Super Little Farmer



0I wanted to pull my hands away. However, at this moment, my hands would not listen to me. I could not leave Yinzi's breasts, even though they had already left her hands!    


There were two voices in my head, too. One was trying my best to persuade me to pull my hands away, but the reason was that I was sorry for the Prince, the Son of Heaven, and Zhou Yajie, and so on. The other was determined to keep me here, because this place was too wonderful.    


I didn't know who to listen to, but in the end that determined voice won. Of course I couldn't bear to leave. Not only did he not leave, he even used his hand to gently knead them. Oh, the feel is wonderful. I am sure that this man's breasts will also be covered by an E-cup. Her fullness was no less than that of Zhou Ya Jie, Ling Zi, and the others. As for how tall she was, I was afraid that only Ling Zi would be able to compete with her. A thought struck me, but I also knew that this was probably the result of her years of hard work in the mountains.    


Just as I was kneading my hand, Yukiko snorted softly. Apparently, it was a voice that came out of extreme patience. It was fine that I didn't make a sound, but once I did, I finally couldn't hold it in anymore. Blood rushed to my head, and I couldn't wait to think about other things. As if she had already known what I was going to do, she lifted her head slightly and turned it back to meet me. At that moment, I greedily allowed myself to be sucked. After a long while, this handsome Ying Zi, who had been working in the mountains all year round, was also kissed by me until she was gasping for breath. Finally, she broke free, but then she fell into my arms like a puddle of soft mud. I was going to kiss again, but Yukiko's hands went around my neck and she leaned close to my ear. I guessed she had something to say, so I stopped kissing and leaned over, but the hand continued to rub her plump breasts.    


"Yunzi, Ying Zi wants to do the same thing as you!" However, the girl beside his ear seemed to be drunk as she spoke softly. The voice was extremely soft, but the words it spoke were very clear. And, since her face was slightly close to mine, I could hear her very clearly.    


Ah? Do what I did with the spirit? What are you doing? I was a little dazed, unable to react for a moment. However, he regained his senses after a short moment. "Ah?" Didn't Yinzi say she wanted to do it with me? This is exactly what I did with Ling Zi just now!    


Startled, I immediately knew that the matter I had just done with the spirit child had been heard by her for the entire duration. My face couldn't help but heat up. However, I felt that Yukiko's face was even hotter. I am sure that Yinzi's face was red and his heart was beating fast. He must have put in a lot of effort to say what he had said just now. However, just as this train of thought was straightened out, my heart was filled with shock.    


Am I hearing things? Yukiko means to do it with me!    


It seems, it seems, this, I was thinking too. However, that was impossible!    


No, that won't do. I was shocked. After a while, I felt another shock. And then he woke up. His hand had left the breasts and his mouth had left the face.    


"Yukiko, oh, that, that, that won't do!" I have a few words. With a slight push, he gently pushed away Yinzi and was about to open the door. Then, he thought of something and turned his head slightly. She said softly: "Yinzi, I, I don't dare. You're a good girl, and I can't hurt you. Get back to bed. It's so cold. "    


As soon as I finished speaking and was about to open the door, that Yukiko threw herself at me, hugging my back and leaning her head on my back. She didn't say anything, just sobbed. I sighed again, I am sure I am crying, but I did not make a sound, for there was still a spirit in the house, Sachiko and Sachiko. I felt my heart soften. I turned around and hugged her tightly. After a while, I calmed down and said softly, "Yingzi, how about giving me some time?"    


I didn't want to say that, but if I didn't give Yukiko a word of advice, it might be too late. At the moment, he could only wait until he had the chance to explain more. My words did indeed have an effect, and Inky immediately stopped sobbing. I knew she was skeptical, so I said again, "You know me, Yukiko. Why don't you give me some time? Get dressed and we'll pick up the wild vegetables together. They may be coming soon! " Yukiko stopped at last, as if relieved, and when she heard the last sentence, as if she had been bitten by something, she reacted immediately and went back into the back room to change, then came out again after a while, took my arm, and opened the door.    


Neither of us said a word and walked on, leaning against each other. I've heard from Yinzi that this has always been the case. The number of wild vegetables transport cars has reached four times a day and they're no longer turning our small courtyard, but are heading straight for the hotel. The first stop would definitely be the Spring River Hotel. This was etiquette, as well as an unwritten rule. The headquarters of the Spring River Hotel is not far from our small courtyard. We can reach it by foot. Furthermore, it seemed that it was only around 11 o'clock, which was still rather early. The convoy usually doesn't arrive until nearly 12 in the evening.    


"Yunzi, I want to speak my mind!"    




"Do you like me or not?"    




"Tell me!"    


"I like it!" I thought about it and really did like it. However, it was a bit too much for me to answer clearly like this right now. But if I don't answer, something might happen tonight. Therefore, to say an answer that is not only my own heart, but also in line with the bottom line in her mind, should be my best choice at the moment.    


"Well, you can't lie to me. You promised me just now! "    


I was startled again. Just now, my plan was to delay the war, but according to the words of Ying Zi, I have something to do in the future!    


"Heh, Yunzi, I'm telling you, come with me. There's no way." Just as I was thinking about it, Yukiko suddenly laughs. Then, without waiting for my reply, she gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek and said, "Yunzi, Yunzi, Yunzi really likes you. I won't leave you for the rest of my life anyway. "Hehe, just now you kissed me and touched me. You also know the customs of our mountain!"    


I could no longer walk. Of course I know the customs of our mountain. That was, if what had happened between the man and the woman just now, the two of them would never be able to separate for the rest of their lives. Of course, I also hope that I will never be separated from Yinzi; however, how will I treat the spiritual child in this way?    


"Yunzi, are you upset? You can't leave the spirit anymore, can you? Heh, don't worry, I don't care about the spirit children. As long as you don't leave me. "Hmph, if it comes to it, I'll marry you along with the spirit child!"    


Marry me together? Of course. For one thing, I didn't want to embarrass myself, and for another, I managed to fulfill the wishes of the three of us. For another, the work in the bed was too difficult for the Spirit to bear. Oh, that's a good idea!    


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