Super Little Farmer



0Neither of us spoke. We just cleaned each other up. When I'm done, I help the spirit dry myself, then I'll wipe myself dry before heading to the room together. I wanted to let the spirit child rest, but the spirit child suddenly cried out in alarm, as if she suddenly thought of something, and said, "Brother Yunzi, what time is it?"    


I took a step back and checked my phone. F * ck, it's already past 2 in the afternoon!    


I told her about the time of the spirit child. When the spirit child stopped, she seemed to have thought of something and stole a glance at me. After a while, he stopped and said softly, "Brother Yunzi, let's go back!"    


I nodded and brought the clothes over. At this time, I had already dried the clothes and helped the spirit put them on. The spirit is very cooperative, let me dress her. However, she seemed to have been pondering about something that had just occurred to her. Her emotions suddenly lost all of their previous excitement. I wanted to ask, but in the end I didn't. After dressing her, he also dressed himself, obtained a room card, and went downstairs with the spiritual son to withdraw his card and leave.    


"Yunzi ge, do you like Yin-zi Sis?" We walked home. The actions of the spirit child today were obviously inferior to those of the past. I also understood the reason behind her actions and slowly accompanied her on her way. Just as I was reminiscing about what just happened, Ling Zi suddenly whispered something in my ear.    


"Oh, Yukiko, I like it!" I agreed without hesitation. After a while, I noticed that something was wrong. I hurriedly stopped and looked at the spirit seed with my eyes. Sure enough, Reiko tilted her head and giggled at me.    


"I, I …" I suddenly realized that I had the gene to be a stallion, because I had told my woman that I liked another woman. The thing is, it's true, I do like Yukiko a little bit. In my subconscious, it seemed that it wasn't just Ying Zi, but also Big Sis Guo Qing, Zhou Yajie, Zhu Dantong and even Ronnie and Aitin who occupied a certain position in my heart. I can even feel a glimmer of hope in my heart for the beautiful woman who had done such a small thing to me!    


F * ck me! I dare say I am not human! I'm just a beast! He actually liked so many girls!    




I scolded myself loudly and forcefully suppressed my imagination to look at the spirit child.    


Ling Zi remained silent, but her expression was abnormally calm. It was hard to tell what she was thinking. I was suddenly a little flustered and a little nervous. I mumbled, "Don't apologize, Son of Heaven. Ah, that Son of Ying, I don't want to!" I, oh, Brother Yunzi, will always be good to you! "Don't worry!"    


"Yan-zi ge, what are you so nervous about?" "It's not like the spirit child said anything about you!" The spirit child suddenly smiled and grabbed my arm. "Let's go back. "But Brother Yunzi, why did we stay so long before returning?"    


Right, what's wrong? Weren't we just...    


I was suddenly stunned. Because it seems that Ling Zi meant what she said. She was reminding me that we should have a reason when we go back home. She was reminding me to think of an excuse beforehand!    


I looked gratefully at Reiko and took her arm as we walked, discussing some matters.    


As usual, we entered the small courtyard. There was no one in the courtyard. I guess everyone was working outside, and I was relieved, too, and a little relieved. All the hundred strategies he had just come up with to deal with the Spirit Child on the way here were now useless. She gave me a wink of relief, and for a moment it made me itch again. I wanted to push her into bed for a few hundred more rounds, because the smell was so good. Of course, this was all just a thought. He just smiled at her and thought about his own matters. And the child lay down on my bed and slept, and slept, and rested. Today, she was extremely tired.    


Not long after the spirit child fell asleep, Ronnie came back. Seeing me here, she smiled like a flower. I stood up and looked at her, guessing that she had done something for me. Sure enough, Ronnie pulled some papers out of the paper bag she carried with her. It was a complete account of the company we had started. I am a little bit excited. After all, this really explains something. At the very least, it shows that I have been working hard to achieve some results.    


I looked at it carefully, and it really did follow my instructions. In this company, Yukiko, Lingzi, and Zhou Yajie each have 15% of the shares. Zhou Bingjie has 5%, and I have the remaining 50%. As for the arrangement of the duties, it is also as we have discussed. The legal person representative is, of course, me, the chairman and general manager. I took the information, the seal, and compiled it with the information of the Gadfly Mountain trademark that I had brought back earlier, and prepared to hand it to Yukiko later.    


"Congratulations!" Ronnie said to me with a smile as I put the papers away. I smiled politely at her and replied, "Thank you! I know very well how you've helped me! "    


It would have been better if I hadn't said that. As soon as I said it, Ronnie's face immediately turned red. I was stunned for a moment, but then I understood: my words must have been unintentional. I didn't know what Ronnie was thinking!    


Just as he was talking to Ronnie, Yukiko came back. When he saw all three of us, he just nodded at us. I noticed a flash of surprise in her eyes. I couldn't understand why, so I just smiled and said to Yukiko and Ronnie, "Last night, I talked to her about a few more big clients. "Well, here's the check."    


Inky took it and looked at it, clearly surprised again. One had to know that the amount of money was not small, a total of 100 thousand yuan! Furthermore, his background was very big, but he was from the Tongdao Corporation!    


Seeing that she and Ronnie were looking at me with some surprise, I introduced the two hotels, which of course surprised both of them. Just as they were deep in conversation, the spirit was up again, and she hurried to greet her two sisters. He got up and walked out. Ronnie was still alright, but Ying Zi looked at the back of the spirit child and gave me a deep look. Furthermore, the expression on her face was clearly a little disappointed. I guessed that she might have seen what had happened between me and the Spirit. As I thought of this, I suddenly realized that this spirit child, compared to normal times, was clearly much more beautiful and charming! No wonder Yukiko had looked a little surprised when she came in. She was too familiar with the spirit child, so she immediately felt it. As for the current loss, I also understand, because the son also loves me, only, she is more reserved than the spirit son!    


At this moment, I didn't dare to think too much about it. I quickly picked up the information and passed it to Yinzi. I remembered that the last time I had questioned the Board of Commerce about what to do with the establishment of the company, it seemed that I was going to find a bank to open a master account, and after a moment's thought, that I was going to have to sign my name, I wrote it all down and gave it to Yukiko for her to do tomorrow.    


Yinzi agreed, withdrew his gaze from me, gathered up the information, and left.    


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