Super Little Farmer



0One night passed just like that. The weather was fine the next day, and the temperature had risen to nearly twenty degrees Celsius. Zhou Bingjie was being pushed out to visit her uncles, uncles, and aunts. She seemed to be the first university student in the area, and she rarely came back, so she should go visit her relatives. Zhou Yajie wanted to go for a walk. Of course I was with her.    


Zhou Yajie, who had entered nature, was now like a little girl, happily singing and clapping her hands. I was three years younger than she was, but I was like a big brother, watching over her. Unknowingly, the two of us arrived at the foot of Wu Dai Mountain. Ahead was the dense shrubbery.    


Sister Zhou was going to give it a try again. I knew that was the reason for the pregnancy, so I took her by the arms and walked her a few steps to the edge of a cliff more than three feet high, where she could squat down and untie herself. At this moment, I suddenly heard a "Mmm mmm" sound! I cried out in my heart, grabbing Zhou Yajie and helping her pull up her pants. My eyes followed the direction of the sound, and sure enough, I saw a swarm of wild bees swarming towards me from below the cliff.    


It turned out that Zhou Yajie's urine had actually splashed onto a huge wild beehive under the hanging wall. The wild hive was hidden under a bush at the base of the cliff. I hadn't noticed it before, but I didn't expect it to happen now.    


This kind of wasp was quite common in the mountains, but he didn't expect it to be this big. I know how powerful these wasps are. In our mountain, there are even records of people being stung to death. Obviously, I can't let Sis Zhou get hurt. Calmly, I took off my outer clothes and wrapped them around Sister Zhou, helping her to walk forward.    


But her actions were too inconvenient, so I had to defend her with all my might. Soon, I knew I was covered with injuries.    


I endured the pain all over my body, protecting Zhou Yajie as I walked forward. But she was too slow to move.    


This way, there was no other way! I can only protect her for a moment. If it goes on for too long, she'll be stung! I took off my final shirt and fished in my pants pocket for a lighter. It was still the birthday of a little beauty, so I thought that I might give her a birthday cake. I asked He Guoqian to ignite that shirt and violently counterattack the swarm. Many of the bees' wings were burnt, and the swarm's attack was immediately brought down.    


I knew that I had been severely injured, and that I might even lose my life here. The only way I could do that was to extinguish the beehive and rub the live queen bee juice onto the wound, in order to delay it for a while.    


At that moment, I let Sister Zhou stand where she was. She was attracting the bees on her upper body as she ran towards the beehive. That swarm of bees was attracted by me and followed me. The attacks on my body were increasing, and I could no longer feel the pain.    


Luckily, I was fast enough. In a few steps, I reached the edge of the cliff and jumped into the bushes. The bush was solid, and I didn't fall. I grabbed hold of the bush with one hand, and with the other, I caught the beehive in my hand. With two steps, I jumped up the cliff and smashed the beehive. I saw the beehive with its big milky white beehive.    


Just as she was about to take it out, Sister Zhou exclaimed. I was surprised to find that a few bees were running toward her. I secretly cursed in my heart. Without even thinking about it, I gave up on the Live Queen Bee and pounced over. Luckily, I was extremely fast and managed to reach Zhou Yajie before the swarm of bees arrived. Zhou Yajie wanted to dodge the bee's attack, but just as she was about to retreat, her feet slipped and she fell towards a nearby cliff.    


I see that the situation is not looking good! He did not even think and shouted, hugging her and jumping down. In the air, I instinctively turned, let myself fall, and fell heavily to the ground. After that, he didn't know anything else.    


When I woke up again, I was in a room, my body in pain and numbness, unable to move my arms and legs, unable to open my eyes. Fortunately, I had some hearing, and my head was relatively clear.    


There were quite a few people talking around him. Judging from the voices, there were Zhou Yajie's father and her mother. Of course, there was also Zhou Yajie. She was crying very hard right now. It was as if someone was trying to persuade her. Oh right, it was her little sister, Zhou Bingjie, who had been misunderstanding me. There were also a few people, who seemed to be neighbors.    


From the sound of it, the person who spoke sounded like an old man:    


"..." You're the best man in the area, you can say that. When Bing Jie and I came to your house, we happened to see that scene on the way …    


After hearing the old man's words, my imagination started to run wild: Isn't this evaluation a little too high? I was just doing my job, not the "best man." Furthermore, I do not seem to be Zhou Yajie's man. Right, when did they see that?    


"..." It can be said that he had at least three chances to survive today, but he gave them all to you. The first time, he could have run away, but for you, he slowed down and covered you with his clothes, and when you did protect him, he was seriously injured. The second time, he knew how to dig a queen, and he wanted to live, but when you screamed, he gave up and came to save you. In fact, he could save himself with a single movement, but he just gave up. By the time I found the queen, she was dead and useless. Hence, his chance now was too slim …    


Three chances of survival? I didn't think about it. However, these two chances were indeed the same. I thought, if I can wake up, I must meet this old man. Hearing the old man's words, I was a little excited. The old man couldn't tell, but his reasoning was as if he had seen it for himself! However, what did he mean when he said, "My chances are very slim now"? Could it be that I can barely cure it? Perhaps, I know how powerful these bees are!    


"As for the third time, he went to save you when you fell off the cliff. Logically, he should be on top of you, but when we found you, he was pinned down. Apparently, for you and the child, he's made up his mind.    


This was the truth! However, I didn't mean to do it. It was purely subconscious! The old man praised him greatly. Listen to what he said about me...    


"..." Now, it was a question whether he would survive or not.    


What the old man said was the truth. Everyone in the mountain knew that this bee was really too poisonous. Sigh, I'm going to die. I still have many things to do! But I'm not afraid of death. Because if I do, I'll be able to see my family again!    


"This wasp is called the 'Poison Hornet'. So it turns out that someone died after taking three stings, not to mention that he received dozens of stings like this? There are bees everywhere, but I'm afraid this population exists only in our Wu Dai Mountain, because my son, who works in scientific research in the provincial capital, said that this was a mutated colony, and it was extremely poisonous. Fortunately, he was completely annihilated by the young man. This saved everyone …    


So that's how it was! Unexpectedly, I accidentally did something good! After listening to the old man's words, I couldn't help but sigh. It seemed like this old man knew a lot. If he could wake up, he would definitely meet him …    


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