Super Little Farmer



0Although the Chinese soldiers' attack this time was silent, Ben, who had been hunting for a long time, still felt a sense of death. He could almost feel the approaching danger. But at the same time, as a hunter, he knew that it was best to not change. Hence, he chose a place with a better terrain to hide quietly. It was obvious that Matsumoto had also sensed that powerful aura of death. In the end, in order to avoid death, he ignored the persuasion that Ben Island was hiding on the spot and climbed up a big tree to hide.    


Very soon, he could sense the approaching enemy, so he calmed down and adjusted the muzzle of his gun, ready to deal a fatal blow to the enemy. Sure enough, a little while later, almost buried in the thick layer of fallen leaves, he saw — a figure sneaking up on him. He suppressed the joy in his heart and easily pulled the trigger. The bullet shot into the man's head as if it had eyes. He, who was extremely alert, felt a sense of foreboding: for he had not seen the blood that was slightly spurting from the man.    


It was a trap! Subconsciously, he rolled to the side …    


As expected, just as he turned his body, the place where he was lying just now was hit by two bullets. Without another word, he continued to roll and dodge, at the same time shooting back with his gun. His marksmanship was very accurate, especially when moving. This time, he heard a scream. Someone had been shot, but not fatally.    


However, after this battle, both sides stopped and continued to search for new fighter jets.    


However, the series of gunshots made Matsumoto, who was hiding in the tree, react intensely. He fired back at the Chinese soldiers.    


Shimamoto sighed. This was because one of the rules of the battle was to conceal himself and then go find the enemy. Matsumoto's survival was entirely due to luck and the help he received from Little Island, but this time, he was clearly a live target.    


As expected, when Matsumoto fired, he was hit by a bullet and fell out of the tree. Without even thinking about it, Shimamoto Shimamoto knew that Matsumoto had lost his chance to live. However, Island One was a man of his heart and had long guessed what had happened. He had long since seen the place where the Chinese soldiers would take out their spears, so he turned sideways as he attacked. The Chinese soldier gave another miserable groan and no longer made a sound. Island knew that he had reaped another Chinese life. And hearing this voice, it wasn't the voice of the person he had shot earlier. He felt inexplicably happy and inexplicably regretful. Because he strongly felt that the most powerful Chinese soldier had yet to take action, and he didn't seem to be among those injured.    


And looking at the scene in front of them, he, Little Island's Ben, alone has the advantage against at least four people in China!    


But he was not afraid. This was because the second rule of the jungle was that the terrain outweighed the numbers! And he took up ground.    


For the next three days, both parties spent under extremely difficult circumstances. This was because no one dared to act rashly. Because both sides have a godly archer, the slightest movement could lead to the loss of life. The small island took up a large part of the terrain, while the Chinese side took up a large part of the manpower. The two sides had been in a stalemate.    


Eating, drinking, pulling, scattering, were all problems now. Shimamoto simply lay naked on the ground, doing what he was doing. However, the mosquitoes, leeches, and other unknown bugs in the forest had all attacked him. Coupled with the effects of the rotting corpses, he was challenging his physical and physical limits! However, he did not dare to relax, because if he did, he would turn into a corpse!    


Fortunately, he was able to endure the habits that he had developed over the years!    


While he endured, he looked for an opportunity.    


Finally, on the morning of the fourth day, Shimamoto, with his keen sense of hearing, knew that someone was fetching water. It was important to know that in this primitive forest, they, including the Japanese and the Chinese, were badly in need of water. In fact, there was water everywhere, but no one dared to eat it. Because the water itself is problematic, and in many cases poisonous. What's more, there were so many corpses here? How could a corpse dare to eat water that had rotted and seeped into the ground?    


He, Island Ben, was still better off, taking up a bit of the terrain and having the advantage of fetching water, but the Chinese soldiers obviously didn't have that advantage. Therefore, it was completely within reason to come to retrieve the water at this time. Thinking of this, he quietly moved.    


It was still deep night. Although he could not see it clearly, he still saw the sound of the German military kettle as it was fetching water. He shot forward. It was obvious that the canteen had been breached by him. He silently praised it. This was because this Chinese soldier was obviously very smart and was already on guard against him. When he was fetching water, he definitely thought of a way to defend against his sniper rifle.    


As soon as his gun fired, he felt a bullet hit the mud mound beside him.    


He sighed again. This was because he had once again carefully hid in the mud, once again saving his life! He knew that the gunshot was fired by the leader of the Chinese soldier. Without another word, he shot back in that direction. Immediately change locations. The sniper on the other side was clearly very powerful as well. After firing a shot at him, he dodged it.    


In the early hours of that morning, both sides had relied on their hearing to shoot more than ten times in the dark night, but they had not been able to harm the other party in the slightest. On the other hand, one of the Chinese soldiers came rushing over from the other side and was headshot!    


Three against one!    


He changed his position and thought to himself. After a while, he sighed in admiration, that Chinese soldier was truly amazing!    


In the following three days, the two sides continued to fight more than ten times with guns, and the result was a draw. But the smart one, he had used a diversion to get rid of another Chinese soldier and pulled the ratio closer to two against one!    


However, the more it was like this, the more uncertain he was! He already knew that the most powerful soldier had never revealed any flaws from the beginning till the end!    


This was the first time he had the thought of not being able to defeat his opponent!    


After hiding for another day and night, he slept on the ground, put on his clothes, and quietly left the battlefield with the last four bullets.    


However, those two Chinese soldiers were clearly not a pushover as they pursued relentlessly. This time, he became the prey and the Chinese became the hunters!    


Another week passed. After a careful investigation, he realized that there was only one Chinese soldier behind him now. If he was right, he was the most powerful Chinese leader. As for the other one, there was almost no need to think about it. He had calculated that one was definitely one of the people who had been shot. This kind of sniper rifle was very overbearing. If you were hit by a critical hit, you would immediately die. If you were hit by a fatal hit, you might even be saved if you were hit by a rescue attack. But in this forest, not only is it impossible to treat, there are no drugs. He guessed that the injured Chinese soldier died from the wound infection.    


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