Super Little Farmer



0I don't know when I woke up. I'm sure I'm not dead. I subconsciously moved closer. I can move!    


I was excited. I was sure I could move. Just as he was about to say something, he heard someone next to her shout in surprise, "Sis, look! He's moving!" It was Zhou Bingjie's voice.    


"Really? Ah, it's true! Yunzi, open your eyes and look at me! Can you open your eyes? " It was Zhou Yajie. I gathered my strength and struggled to keep my eyes open! Heavens, I finally opened my eyes! I saw three beauties: Zhou Yajie, Zhou Bingjie, and one of them.    


I nodded at them and winked.    


I'm not so good. As soon as I did that, Zhou Yajie started crying bitterly, hugging her sister who was also crying. The corners of Wen Yun's eyes were also red, but it was still okay. His emotions were relatively stable as he quickly gave me an examination.    


"You can get off the bed after resting for two to three days!" After she finished examining me, she heaved a long sigh of relief and said to the Zhou sisters with a smile. The two sisters finally stopped crying and came to see me together. I wanted to see the both of them, but remembered that when I was sick, Zhou Yajie seemed to not know that I was conscious, so she said that. To avoid unnecessary embarrassment, I chose not to say or remind her. At this moment, pretending not to know, pretending that nothing had happened, he smiled to the beauties and said, "Thank you!"    


Zhou Bing Jie heaved a sigh of relief. Zhou Yajie seemed a little disappointed, but she also let out a sigh of relief and came to see me.    


In the next two days, I recovered very quickly. In the afternoon of the next day, I was able to get out of bed. The two Zhou sisters took turns taking care of me. Every night, one of them would sleep beside my bed and take care of me. I can understand why Zhou Yajie did this, but I don't understand why Zhou Bingjie did the same. When I thought about it later, she probably took care of me for fear that she would work too hard to take care of me, so she stopped thinking about it. Of course, if there was a chance, she would carefully examine her chest and find that it was indeed just as Zhou Yajie had said. It seemed to be even more plump than hers. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.    


Of course, after waking up, I also asked Zhou Yajie about this belly. She calmly told me that it was due to the fetus being unable to develop and being born disabled. Rather than causing him to suffer for the rest of his life, it was better for him to leave first. Because I knew the reason, I was just going through the motions. Of course, I didn't want to hurt Zhou Yajie by bringing up this matter, so I just sighed and didn't ask any more questions.    


It was only then that I realized that I had been injured for a full fifteen days!    


My heart jumped! It seemed that there was something bad going on! My God, I've been in a coma for more than ten days. My wild vegetables, my grocery business, my beautiful young woman, my hired son, my trademark of Gadfly Mountain, they all seem to be dealt with! Damn, I'm still here! I couldn't help but feel anxious.    


Zhou Yajie seemed to notice my expression and looked at me deeply. "Yunzi, is there something urgent?"    


"Oh, it's fine!" I was just about to nod, but then I realised, this Zhou Yajie seemed to have just started her own people, and her body was weak. I can't rush her too much, I better not say anything, or else she'll be in a hurry!    


Zhou Yajie seemed to want to participate. She looked at Zhou Bingjie beside her, took a step forward and said, "Yunzi, if there's anything, tell me!"    


I looked at her, then at Zhou Bing Jie beside her. This week, Bing Jie was looking at me with the same concern. When she saw me looking at her, she blushed and lowered her head. My face heated up and my heart skipped a beat. A peculiar feeling spread through my entire body, and I immediately gave a brief introduction of the current situation.    


To be honest, the only people I'm really involved with are the Spirit, Yukiko, and Ronnie, but they only know part of it. And now, I have completely introduced to Zhou Ya Jie, with Zhou Bing Jie on the outside. I don't know why I did it, why I trusted her so much. Perhaps, in my heart, I have already decided that she is my woman! After all, Zhou Yajie was my first woman. Perhaps, she will be my last woman! I had already made up my mind. I would treat her well, take good care of her, and never let her get injured again!    


Hearing my introduction, Zhou Bingjie, who kept her head down, looked up. In contrast to the worried and regretful look on her sister Zhou Yajie's face, she had a look of gratification on her face. I even noticed that there was an obvious look of admiration in her eyes!    


My heart skipped a beat. 'This girl, how could she have such an expression in her eyes?' To me? Impossible! But, if I were to say that's impossible, am I the only man here?    


I panicked and stopped looking at her. However, I still felt that her gaze hadn't left me yet!    


"How about this, I'll come with you to your house, okay?" Zhou Ya Jie seemed to empathize with my situation, so she made this suggestion. I hesitated, wondering if I should take her. Then I thought it would be better not to take her now, because I might not have time to take care of her when I had so many things to do. At that moment, I put forward my point of view. Zhou Yajie was clearly moved. I'm almost sure her eyes are starting to water. However, Zhou Bingjie did not care about this and offered to go with me.    


Normally, it would be a good thing to have such a beautiful woman as his companion. However, this was definitely not a good thing. At the moment, I politely declined, saying that she had to take care of her sister. However, Zhou Yajie rejected my suggestion with a smile that wasn't a smile. She just said that she was fine and could take care of herself, so she wanted me to go with her as if she could help me with a lot of things. Seeing that he could not refuse, he finally nodded in agreement. Together with Zhou Bingjie, he bid farewell to Zhou Yajie and left. Zhou Yajie was obviously very attached to me, and though she was very calm at the moment, and I couldn't seem to detect any particular movement or expression, her beautiful big eyes betrayed her again and again: I could feel the deep infatuation and the deep love between them.    


I cried out in my heart. In that case, I might not be able to let this woman go in my lifetime. But I'm too young for that now. I want to do a lot of things, and I may not have time to deal with my emotional problems.    


I realized that, at some point in time, I had fallen into a trap that I couldn't unravel!    


I was dizzy.    


Only then did I remember that my body wasn't fully recovered, and I had to put my mind at rest and concentrate on making my way home. Zhou Bingjie seemed to understand my physical condition. At first she was not used to it, but later she readily took my arm and moved forward. Actually, even though she said she was holding my arm, I still understood that she was helping me. I felt a warmth in my heart, and though I did not speak, I looked at her gratefully, but met her eyes, which were full of mixed emotions. The two pairs of eyes looked at each other, then away again. Zhou Bingjie's face turned red, while my heart raced.    


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