Super Little Farmer



0When I finished my tea and came back to see Zhu Dantong, she was smiling at me. I was a little embarrassed by her stare, and I kept feeling that there was something in her eyes that made me flustered, so I quickly put down the cup and went to get the book again. Zhu Dantong refused. She placed the book on the bed and said to me, "Zhang Yun, shall we go for a walk together?"    


Go for a walk outside? Of course I like it. But, to go with her?    


I suddenly hesitated.    


To be honest, my feelings towards this beautiful boss in front of me, Zhu Dantong, are extremely complicated.    


In a way, she should be one of my enemies. Because of her misunderstanding and her stubbornness, I lost the best opportunity, which eventually led to the death of my third relative. On the other hand, she wasn't wrong, at least not for subjective reasons; on the contrary, she had been kind enough to start the engine at the time, but in a somewhat extreme way. On this occasion, I realized more and more that my understanding of her might have been a little wrong or biased in the past. I used to hate her, but now, I can't even afford to hate her. I don't know how this works. I don't understand how I can do this to her. Perhaps my heart is too soft?    


Everything seemed to be impossible to explain with a single word.    


"Zhang Yun, aren't you going?" I've been thinking, and Zhu Dantong seems to have expected that since she asked the question, I haven't given her an affirmative answer. Her expression seemed worried, and she finally asked me a question in reply. I don't understand why she seems to be worried at this moment, because it seems like she doesn't need to be like this at all. But in the face of her question, I still didn't know how to answer.    


I don't know what I really want to do with her.    


On the one hand, I no longer hated her; on the other hand, when I came to work at the bar, she was a client more often than not, and with Ronnie there, my relationship with her must have eased a lot; and on the other hand, she, though she didn't say it out loud later on, from the careful manner in which she treated me, clearly knew she was wrong, though no remedial action had been taken so far.    


But nevertheless, it was rare for me to make up my mind to spend time alone with her, or to go out for a walk.    


I think it might have something to do with my continued emotional reluctance to accept her, or with my reluctance to hear more. I'm sure she wants to go out alone with me, most likely to say something to me. Most likely, it was to explain the misunderstanding between her and me.    


But then it was over, and I didn't want to say anything more, or hear anything more. I didn't want to reopen my scabbed scars, because I had already decided in my heart that she, Zhu Dantong, should no longer bear the burden of my lost family. What I have to bear is mine. However, I should bury everything in the bottom of my heart!    


To go or not to go? That was a problem!    


However, the girl in front of me, the strong one who used to be Zhe Feng Yun in the shopping mall, was now like a little girl, looking at me with a bit of surprise in her eyes, waiting for me to say what I wanted to say.    


I don't know if my statement will affect her. But suddenly my heart softened. Perhaps, it was time for me to end this matter with her!    


I nodded and went out first. I don't know what kind of attitude Zhu Dantong has behind her. However, he could tell that her steps were extremely light. Maybe she was in a good mood.    


But strange." We walked on like this, even to the city center park, and then we walked around the park for a little less than half a circle, but we said nothing, nothing at all. We continued to walk aimlessly. Unknowingly, they had arrived at the core area of the park, the shore of the West Lake.    


This West Lake was not the West Lake of Hangzhou, where "the thick and light was appropriate," but it was originally a section of the Long Xijiang River, one of the four water systems in Jingchu City. In fact, a long time ago, when Long Xi Jiang passed through Jing Chu, it was not in the shape of a straight line like today, but rather in the form of a "what" character. In 1953, in the building of the city's central park where we are today, it was originally called the "Grass Yard." After the Central Red Army Long March of 1934, when the Red Army passed through the province of Nanwei at the end of the year, the Red Army had directly crossed the Longxi River and headed north; this was where the Red Army had rested before crossing the Longxi River. This area was later called the Red Army Field. Now, there are "Red Army ferries" on the banks of the Longxi River. After the founding of the country, the people's government took "Red Army Field" as the core area and built "City Central Park" there to commemorate the heroic deeds of the Red Army in the past. Considering that there were mountains and forests in the city's central park, but no water, people accepted some experts' suggestions and straightened out the words "a few" on the Longxi River. The big bend of the word "what" had formed the foundation of the lake, and then, by digging, had turned it into a large trapezoidal shape, which was how the lake was now, covering a total of 1076 mu. At present, this West Lake was also one of the six great cities' inner lakes. It was a famous scenic spot, and it was filled with tourists every day.    


"Do you remember this place?" I took a deep breath and sat down on a long stone bench by the lake. Zhu Dantong sat next to me, also looking at the lake, seeing a couple of lovers playing with their bikes in the middle of the lake.    


I started.    


She won't talk to me about anything else? But to ask these questions? What do you mean? Moreover, why was he not able to remember this place? Besides, so many things have happened here, what have I remembered?    


In a flash of lightning, my mind spun. I looked at it carefully, thought about it, searched my memory, and finally shook my head.    


"Zhang Yun, listen to my story. A story where love is born from remembrance, hate is born from love, regret is born from hatred, and love is born from regret! " Seeing me shake my head at that memory, Zhu Dantong calmly made a second request: Tell me a story. A thought struck me. I had a feeling that the purpose of her story might be to explain to me some reason or fact, and I fell silent. Zhu Dantong said gently, without waiting for me to say anything.    


"One Sunday noon of that year, a young woman, with her aunt and her cousin, was playing here, in this part of the country where we are sitting. Her cousin wanted to row the boat, and the woman and her aunt, unable to refuse, went down together. But her cousin was making trouble in the boat, and it turned over in the middle of the water. All three of them fell into the water. Although the woman and her aunt knew how to swim, they could only protect themselves. At this time, a young man who is picking up trash on the shore jumped into the water, saving the three of them. "    


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