Super Little Farmer



0The first piece of good news was that Yi Jing had secretly sent me a message. I finally knew a bit of useful information about the South River Heavy Motor. It turned out that Yi Jing had found out through many other means that the second largest shareholder of the South River Heavy Automobile was called Mei Mi. He was the daughter-in-law of Yang Zhe, the standing deputy governor and the only son, Yang Yunfeng! Yi Jing had also confirmed that Vice Governor Yang had helped a lot when the "South River Heavy Auto" had gone public.    


I have to say, although this information can't give me anything definite, but it gives me a lot of associations.    


The second was from Liu Zhiyun, who was responsible for the successful construction of the Brazilian company. He was in the process of synchronizing the installation and debugging of the equipment, which would be ready for production by the start of the year. The third was that there were already rumors in society that, in order to lead the development of the economy of the four cities, Jing Chu, Jing Zhen, Jing Shan, and Jing Kou, the provincial government intended to relocate from the center of the city to the core of Moon Bay's pilot area, close to the Wu Hou Hall. Although this rumor was unable to determine whether it was true or false, it still caused the land prices in this area to continue to rise. The price of the land had increased by another fifty percent compared to before the rumors were released. The biggest beneficiary is me, because I'm afraid my assets have increased by a few billion dollars. However, I know that this is not true. Because I have taken all the core land in this area, the provincial government will have to move in, and I'm sure they'll have to take over my land, but no one will contact me. This shows that the provincial government has no intention of relocating, although I think it would be better to move the provincial government than to stay there. However, Zhou Bingjie happened to tell me a piece of information. A staff member had once reported to her that someone had indeed explored this area a few days ago. Now that he thought about it, he wondered if the provincial government was really planning to move south. The fourth was that my Twin Towers had finally erected a roof. It was likely that they would be able to seal it in the next few days.    


These few pieces of news made all the girls in the mansion laugh. This was something that was rarely seen by them. Although my heart was gratified for a moment, I did not think too much, but still did my own thing. The main point of this land controlled by the investment company was to take up one or two projects. The main idea was that after next year's opening of spring, once the provincial government hosted the economic and trade negotiations between the NPC and the CPPCC ended, the provincial government would be in charge of it. Chu Jing was currently reporting the projects to the provincial government, and considering that Zhang Yun had more control over the land, they could consider taking one or two projects. This, of course, was in line with my requirements and thinking. After careful analysis, I selected a project and arranged for people to do the project documentation.    


Finally, it was the new year. Unlike last year, the major corporate groups held meetings, reported on the situation, and awarded advancements; some of the heads of the local companies specifically stated their duties in a flat tone that needed to be promoted; the various companies and groups all held a lot of gatherings, whether it was a gathering or a party dinner, anyway. I didn't show myself. It was all done by the heads of the various groups, the girls in the villa. One had to know that the people standing before the stage now were these young and beautiful girls! Also different from last year, this year I gave everyone a big red packet. Employees are up 20% on last year's year-end bonus this year. As for the end-of-year bonuses for all the executives, the girls in charge of the various corporate groups have all received large red packets, ranging from 20 thousand yuan to 100 thousand yuan, according to my suggestion. Even the Lu Bin that I suspected, I had asked the spirit child to give him 50 thousand yuan. "When the boy came back, he told me that he had taken it calmly and didn't say anything.    


Sending red packets this time cost me close to 7 million yuan, but I didn't care. I've made more than 500 million this year, so what's the point of this extra money? As for the girls, I was even more generous, at 500 thousand yuan each. Zeng Haiying and Yi Jing were slightly less, but each had 100 thousand yuan. It wasn't cash, it was bank cards.    


Everyone is home and I need to rest. He had originally planned to go on a tour this year, but after seeing the incident with the Nan He heavy bus, he was no longer in a good mood. He decided to guard the grave for his three closest relatives. On the 28th of the new year, it was time for the holidays to come. Of course, there were naturally those who were on duty. I also made a reunion dinner in my villa. The next morning, the two of us drove my BMW X5 back to Jingshan City, the Gadfly Mountain.    


Just like last year, he would first send the spiritual son of the mountain home, and then send the son of the mountain home. The roads in the mountains are no longer the roads they used to be. With my investment and the support of the local government, they are now building roads on their own. The Spirit had even specially sent out two excavators to work here for over a month. Although the road they were on was still inconspicuous, in the eyes of us locals, it was already pretty good. So this time I was able to drive to the flat ground near my house. Obviously, the simple villagers took the initiative to help me build the road. Even though I was away from home for a long time, the road extended all the way to my house. Even though my house was high and the road was difficult to walk on, this road followed the mountain all the way up to the flat land. Even in some places where it might be slippery, some people use bluestone as a base to increase friction. I didn't think it was necessary, but I was very touched. I know that everyone thinks that their good life today has been developed because of me, and the things they do for me are so delicate! He sighed in his heart, but he just accepted it happily.    


While sighing and feeling touched, I drove seriously. The road had been repaired, but it was difficult to walk, and I didn't want my brand-new BMW X5 to be scarred in this mountain, so I would drive with all my heart.    


When I parked the car and took two bags from the car and walked to the big flat at the door, I was so surprised I couldn't walk anymore.    


Is this my home? Be a bit more alert, I confirm that this is indeed my home!    


Today, the mud houses in my hometown, although the overall situation has not changed, have obviously been refurbished. More importantly, these doors were open. It was obvious that someone was living. The flat area in front of the house was also swept clean and tidy. I guessed that someone from the mountains had come to help me clean up, but I couldn't figure out who it was. He took a few steps into the house. The room was as clean as the outside, but there was no one inside.    


This time it was my turn. I looked around the front and back of the house, but there was no one there. Looking into the vegetable patch, he still couldn't see anyone. I estimated that it was most likely someone from the village who helped me clean the place. He estimated that I would probably come back, so he left with the door open. He put away the bag and washed his face. Then he thought about going back up the mountain to look at the graves of my three relatives. However, when I arrived at the back of the mountain and was just ten meters away from the grave, I saw two tall figures walking over from that direction.    


It was two girls, one with a hoe on her back and the other with a sickle and straw basket. It seemed that they had just finished tidying up the grave and were about to return home. At this moment, the two of them didn't say anything and just walked over. After taking a few steps, they immediately saw me standing on the other side. The eyes of the two brightened at the same time and they looked at each other. After being stunned for a moment, they both gently put down the tools in their hands and heavily knelt down, kowtowing to me!    


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