yuke to inform everyone to put all of the shares he had purchased into my hands.    


Yes, one of the two bureaus I had set up before was to acquire a large stake in Big Spring. To this day, including the liquid shares purchased from the market and the non-liquid shares purchased through various means, I already hold a 24.5% share of Daochun Chemical Fiber. Although I do not hold an absolute majority, but according to my intelligence, I am in the top three.    


For Sally's sake, I can't wait. I have to be ruthless!    


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