Super Little Farmer



0The water potential of the Central Twelve Beach was much faster than that of the previous twelve, and the terrain was also much more complicated. Cautiously, I drove the big bamboo raft forward. Every time the big bamboo raft rushed into the water, the little beauty would come close to me laughing and shouting, and once the big bamboo raft rushed out of the water mist, the little beauty would give me a "V" sign. I just smiled and continued to wholeheartedly support the raft, constantly paying attention to the safety of the little beauty. I don't want to see her fall into the water!    


Fortunately, my father's ability to propel the boat was solid, and I was very familiar with the place. After a series of nimble and maneuverable turns, we finally managed to break out of the dangerous area. The waters of the Twelfth Beach were still hurried, but the terrain was much more relaxed. The bamboo raft was much faster than the first two twelve beaches. Still, it was a relief, because all I had to do was keep my direction.    


After much difficulty, the big bamboo raft finally broke out of the "Nine Bends, Eighteen Disks, Thirty-six Beach". I let out a long breath. Because I knew that as long as I kept going along the river for less than half an hour, I would reach the little waterfront town of Puxu, where I could change vehicles and enter the city. I docked the big bamboo raft at the water's edge to rest. When I looked back at the little beauty, I found that she was drenched all over. I couldn't help but smile bitterly. Just now, when she passed by that dangerous area, the more she was in the water, the more dangerous the situation was. That was why she was in such a state of emotions. I glanced at her, and she was looking back at me. Apparently, her red smile was filled with excitement and excitement.    


I laughed and checked the dried wild bacteria again. Very good, except for a very small number of wet spots, most of them did not change at all. Only then did I relax and pick up my clean clothes. I walked to the back of the small mountain of baskets and motioned for the little beauty to change into clean clothes in front of the big bamboo raft. The little beauty looked at the clothes in my hand and nodded. I changed into clean clothes at the back and rested for a while. When I heard the "ah ah" sound in front of me, I stuck my head out to confirm that the little beauty had already changed her clothes before coming to the front.    


The big bamboo raft continued to go down the river, and in less than half an hour we had reached Puxu Town. I was familiar with this place. I used to be with my father and brother. I stopped the bamboo raft at the side and let the little beauty stay on the raft for the time being while I went ashore to look for someone. When I found Zhang Jun, he was about to come out. When he saw me arrive, he was stunned for a moment. After reacting to my shock, he immediately welcomed me with a hearty laugh.    


My father was a benefactor to his family. When his wife was pressed into the vegetable patch by another man, she was met by my father who picked up firewood and immediately chased him away. Zhang Jun was very grateful to his father for not wearing the green hat on his head. Ever since then, he has been very close to my home. My father is also "others respect me a foot, I respect others a foot" of the way, Zhang Jun family is very good. After a while, the two families became good friends. It was from that time onwards that I knew that Zhang Jun was travelling in Pu Su Town. Today, I came to him to ask for his help.    


When he heard that I wanted to ask him to help transport some things into the city, he agreed without a word. He quickly drove the blue two-seater truck to the water's edge and helped me load all the wild dried mushrooms into it before he let go. I went up to the second row of the cab with Little Beauty. Even though it was very strange for me to bring a little beauty with me, Zhang Jun didn't ask any questions. He was only amazed that I was able to bring over such a large pile of wild fungus baskets with this primitive tool. I smiled and made a brief introduction, while he always praised me for having my father's legacy!    


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