Super Little Farmer



0While Zhang Jun and I were chatting idly, the two-seater van arrived outside of Jingshan by noon on the 508th Provincial Road of Puyu Town. However, as I had requested, we did not enter Jingshan City, but instead went straight to the Chuchu (Jingchu) Expressway and moved rapidly towards the provincial capital, Jingchu City.    


Why not go directly to Jingshan City? It wasn't that I was worried about the sales of my dry goods, but that the little beauty was dumb.    


To be honest, I'm not worried that the wild ganoderma and wild manicure that I have on hand won't sell at all. In my opinion, whether or not I can find a better doctor in Jingshan City to cure the little beauty's mute illness is where the knot in my heart lies. Thus, from my private point of view, Jing Chu is the capital, and the medical standards there are much higher than in Jingshan City! For the sake of the little beauty, I must choose to "put everything on the line" and head to the provincial capital of Jing Chu, which is hundreds of kilometers away.    


Zhang Jun didn't even ask me why I was doing this. We drove on the highway for more than three hours and only reached Jingchu City at around 4 pm. At the moment, however, we could not enter the city, for in this city we could not enter the city during the day without special passes for wagons like ours. However, while we can't enter the city for the time being, it won't hinder us. We chose a small restaurant, ordered a few side dishes and ate them. Zhang Jun rushed to pay the bill, but I refused. In the end, it was still me who bought it. After dinner, I found a small hostel nearby and spent 20 yuan to get a room for a temporary rest. Zhang Jun and I have the same bed. But I didn't sleep, I just sat and thought; my bed was for the little girl to sleep in. Maybe it was because she was too tired, so she slept soundly the moment she laid down on the bed. Since Zhang Jun had to drive, he had to rest well. Thus, he also laid down on the bed to have a good rest.    


It wasn't until after nine in the evening that we got up to check out, and approached the heart of the city from the outer ring road of Jingchu. To tell the truth, I'm a little regretful now, regretting that I didn't have to give up my small apartment on the spur of the moment, or else I wouldn't have had to worry about lodging tonight, but now I have to think about it. Actually, if there weren't any pretty girls around, Zhang Jun and I would have been able to negotiate. We could have just relied on the two-seater, but with her there, I had no choice but to look for a temporary residence. But in front of me, the money was really tight. I couldn't afford more than a penny. Thus, I really do feel a little nostalgic at this moment. However, after a short while, I had an idea. I decided to send the little beauty to Grandma Tension. I believed that they would be able to take care of her for the whole night. Zhang Jun and I would spend the rest of the night in the car.    


With that in mind, I discussed it with Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun agreed without a word, because when he went out to live, he had encountered such scenes too many times. It didn't matter if he slept for an entire night. Seeing that Zhang Jun was willing to negotiate so easily, I didn't say much and instead sought out the little beauty to explain the situation. But, to my surprise, after listening to my explanation in Japanese, the little beauty simply shakes her head, unwilling to leave me. After all, she just doesn't agree and she's going to cry. There was nothing I could do about it. After being defeated by her in the end, I had to make a new decision. I would let the little beauty sleep in the car while I dozed off with Zhang Jun.    


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