Super Little Farmer



0"You brat, you dare to ruin my grandfather's good deed?" Seeing that I was the only one who came in, the two men who had been taken aback stood up at the same time. One of them, an older man, growled at me viciously and motioned me away. However, seeing that not only did I not retreat, but I was also pressing forward. The two of them might have realized that a hero was trying to save a beauty, so they looked at each other, each of them pulling out a knife and slowly pressing towards me together. While forcing his way towards me, he even used his sword technique. I know that this is just to scare me off, but in my eyes, those sword techniques are nothing more than pretentious posturing.    


At that moment, I didn't even bother replying to them. I simply stood in the dark so that they wouldn't be able to see my face. My hands and feet didn't stop moving. All of them were ruthless. I can't be blamed. I have done what my father did, and I have done it directly.    


Of course, this cannot be blamed on me. In dealing with wild beasts in the mountains, one must be quick, accurate and ruthless. Furthermore, from what I heard and saw just now, I know that the two of them are habitual offenders. The two young men were clearly hoodlums and had not learnt any martial arts. Even though I had a knife in my hand, I had only made a single exchange and had already kicked both of their crotches. The two men barely had time to groan before they bent over in pain. I know that with these two legs of mine, they will never be able to be a man again in this life. I know that with these two legs of mine, they will never be a man again in this life. I know that with these two legs of mine, they will never be able to be a man again in this life. Taking advantage of the two crouching on the ground, they picked up the woman, who was still conscious, and picked up the small bag thrown beside her. Taking advantage of the night, they instantly disappeared into the dense forest.    


After carrying the drunk beauty out of the park for a short distance, I thought that no one was following me, so I took advantage of the street light to take a closer look at the pretty lady in my arms. It doesn't matter if I don't look, but when I do, I'm surprised. So this is not someone else, but an acquaintance of mine, a colleague of mine from Zhu Dantong Company. His name is Zhou Yajie. I could not help but inwardly exclaim, "Thank god." Only, a moment later, I was stunned again, because now, I don't know how I should settle her!    


The woman was still conscious. I tried to ask her where she lived, to send her home, but she fell asleep. As for bringing her back to my place, that was obviously unrealistic. I would have to spend some time to explain it later; it was fine with me, but it would have a severe reputation impact on her. I could only think of another way. However, after thinking about it for a while, he finally came up with an idea. He crouched down, laid the woman safely on my lap, and opened her bag with one hand. As I expected, she had a bunch of keys and a wallet in her purse, and her ID card in her purse. With my ID, I found out that she lived in the nearby Kaiyuan District. Now that things were easy, I had an idea. I carried the girl on my back and headed straight for the district.    


Carrying Zhou Yajie on my back, I quickly followed the address on her ID card and entered her residential district. It was late at night, and when I walked through the gate of the neighborhood, I left the two night security guards gaping. However, Zhou Yajie, who sometimes slept soundly, sometimes sober, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, while muttering to herself, reeked of alcohol. The two security guards looked at me with understanding and pity in their eyes, as if they thought it would be bad enough for a man to do what I did. I didn't bother to explain and just went straight to the small district and quickly found the girl's small building.    


But now it's hard, because I have to take out my purse and the key to the door, but now my hands are just tightly protecting the woman on my back, I don't have a third hand, and as I was going up the stairs, the woman on my back slowly fell down a lot!    


In order to open the door with the key, and also in order to let the woman on my back go up a little bit, I had to put my back to it. The woman on my back did get a little taller, her head still resting on my shoulder. I felt a rush of heat, for I could clearly feel the two masses of softness rubbing against my back. I knew what it was, and I felt a surge of panic. I gathered up my emotions and went to get the key.    


My hands, which had once protected the woman's knees, had no choice but to divide the room. My left hand clutched the woman's plump buttocks, while my right hand reached out to open the door with the key. This again made my heart panic, because the woman's buttocks were also unusually soft and flexible! It took me some time to collect myself, and I finally found the right key to insert into the lock.    


The door opened and I was about to step inside when Sister Zhou, who was on my back, opened her mouth wide. A huge pile of vomit and wine dripped onto me, some directly from my back collar into my clothes, causing my back to become sticky with moisture. Some directly down my right shoulder, some directly onto the woman's own body. Startled, I quickly pulled out the key and threw it on the floor of the house. I used both of my hands to help pull the woman into my arms. The woman let out another "wow" and vomited again. I was kind enough to help this time, because by now the woman was in my arms and the vomit was all over her.    


Without much time to spare, I stepped into the room, kicked open the key, hooked my foot into the door and closed it. I pressed the woman tightly against my chest with my right hand while my left felt the wall, found the switch, and turned on the light. However, it turned out to be an exquisite small house. According to my estimate, it should only be around 50 square meters.    


I took a quick look at the structure of the house and immediately determined the position of the bathroom. I grabbed the woman in my arms and rushed into the bathroom. The bathroom had a vertical toilet and a bathtub. I almost didn't think about it. I just put the woman in the bathtub. Only now did he have the leisure to size himself up, only to discover that his entire body was already dirty, and he was emitting an unpleasant smell of alcohol. The woman in the jar was obviously very uncomfortable at the moment, and she was talking nonsense again. When I looked at her again, she was even dirtier than I was. I decided to help her take off her wet clothes and put her on the bed. I didn't think it was a good idea for her to stay in this cold tub all the time.    


I squatted down to help the woman undress, but when I undid the top button of my coat, I was stunned. In front of him were two snow-white and soft mountain peaks, and a small ditch of the same snow-white softness!    


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