Super Little Farmer



0I was not surprised to be introduced to Shimamoto, for I was prepared; but when I introduced Shimamoto, I was surprised. Such a beautiful young girl like this, is she the little girl that I saved back then? We haven't seen each other for five years, but he's already grown up like this? Was she already so beautiful? Oh, my God! I am certain that her absolute beauty may only be comparable to Han Bing'er and Han Juehe, and might even be slightly more beautiful than the two sisters, Ding Yaoyue and Ding Qiong!    


I sighed to myself, and calmly looked at Mr. Shimamoto, and then back at Sachiko, and followed his introduction to the other leaders of the island family, but they were nothing more than the three sons of Mr. Shimamoto: the eldest son, the head of the island family, the chairman of all of the estate of the island family, the first man on the left, an old man in his sixties, and Kawaguchi, the second son, the president of all of the estate of the island family, and the second man on the right, an old man in his sixties, Kawasaki. "I believe that the middle-aged man who was ranked higher and had come to Huaxia to take over the island's Sachiko, the second from the right, is actually the third son of Mr Island's first master, Jingyun, the vice chairman of the island's family, the chief financial officer, and the father of the island's Sachiko!    


F * ck!    


This time it was my turn to stay. For one thing, I did not expect him to be the son of Shimamoto, for his two brothers were perhaps twenty years older than he, and he was the father of Shimamoto! It looked like he was half brother compared to his two older brothers. With his status, the two of them had kept a very low profile when they came to the mainland. Because with his identity, if he were to be made public, the governor of our South Wei Province would have to personally step in. At the very least, he would have to meet Jing Chu or the mayor of Jing Shan City. Of course, in those special circumstances, he could only keep a low profile. The three of them were still his identities. I clearly remember, that Sachiko, that day, was the one who called the two dead men and women her parents. Why did she have a father here? Oh, that's right. I did introduce him as "father by birth". Hmm, I understand now that this is my biological father. Does that mean that the person who died was my adoptive parents? Mm, it should be like that!    


As I thought about it, I listened to Island's introduction of the others. They were the second and third generation leaders of the island's family, holding important positions in the various industries of the island's family business, or in each of its systems. I greeted them one by one. Finally, the island introduced me, Mr. Zhang Yun from China. I bowed again. All the members of the island family bowed to me.    


After we got to know each other, we began to discuss the details. I noticed that Mr. Shimamoto, who was sitting in the main seat, had not spoken at all, but had only listened; and when I first saw him, I could feel a flash of light in his eyes, and I paused for a moment. It was as if he wanted to remember something, but because of his identity, it only lasted for a brief moment. What kind of person am I, even though all of this is passing by so fast? My eyesight had always been good, and from the moment I entered the room, my gaze had never left him. I felt that he had clearly lost his composure a moment ago, but after living in the martial arts world for so long, he had developed an unchanging expression and martial arts. Adding on his quick reaction, he only managed to calm down a little. I smiled to myself, but didn't mind. I only talked to the sixty-something old man sitting in the first seat on the left, Kawaguchi. At first, the two sides were able to talk calmly, but it was obvious that Kawaguchi was a little cunning in not going into the main topic. I couldn't wait and had to bring it up on my own accord. On the other hand, the small island, Chuanhong, wanted more and more benefits. I thought that I could give up the necessary benefits, but that I couldn't if I was too determined, and that Kawaguchi, who clearly thought I was indispensable, could ask me for benefits endlessly, and step forward regardless of my tolerance. I hated him, but I had a request for him, so I had to swallow it. However, this small island didn't seem to be a good person. Before they could finish looting the island, they had come up with new ideas. I was finally a little angry and thought to myself: This little Japan, she really can't feed a big ingrate. Damn, since you insist on doing this, don't blame me for being rude.    


I looked around again. Apart from Sachiko, who didn't have much of a right to speak, who was looking at me nervously, everyone else looked like wooden statues. Their faces were calm, as if my negotiations with Kawaguchi had nothing to do with them. I noticed, however, that all these people, including Sachiko the Island, had inadvertently taken a look at Mr. Ben the Island, who was resting with his eyes closed and seemed to be recalling something.    


Looking at this, I suddenly sighed in my heart. I knew that this mister was the real mastermind, but when I thought about how my mouth was parched from the negotiations just now, and how he still had that look on his face, it was obvious that he was playing with me. Thinking of this, I made up my mind. Sneering coldly, I suddenly smiled. Mr. Shimamoto looked at me in surprise. I then calmly said, "If you guys are so insincere, then just wait and see!"    


Saying that, I took out my phone and pressed a few buttons. Then, I dialed a number. Zhou Bingjie, who had rushed over from Jing Chu City yesterday afternoon, and told her to proceed according to her plan. I gave her a huge sum of about $6.5 billion. If I didn't negotiate well today, I would use the stock market to stir up Big Spring's share price and make a deal. For concealment's sake, these little Japanese kept an eye on me. I didn't see her directly when she came, but later last night, I sneaked into her room to give her some instructions and then left immediately. The ten special forces personnel I have left at the hotel are here to protect her!    


I calmed down when Zhou Bingjie answered. According to my accurate calculations, the maximum market value of a Big Spring chemical fiber in the stock market will not exceed $15 billion. If I go into the stock market with more than six billion dollars, I'm sure I'll make a difference. Furthermore, I have secretly taken control of 17.9% of its shares! I believe that with Zhou Bingjie and a few of her golden hands, even if we don't take care of them today, they will at least be played around!    


Sure enough, within a few minutes, someone gently pushed the door open and, ignoring the looks of the seated person, went straight to the small island, Chuanhong, and whispered to him. I didn't have to listen to it, but I knew the main point: It had dropped 25% in the middle of spring!    


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