Super Little Farmer



0I still didn't want to. I had to retreat again. The man said, "Brother Yunzi, for the sake of our blessings in the future, you must not make things difficult for yourself this time." Seeing me nod, she drifted away again.    


I finally made up my mind to go on with my career. He tossed it for another half an hour before finally sending some of its essence into the spirit child's body. When I looked again, though, it looked as if the man had died. I was shocked. Could it be that the spirit child was killed by me just like that?    


Startled, I quickly touched the spirit child's chest, only to realize that it was just a false alarm. The spirit child was only overexcited, so excited that she appeared to be temporarily dazzled; at this moment, under my gentle caress, she came to her senses.    


Knowing that he had finally accomplished a great deed, the spirit turned around and chuckled softly, "Brother Yunzi, you're really great!" Before I could reply, she said, "Yunzi ge, the spirit child is really tired, I'm sleeping." I nodded, but I didn't pull myself free. I held her close, one hand on her head, the other on her plump body, and tried to sleep.    


However, I suddenly woke up from my daze. Because there seems to be some wild vegetables coming into the city tonight, so I have to catch them. Of course, I also gently rubbed the wonderful body of a Spirit Child, then casually took out a bunch of toilet paper from the bedside table and gently stuffed it between her legs to prevent myself from sending the essence into the Spirit Child's body to fill the entire bed. Only then did I pull out my own body, and of course, I also wiped my body twice on the paper before hooking my feet onto my panties, putting on my pants, pulling up my Spirit Child's quilt, putting on my outer clothes and tiptoeing out of the room.    


I was about to open the door and leave when I heard someone calling to me. I stopped and looked back. Although the room was so dark that I couldn't see who it was, I sensed that it was the son of a hero. My heart skipped a beat as I kept having a bad feeling. Based on my intuition, the matter between me and the spirit child should be something that the spirit child should be well aware of by now. My bed was not too strong, to say the least. Although I had made the smallest movement just now, the creaking of the bed must have been enough for Inky to hear. Perhaps Sachiko had also woken up, and it was for the sake of Yukiko's help that she continued to sleep. After all, at her age, it was time for her to go to sleep. But no matter what, this son of mine must know my situation.    


I had a bad feeling, but that Yukiko seemed to trip over something in the darkness and was about to fall. I took a subconscious stride, then reached out and caught her. Unexpectedly, Yinzi took advantage of the situation and landed in my arms. I was immediately filled with tenderness. I tried to push him away, but he put his arms around my neck and kissed me on the lips. I don't know why, but I'm not in the mood to refuse. I hug the girl's plump body tightly with both of my hands. Fortunately, Yukiko wore pajamas on her upper body. Some of them calmed down a little. However, he felt that there was something missing from the area of his arms, and the area around his chest where Yinzi was holding him had become a bit softer. My heart felt a little weird. After pondering for a moment, I immediately turned pale with fright.    


He was obviously not wearing underwear. When I had felt my arms around her, the missing bits were her brassiere; and when there was more softness, it was clearly Yukiko without her corset, rubbing against me with her rich, deliberate touch!    


A cake seller!    


I sighed in my heart. Thinking about it for a while, his heart skipped a beat and he touched the girl's waist with his hands.    




Just as I guessed, the woman really wasn't wearing any pants, she was just a pair of soft panties!    


My heart was pounding, and a rush of blood rushed into my face and head. I withdrew my hands as if they had been electrocuted. Ying Zi, who had been kissing me, giggled at me and said, I'm going to put on my clothes and wait for me. After saying that, he finally left me and headed towards the inner room.    


I almost fainted. I subconsciously held on to the wall behind me, trying to compose myself. After a while, Yinzi came back.    


He should be dressed. However, this movement was fast enough. I admired it in my heart and was about to go to the door.    


"Yunzi, help me deduct it!" It was Yukiko's voice that stopped me from opening the door, but asked for my help.    


Claim? What is it? My brain short-circuited, then cleared: Oh, she wanted me to button her. No, this button was too easy. She couldn't button it herself?    


However, even though there were some questions in her mind, she still helped her to deduct them. However, the moment I touched the place where Ying Zi told me to buckle it, my mind exploded once again.    


It wasn't a button, it was a buckle on Ying's bra!    


I'm too familiar with this type of thing. Originally not familiar, but I am sure that I am now very familiar with it! After Guo Qing's elder sister, Zhou Yajie, Zhou Bingjie, and the other girls' training, as well as my own hard work in self-study, I am sure that I am holding on to Yin-zi's bra!    


You want me to take this off? I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. This was the second most private place in Ying Zi's life!    


I blush and my heart beats, and I don't know if I should buckle it or not. Fortunately, this was in the dark, so I didn't have to worry too much.    


But the Englishman held out two hands, and together they took mine and led me to help her buckle it. I finally woke up. She gave a soft "hmm" and gathered her energy to help her buckle it. When I moved, Yukiko's hands fell back. However, I found that no matter how hard I tried, my efforts were in vain, because I could not concentrate at all. After a while, the boss was unable to match up. The Englishman chuckled again. My face grew warm again, and I let go of the bra and went back to my place. Then I moved my hands, took a deep breath, and touched Yukiko's smooth back with both hands. I located the place, and fumbled for the ends of the bra I had just loosened.    


My hand suddenly couldn't move!    


Because I found that my own hands, while not touching Yukiko's brassiere, found two unusually soft and fleshy places! Although I was only close to the foot of the two mountain peaks, the rich fleshy feeling was enough to melt my entire being!    


I was shocked again, but then I felt that I had let Ying down. Just as I was thinking about it, that Ying Zi chuckled lightly and said in a low voice, "How stupid!" Saying that, before I could even react, she grabbed my hands with both of hers and gently pushed them upwards …    




I cried out in my heart, for the palms of my hands were two masses of soft flesh. If it wasn't the plump breasts of a woman, then what was it?    


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