Super Little Farmer



0The picture that Ye Shuzhen's French boyfriend showed on his phone, the man in the lead was none other than Romel's boyfriend!    


Besides, Ye Shuzhen's boyfriend was doing it with Romel's boyfriend!    


The two girls were finally defeated. Only then did they realize that the two men's understanding of each other was due to their introduction. Later on, they got to know each other because of this "mutual interest".    


The young woman was finally speechless. In the end, they had all hastily completed their respective studies before returning to their respective countries. When Ye Shuzhen returned to the country, she found someone to marry. Rommel, on the other hand, had always been alone.    


I was finally speechless. I looked at the cold Ye Shuzhen, whose face was now covered in tears. After a while, he understood why this Romer was so calm at all times, and why it turned out this way!    


I wanted to exclaim, but I found I could not exclaim; I wanted to say something, but I could not. He didn't say anything and just allowed himself to calm down. I never would have thought that these two girls would encounter such a situation.    


Our car soon reached its destination: Old Bean Coffee. I cleaned up my emotions and got into the car, while Ye Shuqian did the same in the car for a while and slowly got out of the car as well. However, I was stunned again. Ye Shuzhen, who was previously extremely gentle and had good eyesight, had returned to her usual sane look. We went straight up to the second floor and found a booth. Rommel arrived before the coffee was ordered. It was still as elegant and peaceful as usual, and there was still that faint smile on his face.    


I swallowed again. The one selling cakes, her suit, isn't that the same outfit she wore when I went to look for her in Su Hua's bar? Her wonderful figure, under the outline of her clothes, became even more wonderful!    


However, I woke up after a while. Right now, I'm here to discuss something, not to see a beauty! I turned my head to the side and met Ye Shuzhen's gaze, which was filled with a faint smile. I felt an indescribable panic in my heart and quickly tried to change the topic. Of course, the main topic was, of course, my intention to advance into the dining industry. Rommel, who was ordering coffee, remained impassive, listening to my introduction. Of course I couldn't tell her why, but I gave her a rough idea of what I wanted to hear from her. She ordered her own coffee, handed the thin cloth to Ye Shuzhen, and glanced at her again. Ye Shuzhen shrugged her shoulders and spread out her hands slightly, indicating that she did not know anything. When she saw that Rommel was coming to see her again, she calmly picked up the thin cloth and began to order her coffee.    


From the looks of it, Romel is suspicious of the main purpose of our visit. At the very least, she believes that this is the result of Ye Shuzhen's actions behind the scenes, and, most likely, she has already guessed the purpose of our visit. You know, there are a lot of capable women around us. If it's something else, we can look for someone else. We don't have to look for her.    


However, this is only my estimation and not the truth. If I don't make it clear, then nothing will happen!] Ha, this is my theory!    


After that, of course, we would have a chat, an analysis of the prospects for the development of the fresh supermarkets, and an analysis of the development of the catering industry.    


Section, easy to find, with Zhu Dantong, the first shop should not be a problem; the funds are sufficient, 1 million yuan should not be a problem; employees, it is the end of the year, most of the skilled workers have returned home, good moves, ten thousand steps back, after the Spring Festival, the beginning of next year is also the golden season for recruitment; chefs, good moves, not one or two chefs have been trained in the cooking school this year, of course, we have to find one or two pillars of the town store, this can be slowly thought of, not a big problem.    


But now we have two constraints: First, management, we lack experienced managers; and secondly, in this year and age, this restaurant must have a special feature. Only when it has a special feature, can the risk be minimized and the fund be refunded in the shortest time possible!    


I received a hint from Ye Shuzhen, so of course I won't touch on the second point. The second point is to take it slow, either slowly, slowly, or with the help of a professional planning and packaging company. The reason why I came today is the first point, to invite her out of the mountain. Of course I do. So, after putting forward the two difficulties that I was facing, I said in a matter-of-fact way: This feature, after all, is not a big problem. It is good to have it; it can be done even if it is not. However, this person …    


At this point, I stopped talking and looked at Rommel. Luo Mei's face was still as calm as before. It was hard to tell what her attitude was. As if she knew I was looking at her, she blushed slightly and lowered her head to her coffee.    


I was stunned. To put it this way, this was the first time I had ever seen such a peaceful beauty. Beside me, Ye Shuzhen coughed lightly, a faint smile on her face. Her body, which had been lying on the sofa, sat up straight. Of course I know that she wanted to speak, but if you want to speak then speak. Doesn't this mean I'm doing something else? You know, I was only praising the beauty in front of me. I didn't do anything else! As expected, Luo Mei wasn't satisfied with Ye Shuzhen's deliberate cough. She glanced at Ye Shuzhen and smiled, "What's the matter?" If you have something to say, just say it!    


Ye Shuzhen looked at me, then looked at Rommel, then giggled. After a while, she said seriously, Well, I appreciate Zhang Yun's intention. Zhang Yun was right just now. This restaurant was more important. We can take our time. But for this person, he had to confirm it as soon as possible. How about it? Old classmate    


The first half of Ye Shuzhen's sentence made Romel and I nod in agreement, but the second half sounded weird. Damn, she was flirting with people again! As expected, Luo Mei'er smiled knowingly and glared at Ye Shuzhen. However, he still did not speak.    


To be honest, I always thought that Rommel would take the initiative. In fact, I had already mentioned it, and I was close to making it clear that I wanted her to leave the mountain; and now, Ye Shuzhen's tone was particularly strange, obviously reminding Rommel to let her come forward. But at this moment Rommel remained silent. At last my heart began to pound. For one thing, I don't know if this Rommel will be able to do anything in this regard; in both cases, my terms are a little worse, and I don't know if I can attract her.    


Still, with this beating in my heart, I made a last effort to say: Sister Mei Er, my idea is to ask you to take the lead and we can serve the meal together; or, if we do it together, I will take the lead and you help us manage it, what do you say?    


At this point, Rommel had nothing to say, and had no choice but to say it. She continued to be quiet, as if she were thinking about something; then she seemed to think about something else, glancing at me, blushing a little, then becoming quiet again. Finally, just as my mind was about to collapse, she gave a small nod.    


Well, let's do it together!    


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