Super Little Farmer



0He Guoqian laughed again, saying that their hotel's "Wild Vegetables Feast" would be held tomorrow. After a while, he told me that he had already informed the entire Spring River Hotel Group of the other three star hotels in Jingchu City and the six star hotels in the five cities surrounding the provincial capital to immediately send people to his general store to pick up "wild vegetables." It was estimated that the 700 kilograms of wild vegetables that I had shipped over would arrive at their various destinations before 8 tomorrow morning. In other words, the six cities that account for nearly half of the 14 municipalities in Nanwei province and are also the six most economically developed cities in Nanwei province will have "Spring River Feast" tomorrow.    


I sucked in a breath of cold air. This Spring River Hotel is truly extraordinary. So many wild dishes were actually digested in a single day. However, he didn't show any emotions on his face. After a while, I immediately understood that this He Guoqian wanted me to come down here. He probably had something to do and wanted me to continue serving wild vegetables. If that's the case, then I could have gotten Yinzi, Lingzi, and the other five girls to stay in Pu Shang and then begged Zhang Junyi to help me, which would have been useful to me in the future. Sure enough, as I expected, He Guoqian continued to talk with me after a while, asking if I could continue to provide wild vegetables for a negotiable price. I nodded in agreement. That He Guoqian thought for a moment and asked me to provide his hotel exclusively for three months, at 45 yuan per kilogram. After three months, I could offer it to other hotels, and then the price would drop to about 28 yuan per kilogram, or we could negotiate further. But the purchase price of his hotel couldn't be higher than the price I had to offer to other hotels.    


I never thought about supplying other hotels, because although I used to know quite a few of the people in charge of the hotels when I was doing market research, that's unlikely, at least for now. As for the exclusive supply for three months, with just a push, it was already around the Spring Festival. By that time, it would be snow that sealed off the mountain. There would be fewer wild vegetables and it would be much more difficult to pick them. It would be impossible to provide them to other hotels. Since that was the case, I nodded in agreement. As for the price, I can guarantee that the price won't be higher than other hotels! At that moment, I nodded to He Guoqian, expressing my agreement.    


He Guoqian immediately got his assistant to prepare a contract and sign it with me. But as I signed it, I felt guilty; not because I had no supply, of course, because our big mountain was so much; and not because I was afraid of He Guoqian's design harming me, because his contract was very lax to me, and the only strict requirement was that their Spring River Hotel was the chief supplier, which I could guarantee. The reason why I'm unconfident is because the price isn't too low, but rather too high!    


This is because my purchase price is only 0.4 yuan per kilogram. Adding all the other fees, such as the cost of delivering goods out of the mountains and the cost of delivering goods to the cars in Jingchu City, the total cost of each kilogram would not exceed 2 yuan. If I had wanted to be more refined, like today's second and third two 200 yuan, and then 1,000 yuan of fares actually paid 600 yuan, this total consumption, the cost of vegetables per kilogram would not have exceeded 1 yuan! If I sell more at once, the cost will drop!    


Oh my god, he could actually make so much money selling wild vegetables!    


I feel a little dizzy! I feel like I'm guilty! I feel like I'm cheating, not cheating, but cheating!    


One had to know that for a price of less than 3 yuan per kilogram, for a price of more than 30 yuan or even higher, the net profit margin would be as high as 100% or even higher! Moreover, this margin could be expanded! I'm sure this is an absolute windfall!    


This windfall may have been exhilarating to others, but to me, especially now, it was a real pain to me, for my first time in business!    


But think of the mountaineers deep in the mountains, think of the people I supported, and I have to endure this pain! I must do my best to accumulate the original capital and bring our mountain to prosperity! I must accept this windfall! I have to constantly create more opportunities to earn more money!    


Thinking of this, my heart gradually calmed down. After pressing his fingerprint on the four contracts, he bid farewell to He Guoqian and left. He Guoqian wants to send a car to send me, I pushed it away, I want to be quiet. He Guoqian seemed to understand my situation, or didn't want to be polite with me, so he didn't insist, and only consulted me to see if he could provide a second batch of wild vegetables in three days; this quantity, preferably no less than the first batch; he estimated that the first batch of over 700 kg of wild vegetables should be completely digested in three days. After the first two batches have been fully digested, he can estimate the overall market price. Basically, from the third batch, he can give me the proper demand. After a moment's thought, I decided that I could satisfy this request, so I nodded in agreement and went out alone.    


Walking to the main street, the cool night wind blew gently, I am finally somewhat sober!    


At that moment, I took out my cell phone, intending to call Yukiko and Yukiko. However, when he looked at the time on his phone, it was already 2 in the morning. I hesitated a little, but when I called him at this moment, it seemed...    


However, after thinking about it for a moment, I still dialed the number. For one thing, tomorrow's business is more important. Call them now, and they will have more time to prepare; for another, I really want them to share my success; and for the third, I have a strong feeling that they are still awake!    


I finally made up my mind to call Zhang Junjiao's home. As soon as the call ended, Yukiko's voice rang on the other end. As expected, she was really waiting for the call! When I told her excitedly that the goods had all been sold and that I had earned money, I could hear that the other side was also happy. I also told Yinzi that they would be able to return to the mountain in the morning and ask them to buy some more wild vegetables. Then I would try to send them to Puxu Town and ask Zhang Jun or someone else to help me deliver the goods. The cost, first to cover the 2000 yuan, I will then get the money. Yukiko answered him happily.    


After chatting for a while, Ling Zi came back to answer the phone. After chatting for a while longer, she finally hung up. At this moment, I suddenly felt a little weak, my whole body was lifeless. I walked alone down the road to the little house I had rented. However, he couldn't stop thinking about it.    


Oh, I'm finally rich! No matter what, no matter if it's pain, deception, or whatever, I do have money on my hands!    


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