Super Little Farmer



0I knew that most of these women's men, or the nephews of these old men, were working outside, but they stayed at home, so I returned the courtesy one by one. Old Liu came over a long time ago, let me see if these goods are available. All I knew was to nod and marvel. Then, Old Liu told me that these wild vegetables, a total of 60 kilograms of Capsella catechu, 110 kilograms of Artemisia selengensis, 21 kilograms of dandelion, 78 kilograms of bitter cabbage, 60 kilograms of green vegetables, the most number of winter bamboo shoots up to 330 kilograms, and 69 kilograms of "Cockswoman bamboo shoots", a total of 728 kilograms, for a total of 291 yuan.    


When I heard this, there was something wrong with the numbers, because how could they all be integers? I raised my question. Old Liu explained, but it turned out that they had already removed all the zeros and charged 0.4 yuan per kilogram. When I heard this, I sighed in my heart and immediately gave 300 yuan of cash to Old Liu to arrange for him. Old Liu refused to accept so much, so I agreed. He was going to distribute the money, but he didn't get enough change to distribute it. After that, under my suggestion, the money was put into Old Liu's hands. Everyone should make an account first and we'll talk about it later. Everyone nodded in agreement. At this time, because I had already made up my mind, I was no longer distressed by the low purchase price.    


After everyone had settled down, Old Liu introduced the purpose of my visit. When everyone heard that the city people wanted to spend money to buy pig grass to eat, they all burst out laughing. I waited for the laughter to die down, then put forward my own point of view. How they eat is none of our business, but it's good that we can turn trash into treasure and earn some pocket money. When everyone heard this, they felt that it made sense. I also suggested that since everyone was at home, why not help me and make some money for themselves? Besides, I think we'll have to buy a lot in the future, so we have another way to survive! Everyone laughed when they heard this. They nodded in agreement when they saw that I paid the money directly to Old Liu. As for these women, they usually did farm chores at home. They would chat when they were free, and sell their pigs at the end of the year to earn some money. How could they see any cash on hand? It was a good thing that some of the wild vegetables he had grabbed during the day could actually be exchanged for money. It seemed that such good things could happen often in the future! That's a small amount of money for the rich, but it's a lot of money for us mountaineers, especially for these women, women, and the elderly.    


Seeing that everyone had agreed to help me, using my free time to prepare some wild vegetables for me, I finally heaved a sigh of relief. Actually, I, who was familiar with the personality of the mountain people, already knew what would happen today. However, with everyone's support, I felt something else.    


At that moment, I suggested that if these wild vegetables were to be transported out of the mountain, they would have to expend quite a bit of energy. The best method would be to use the mountain stream to transport them outwards. It was not difficult. Although there were not many men left in the mountains, these men's women were not common in the world. However, most of them were skilled in farming, had great strength, and were good at swimming. Immediately, a few of them offered to help.    


I thought about it for a moment, then decided to discuss it with Old Liu. In the end, Old Liu was the one who decided that everyone should go to rest tonight. Tomorrow morning, everyone would head to the north of the mountain to help the "luck boy" build some big bamboo rafts; in addition, his grandson's wife, Liu Leyao's wife Qu Yinghua, Shandong Head Old Zhang's grandma, and Old Zhang's grandson, Zhang Zhengping's wife, Shandong Head had once asked his daughter-in-law Zheng Xi, Nanshan Head's daughter, Zuo Ping's 21-year-old left Ling, and her other granddaughter, Liu Yingzhi, 22 years old, to help the five "luck boys" send these three wild herbs to Pu Town. Including me, there were a total of six people, each of whom was responsible for a bamboo raft. When we get to Dutu, I'll stay there for a day and a night, or maybe longer, until I get my phone message, and then we'll go back up the mountain and see what happens next.    


After the arrangements had been made, Old Liu, as I had intended, proposed to set up a "fire platform" on the east side of their house. If he had any information about the "lucky brat" to pass on, he would light the fire at night and smoke during the day. When everyone heard this, they all agreed. Shandong head old Zhang also proposed, the best each family to make one, can exchange information. But Guo Zheng, who lived at the foot of the southern mountain, objected, saying that if the mountain was lit by smoke, the people at the foot of the mountain could see it very clearly. Afraid that the two might argue, he quickly stopped and suggested that everyone make one at home. There were plenty of rocks and firewood in the mountain, so it wouldn't be too difficult to make one anyway. When everyone heard this, they were all reasonable.    


After the meeting was over, everyone went back to their rooms. I was left behind by Old Liu to discuss some matters. Of course, I also drank some wine. Old Liu was still concerned about me, afraid that I would be in trouble. He warned me again and again to make sure that I was truly alright before he gave up. When I arrived, I asked his eldest granddaughter, Liu Yingzhi, to send me home.    


I knew Liu Yingzhi from a long time ago. Not only did he know her, he was also very familiar with her. Old Liu had two sons and two daughters, the older one was a girl named Liu Changyun, who had been married to Qu Zhengwei at the foot of the southern mountain in his early years. His eldest son was Liu Changen, and his second son was Liu Changzhu. Zhang Tie was the one who was blown up and killed along with my father and brother. In the Liu family, only Liu Yingzhi remained unmarried. She was the daughter of Liu Changen, and there were also many grandchildren. In fact, in our mountain, a woman like Liu Yingzhi, 22, who hasn't been married yet, is considered rare. In our area, only she, Liu Yingzhi, and Zuo Ping's daughter, Zuo Ling, 21 years old, are women who have yet to find a wife even after the age of 20.    


Of course, it was not that the two of them could not find a wife; on the contrary, the two of them were generally acknowledged to be good women in this part of the world. As for me, I had always assumed that it was the two of them who were picking on each other. Why? The reason for that was because the age difference between the two of them was not less than half a year. They had played very well since they were young. They were both the most intelligent individuals in this mountain range, and they were both extremely beautiful. He had heard that there were a lot of men who came to propose marriage and that there were even people from far away mountains who came to investigate. However, for some reason, these two families, or rather, these two women, did not nod their heads. Wasn't this just picking on the weak?    


At the moment, when I heard that Old Liu had asked Liu Yingzhi to take me home, even though I drank a little too much, I almost died from laughter. As a man, how could I let a young woman walk me home at night for more than an hour? He quickly refused. Old Liu didn't want to do that, he just called me half a city person. The mountain road was a place where the pure mountain people understood it, and his family's tequila was full of energy. The night wind blew, but it wasn't like that, so he had to get Liu Yingzhi to give it to me. I persevered for a while, but to no avail, so I had to accept this reality and walked to my house with Liu Yingzhi.    


The road home was certainly not easy. It would take more than fifty minutes during the day, but at night, it would take at least an hour. I was a little drunk right now, so it would take a long time. Fortunately, Liu Yingzhi had brought a flashlight. However, the flashlight obviously didn't have enough battery. The first half an hour was still alright, as we barely managed to light up the path the two of us were on. However, after half an hour, it was already too late. In the end, there was no light at all.    


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