Super Little Farmer



0I didn't say anything, but I looked at the map of Southway again, and then at Ronnie. The final point of view was brought up by this beautiful reporter, Ronnie.    


Admittedly, this view is novel. At least, I hadn't noticed such a thing even once before. In fact, Jingzhen, Jingshan, Jingkou and the provincial capital we are currently in, Jingchu, all four cities look like a fan shape from this provincial map: Jing Chu is located at the base of the fan handle, Jing Zhen, Jingshan, Jingkou are arranged in an arc around a curve, like two corners of a fan, and the center point. The two corners and the center line formed a giant fan with the root!    


In the past, I've never been optimistic about these three cities around the provincial capital. According to the overall situation in Nanwei Province, Jingchu City is the capital with the fastest economic development, with an annual GDP value of over 15 billion yuan; then Jingjing City and Jinghua City with a total of over 1 billion yuan; as for my hometown, Jingshan City, it is also very developed with a GDP of around 7 billion yuan, due to the economic development of the southern Guangdong Province and the eastern Hunan Province. As for the three cities of Jingzhen, Jingshan and Jingkou, other than Jingzhen, which was a little developed due to its heavy industry and had a GDP of over 2 billion yuan per year, the other two were not even comparable to one district of Jingchu, the provincial capital! For example, the Jiangzhou area of Jingchu City where we are currently, has an annual GDP value of 26.8 billion yuan. There are a total of 10 tier 2 institutions in each of the five counties of Jingchu City, and even though they are ranked only in the middle reaches, they have already surpassed Jing Shan and Jing Kou City.    


Of course, this was just a former view. Even before I heard Ronnie say that just now, I thought the same. But now, that might not be the case. At least, I think Ronnie was right. Not bad, not bad at all. The beauty of this provincial station's reporter and program host and planner was truly quite sharp. However, although I now think that Ronnie is right and admit that the four cities may well go together, this place, or this place, is still not good enough for the moment. It is true that there is no great economic development; nor is infrastructure, except in the case of our provincial capital, Jingchu, that there are few roads forming in the northern part of the city near the fan-shaped areas of the three cities; there are no major roads in this part of the country other than the old national highway 408 linking this part of the country; some are small roads, or "guillotine."    


I find that the road and the economic development are actually two difficult brothers: because the road is not developed, the economy of this area is not allowed to develop rapidly; and because the economy is not developed, it restricts the road in turn, which further restricts the economic development!    


Of course, there was no major road in the northern part of the city, so it was not necessarily without any strong points. At least, from the map of Jing Chu, the fan-shaped area was still mountainous. This was probably one of the reasons why the main road at the first level of the city had never been built. I haven't been to this area yet, but judging from this map, these mountains should be better protected, because this map clearly shows that there are at least five large mountains, and there are even three lakes inside the city. As a child who came from the mountains, as a child who grew up by the sides of mountains and rivers, he had special feelings for these mountains and the lakes within the city. At the very least, these areas that others might think to be their shortcomings, to me, are exceptionally familiar!    


Looking at this, my mind moved again. I seemed to have some sort of idea, but it only flashed by for a moment. When my thoughts tried to grab hold of it, they ended up with nothing. I thought about it a little more, but still couldn't get the point, so I just smiled and didn't say anything. Then I went back to thinking about the villa we needed to buy.    


"Which ones live in villas?" After some thought, I finally calmed down and looked around before speaking to the few ladies. After a short pause, without waiting for the girls to speak, he continued, "I'm sure you'll be living with me, Son of Ying. "What about you?" I called out the names of two people, but they were the son and the son. They had no place to live but with me. After counting their names, I looked straight at Zhou Bingjie and Zhou Yajie. The two sisters looked at each other and kept silent for a while. Finally, they nodded together.    


"I also want to keep a room!" Seeing the Zhou sisters nod their heads, Zhu Dantong spoke out her opinion. I nodded in agreement. Ye Shuzhen glanced at Romer, then at me with a smile that wasn't a smile, and said, "I want one too!"    


She wants it too? Didn't she have a room?    


I was a little slow to react. Ronnie interrupted again, "How about this? Every single one of us wants a room. We can live there whenever we want to. It's fine even if we don't stay there. What do you think, everyone?"    


Aha, how can I do that? At least, it is inconvenient for me. It doesn't seem that bad. There are so many beautiful women in the room, only I am a man. Just thinking about it makes people look forward to it!    


Before I could express my opinion, all the girls were discussing and nodded in agreement. At this time, the number of houses we needed came out: me, the spirit, the spirit, the spirit, Zhou Bingjie, Zhou Yajie, Aitin, Zhu Dantong, Rommel, Ronnie and Ye Shuzhen, ten bedrooms in total. At this moment, I was filled with a myriad of emotions. I didn't know if I was happy or worried, but I finally nodded in agreement. It was also agreed that in addition to these ten master beds, at least one more guest room and more than one worker's room would be required. As a result, our villa needs at least 12 rooms.    


As for the location, I thought about it for a moment. Considering the current situation, it would be better to be closer to the center of the city. Thinking of this, I smiled at Zhu Dantong and said, Dantong, do you think we should take one from your father's "Ivory Coast"? 3.5 million is 3.5 million!    


Zhu Dantong looked at me and smiled sweetly. She then took out her cell phone and contacted her father. The father and daughter talked over the phone for a few minutes, then her father nodded and agreed to give us the A5. Its villa has 15 bedrooms, the total selling price is 3.8 million yuan, the price is 3.4 million yuan to us; its house is a model house, has been renovated, it spent at least 1.5 million yuan, according to 1.1 million yuan to us. Therefore, the total value of the villa was at least 5.3 million yuan, which was 4.5 million yuan in real terms. The full set of furniture and electrical appliances inside the villa were all given to us by the Hall of Wonders, worth at least 200 thousand yuan.    


This time, it's our turn to click our tongues. Ronnie and Romer were slightly better off, and Ye Shuzhen's performance wasn't too bad either. The rest of them, including me, were a bit surprised: This Zhu Dantong and her father, Zhu Zhitong, are using a lot of money this time! With this move, one drop in price and one gift, it would cost 1.1 million dollars!    


This was not a small number!    


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