Super Little Farmer



0Under the guidance of the two, they entered the VIP room, where there were already people waiting for them. The leader immediately stood up when he saw me enter the room. His attitude was very warm. I saw that it was none other than the "love rival", Lin Lang Williamson. Seeing him come over to hug me, I smiled and walked over to hug him. At the moment, he was my comrade, and I had to be friendly to him. Besides, according to what I learned yesterday, after the plane crash between Han Bing'er and me, this Lin Lang was silent for a full year, but finally, four months before we were rescued, he married the daughter of American oil tycoon Lofty Cremont, Ardis Cremon. This was a typical marriage between Wealthy Class families. However, it had to be said that Lin Lang and Ardis was a perfect match. Regardless of appearance, knowledge, or status, they were all on equal footing. And, according to my information, the two of them are on very good terms at the moment.    


It would be best for me if I lost a rival. But for now, I need his support more. Furthermore, from the information provided by Sally before she left, Lin Lang was quite attentive to her! Therefore, it was all the more important for me to be on good terms with him at the moment.    


The two exchanged pleasantries. From an outsider's point of view, he definitely thinks that we are good friends that we haven't met in a long time, and not two opponents that we fought to death in the stock market the day before yesterday. Of course, I believe that Lin Lang must have had his father's intentions behind his meeting with me today. Perhaps his father, Jardi Wilhelmson, was already present at the scene, because one of the people sitting beside him seemed to be the old man from the legends!    


I am not surprised that this father and son came to see me together today. After all, the wealth and accurate methods that I displayed a few days ago were not for show! As the saying goes, sometimes the strongest enemy is one's best friend. To them, I, who caused them hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of losses and hurt them so badly in just a few days, am truly worthy of their respect!    


This, perhaps, was one of the reasons they had finally agreed to come to see me, and I suppose it had something to do with my sincerity to Sally. Maybe they were all discerning people: This Chinese brat actually came to our UK and made such a big scene for this matter!    


Of course, this is not the time for me to think about this. I have to meet with other people in the company of Lin Lang!    


I'm sure now that the old man, my idol, Judy Wilhelmsson, was there. Because the old Englishman who now stood up smiling looked so familiar. Who else could it be other than Judy Williamson?    


I really met him!    


Oh, my God, this is real!    


Five years ago, Big Sister Guo Qing once read a book. It was from this old man's biography. I remember that I secretly swore that I would be like him in this life. Unexpectedly, today, although I have not fulfilled my own dream, but finally had the opportunity to meet with him. The reason for this meeting seemed to be to fight for his daughter! The world was unpredictable, so it was rather complicated!    


I was excited. I was unabashedly excited, without the slightest awareness that negotiations should be conducted in silence. Lin Lang looked at me strangely, but the old man only smiled warmly, not caring at all. After a while, I finally realized that I had lost my composure a little. I thought for a moment and directly explained the reason: You are my idol, I have always been using you as my role model and worked hard. Meeting you today was really exciting.    


I speak English. When the old man heard my words, he was first taken aback. He glanced at me carefully, afraid that I was not speaking perfunctorily. Finally, he laughed and took my hand to introduce the others. They were the brothers of Mr. Gardner, and all of them were well-known figures in the British economy. I greet them one by one. Maybe it was my excitement that made Gardiner like me, but after we met, Gardner took me to sit next to him and asked me about my situation. Looking at his gentle demeanour, he was finally able to calm down, and he began to explain his situation in detail, from the introduction of his own family situation to his own hard work in getting what he had achieved today; from the beginning of their acquaintance with Sally, to her coming to me later, they had a new relationship; from my accident, to Sally giving up her happiness for my sake, to my attack on the Wilhelson family, to force them to back down, I explained everything in detail.    


I don't know why I speak so openly. Perhaps Mr. Gardner's eyes were a kind of explanation for everything, because I had noticed Mr. Gardner's comments just now. There was no contempt or laughter, only sincerity and appreciation. I don't know why I feel this way, but I have to admit that this old man feels this way. So I said what I really wanted to say. The old man just looked at me with a smile, not saying a word, and listened. Lin Lang and his uncles were also silent as they listened to me. My order was clear, in the exact chronological order; I was telling the truth and feeling. The opposite was Sally's father, and there was no need for me to hide or pester anything, I said bluntly. As long as Sally is fine, what do I care about nodding my head? Thinking of Sally, for me, she would rather give up the happiness of her life to fulfill me. But what about me, for the sake of this woman who truly loves, I can give up my life, let alone lower my head to her?    


Obviously, my magnanimity and sincerity played a great role. Everyone who was sitting was smiling when they heard it from the beginning to the end. They were not impatient at all. In the exchange that followed, I became more and more secretly alarmed: these people, although not explicitly speaking, but according to the information that came out of their mouths intentionally or unintentionally, they knew exactly what I was doing and what I was doing. Apart from being caught unprepared in the first confrontation, they knew all about me that very night. Presumably, this Mr. Gardner was well aware of what I was doing, or perhaps he wanted to test my abilities, so he organized a group attack. Obviously, the school report I submitted qualified, which is why we met today. At this point, I realized how much I meant to be a villain. This is because I only thought that it was to force them to step forward, but it turns out that they were the ones who took the initiative to step forward.    


However, the other meaning in their words made me secretly gleeful in my heart. Because at the beginning, there were a lot of people who didn't think too highly of me. This included old Mr. Gardner and a few others, but my continuous attacks had really changed their minds. From this perspective, my 'coercion' was, to a certain extent, a success!    


What happened next was simple. As for me, I have no plans to return the money I earned from earning billions of dollars from my family. Of course, I didn't see Sally. However, judging from Mr. Gardner's words, I don't think that he will make things difficult for Sally any more, because I have already clearly expressed my feelings for her. Gardner did not deny it. He only smiled. I guessed that when he returned home he would consult with Lady Gardiner and Sally herself, and did not press for help. Although I was a little disappointed that I didn't see Sally, this kind of conclusion has completely achieved my goal. After talking for a while longer, I will take my leave. Lin Lang sent me out on behalf of the Williamson family. Before I left, I felt something in my palm. I looked at Lin Lang and saw him smiling as he nodded his head. My heart was filled with joy as I knew that it was Sally's letter. He thanked her and finally left.    


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