Super Little Farmer



0I suddenly felt touched.    


Perhaps, from Zhu Dantong, to Ronnie, to Sister Guo Qing's beautiful and young mother, and even that beautiful doctor named Wen Yun, everyone seems to have misunderstood me. In front of me, I did what a passerby should do, but this little girl bowed to me. With a wry smile, I crouched down and dropped to one knee to look at the little girl.    


Taking advantage of the moonlight and the light from the fire, I could see that the little girl's face was very pale, and there were traces of blood on her hair. It had already solidified along the left side of her face. This was obviously not her blood, but the blood of the middle-aged man. With a sigh, I took my little backpack from my back and took out a plastic bag. I took out my wet towel and gently wiped the little girl's face, especially the bloodstains.    


Looking at the little girl who had already wiped off the dust, tears and blood, I was surprised to find that she was actually a very rare beauty! Such looks, perhaps only that beautiful star Han Bing'er could compare with him, and she was even better than his sister Guo Qing's young and beautiful mother! I exclaimed in my heart and recalled the appearance of the middle-aged man and woman who had just passed away. It seemed that the little girl in front of me really had taken into consideration the beauty of their appearances, especially their resemblance to the middle-aged man. However, although they looked similar to each other, they were much more beautiful than the other two. I was even more certain that the middle-aged couple was the little girl's parents. When he looked at the little girl again, he immediately determined her age. According to my estimation, the little girl was only eight or nine years old. Thinking about how an eight to nine-year-old little girl would lose both her parents, my heart shuddered inexplicably. I became more gentle as my right hand gently caressed the little girl's shoulder. The little girl stood firmly in front of me, looking at me.    


"What's your name?" I asked gently in Chinese.    


Just as I expected, the little girl didn't react at all.    


I asked the same question gently in Japanese. The little girl reacted, looking very excited, but her mouth was only 'mute' a few times, but she couldn't say anything!    


The little girl turned out to be a mute! I was shocked!    


But after a while, I realized that something was wrong. This is because, having gone to university, I can understand that this mute is often deaf at the same time, that is, deaf and dumb as a whole. But the little girl in front of me seems to be able to understand my words, but she can't make a sound, which seems to contradict deaf and dumb as a whole! However, after only a slight turn of my head, I immediately rejected my previous point of view, because it seemed that even a mute could understand a lot of things. As for a mute, most of them were 'deaf and dumb'.    


I relaxed, and almost without thinking, I hugged the little girl who was so full of misfortune. The little girl leaned into my arms and pressed her face against mine. I felt my heart warm and moved. "I don't know your name or where you came from, but my brother doesn't care," I said in Japanese. You don't have to worry, as long as your big brother is here, you won't be hungry or cold! " After I finished speaking, the little girl and I continued to hug each other tightly. In just a short moment, my face felt somewhat wet. Stopping, I moved the little girl's face away from me. I looked at her and found that she was already in tears. I knew what I was doing, so I didn't think too much about it. I stood up, gathered up the food and water on the ground, put them into my bag, hung them around my neck, and hung them on my chest. Then I crouched down in front of the little girl, with my back to her.    


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