Super Little Farmer



0But even so, I had to face a new problem, and that was that I couldn't take up too much of Zhang Jun's time. I had to find a way to unload the goods. I had no choice but to discuss it with Zhang Jun again and then drive to the small house I had rented.    


By the time we reached the courtyard, it was already dark; the lights from everywhere made the city look like day, even more charming than day. I asked Zhang Junxian to park his car at the entrance of the courtyard and get out of the car to enter by himself. The little beauty, however, refused to leave me and followed me out. Entering the small courtyard, just as he was about to look at his own small room, he met Xie Hui's wife who opened the door to pour water. When I greeted her, Nanny Xie Hui was momentarily stunned. A short while later, she found out that it was me and was immediately pleasantly surprised. I hurried over and met her in the light from her room. After exchanging a few pleasantries with the nanny Xie Hui, I knew that Xie Hui, Tension and a few other labourers had all rested down. Only the few of them were still tidying up. Before I could say anything more, the doors of Li Zheng's and Zhang Li's house opened. The wives of both families came out. Apparently, my conversation with Mrs. Xie Hui had surprised them, so we came out together. I greeted them one by one, and they asked me questions. Tension, who had sharp eyes, noticed that there was a little beauty beside me and asked with interest. I just happened to introduce the little beauty, of course I didn't say much. I simply introduced her as my mother's niece from a distant place. They didn't ask much about the little beauty, but asked a lot about me instead. I told him what I had come for, and said that I had only come to try my luck.    


It was better if I didn't ask, but the moment I asked, the few ladies burst out laughing at the same time. Seeing that I was a bit confused, Grandma Tension finally stopped and explained the whole story. It turned out that the house I had rented had not been rented since I left. This was also because of the incident that happened that night. From the night I left until the next week or so, almost every day, a lot of people came to this small courtyard to look for me. Since I had already left, those people did not find me. Tension and a few others became the object of their questioning. When these families did not want to cause any more trouble for me, Tension informed me that I had left that night and would probably never come back to live here again. It was with great difficulty that I managed to get those people to leave. In addition, I didn't show myself for the rest of the time. Those people finally stopped coming, and in the end, they finally did. Because of this, in order to deal with those people, Grandma Tension and the others didn't have time to find the landlord to check out, so there was no way they could rent out another room. Three days ago, Matriarch Tension finally had the time to go find the landlord, but someone from the landlord's hometown passed away and the entire family rushed to Hunan Province. Since she didn't find the owner, of course the house couldn't leave and this matter dragged on until today.    


When I heard this, I was overjoyed. The heavens seemed to take care of me too much! As if she knew what was on my mind, she hurried back to her room to fetch the key I had entrusted to them that day. Taking the key, I went to open the door.    


The room was still the same, everything was the same, only a little dusty. Perhaps knowing that I was going to stay here tonight, Grandma Tension, Lady Xie Hui, Lady Li Zheng, and a few others immediately helped me clean up, clean up, and clean up. I did not stop them, because the assistance of the rural people was very practical, and I accepted that it would not be too late to repay them when I had the opportunity; moreover, I really needed their help at this moment. I thanked them and sat the little beauty down to rest. The little beauty, however, did not rest. She also got a cloth from Grandma Tension and followed the other women to wash up.    


Seeing that there was nothing for me to do, I was also happy to be at the courtyard gate. I found Zhang Jun, who was resting in the car, and told him to drive the car into the courtyard. Just as I was thinking about where to put it, someone patted my shoulder.    


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