Super Little Farmer



0In the afternoon, I continued to contact the school, but to no avail. But for dinner, I went home to eat with the little beauty. Of course, it was my master's chef. In the evening I still went to work at the bar, that person called Liu Liangyu came again, still ordering my field. However, she didn't let me sing today. She only asked if I could send her back. After receiving the negative answer, she continued to smile even more happily than last night, making me feel a bit confused.    


It was the same for the next few days. She would work at a bar at night, eat porridge cooked by a beauty at home in the morning, and then head out to get to know the market. Afterwards, she would cook lunch for Sister Zhou, contact the school or investigate the market in the afternoon, and have dinner with the beauty. In the course of a few days, the matter of contacting the school had not progressed at all; the results of the survey on the surrounding markets had given me so much information that I finally had an impression of it; my job at the bar had become more and more convenient, and I had gained the approval of most people, with a nightly tip of more than 600 yuan.    


His relationship with Sister Zhou was getting closer and closer. Every day when I cook Chinese food for Sister Zhou to adjust her diet, I have to chat with her. Inadvertently, I gave Sister Zhou a detailed account of the events of the past few months, especially the misunderstandings and misunderstandings towards me. Sister Zhou gently persuaded me. Knowing that I had been injured, Sister Zhou obviously cared a lot. She only stopped when I slapped my chest to ensure that my body was as strong as a cow's. I also learned from the chat that Sister Zhou had long since left that day's company, but for a different reason.    


It turned out that she had indeed talked to a boyfriend, Tian Jian, who worked at the bank. Later, under Tian Jian's persuasion, Sister Zhou quit her job and went home, intending to be a full-time wife. Their relationship was also getting hotter and hotter, to the point that they were even discussing about marriage. However, Sister Zhou felt something was amiss. First, Tian Jian didn't talk about marriage at all, and Tian Jian purposely avoided talking about it on several occasions; secondly, Tian Jian always came home late at night with a faint fragrance, the smell of Chanel perfume, which Sister Zhou didn't use; however, she had always believed in her boyfriend and didn't take it to heart. Afterwards, she had investigated him a few times but didn't find anything out; she still believed her boyfriend's words, thinking that it was because too many of her female colleagues in the bank who used this perfume; and thirdly, Tian Jian's body seemed to have suddenly stopped working. At least twice, Sister Zhou had hinted sex at her boyfriend, but Tian Jian had avoided her, and once, he couldn't even get into her body. She was worried that he was sick, so she forced herself to go with him to the hospital to have a checkup, but she found out that he had been doing very well all along and would not show such an 'incompetent' appearance. Sister Zhou, who had nothing to do at home and had to surf the internet every day, learned by chance that some of the men who worked as "ducks" outside were unable to have sex with their wives when they returned home because they had to deal with the ladies.    


All of this made Sister Zhou more cautious, but Tian Jian covered up every single time with the excuse that he was too tired to work. The kind Sister Zhou didn't take it to heart, she still treated her boyfriend well as always. However, one day, when Sister Zhou was invited by a few classmates to a gathering at a hotel, she was surprised to find out that a man who looked like her boyfriend was hugging a noblewoman as he came out of the hotel and got on a luxurious car! Sister Zhou doubted her eyes, so she followed him quietly. In the end, she finally confirmed that the man was Tian Jian!    


Annoyed and angry, Sister Zhou still suspected that she had made a mistake, but that night, pretending not to know what had happened during the day, she asked her boyfriend where he was during the day. Her boyfriend told her that he was with Zheng Yan and the others during the day. Zhou Yajie immediately knew that her boyfriend was lying because Zheng Yan was also one of her friends and also her roommate's boyfriend. Today, she was going to have a gathering with them at that hotel! Sister Zhou, who knew the truth, knew that she had just gotten pregnant. She couldn't bear to have no father after the birth of a child. She immediately proposed to get married, but Tian Jian still used all sorts of excuses to avoid doing so. Sister Zhou could not take it anymore and almost fell to the ground. When Tian Jian was sitting on the sofa and drinking water, he was clearly seen by Sister Zhou, who was standing behind the sofa, holding onto the back of the chair. Although the collar of Tian Jian's neck was clean, she could clearly see that there were three thick lipstick marks on it!    


Zhou Yajie asked what was going on. Seeing that he could no longer deny it, Tian Jian finally revealed his sincerity. It turned out that when he was in a relationship with Sister Zhou, he was also liked by a noblewoman at the same time. He will marry the lady. The reason he had been unwilling to explain to Sister Zhou was that he really did like her, and was afraid that she would be provoked!    


Sister Zhou was angry, but she still held onto the last glimmer of hope that she was pregnant, that she was going to get married, that she and Tian Jian were going to get a marriage certificate, and that they were going to get married. When Tian Jian heard that she was pregnant, his expression immediately changed. He directly said that his wife would definitely not allow him to have children. At that time, he had asked Sister Zhou to 'get rid of' him. Tian Jian could not avoid it. With a sneer, he interrogated Sister Zhou about the child in her womb. Could it be that she had brought a wild child from the outside with her to make him take the blame, because he had never had sex with her! Sister Zhou was infuriated at that moment. The two of them split up and left that night. From then on, the two of them never got together again. Sister Zhou wanted to get rid of the child in her womb, but she was also born in the countryside, so she couldn't bear to give up three months of giving birth to the child. In the end, she gave up!    


On the day I saved her, Tian Jian married that lady and she was invited as well. Enduring the pain to go to the wedding, but by the rich dress of the noblewoman and the man who abandoned a lot of ridicule. Sister Zhou finally couldn't take it anymore. She went to the bar to drink in pain, but on the way home, she was robbed by two perverts. The drunk Sister Zhou knew that the situation wasn't good, and she wanted to resist, but she was powerless to turn the situation around.    


I know the rest. On the one hand, I lamented Sister Zhou's fate and hated that Zhongshan Wolf called Tian Jian. On the other hand, I was feeling a little awkward, because after the usual exchange, Sister Zhou seemed to be getting closer and closer to me, and now she was talking about her sex life with Tian Jian in a very natural manner! There was, of course, a need to explain the cause of the matter, but in my heart I was convinced that her body was no longer reserved in front of me, that a traditional woman from the countryside might have regarded me as a part of her life, or she would not have spoken of it so naturally!    


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