Super Little Farmer



0When I woke up again, I was in bed, bandaged like a brown man. Seeing that I had woken up, a crisp cheer immediately greeted me. English! When I looked closer, I saw that it was indeed Sally Wilhelmson, just as I had guessed. Beside her was another extremely beautiful girl. Who else could she be other than the famous Han Bing'er? Next to them was the violent young beauty called Yi Jing.    


"How is my sister-in-law?" The first thing I did after waking up was to ask, ignoring the reactions of the three beauties in the room. Because of my eagerness, I asked too quickly and didn't pay any attention to the fact that my beautiful sister-in-law Guo Qingping told me not to reveal my relationship with her. Instead, she directly asked about her safety.    


"Your sister-in-law?" The three beauties were all surprised to see me sober up. However, when I randomly asked this question, I was stunned for a moment as if I didn't understand when I had gotten another sister-in-law.    


"Big Sister Guo Qing!" I didn't know why they were all in a daze at the same time, but panicked and almost shouted, "My family's sister-in-law Guo Qing ah!" I put her on the stretcher myself! " After a while, I said urgently to Yi Jing, "It's that sister you brought over on the motorcycle!"    


"Oh!" The three of them finally understood and let out a sigh of relief at the same time. Sally Williamson smiled. "She'll be fine. She'll be fine soon." Yi Jing said, "You can ask her when the doctor arrives." That giant star Han Bing'er just smiled and didn't say anything.    


After hearing that Guo Qing was fine, I let out a breath of relief. My body that had been sitting upright from excitement relaxed and I laid back on the bed to rest.    


"What did you just say? That Guo Qing, is she your sister-in-law? " The beautiful girl called Yi Jing asked curiously when she saw that I had calmed down.    


"Yes, my sister-in-law!" "Yes," I said. I knew what she was thinking. Any outsider, looking at the appearance of me and Guo Qing elder sister, would definitely think it was a lover or a husband and wife. To be honest, there was a hint of desire deep in my heart. I wanted to have a girlfriend or lover as beautiful and wise as Sister Guo Qing, but I didn't dare to hope for Sister Guo Qing herself. Big Sister Guo Qing was too great, too outstanding. She should have married a good family.    


When I thought that she should marry a good family, I immediately thought of my brother, and then I thought of my dead parents, and I could not help but feel a pang.    


I didn't notice at all that when I suddenly became extremely sad and depressed, the three beauties in the ward looked at each other and didn't say anything. It took me a while to recover from the pain of missing my family. When I woke up, I was surprised and surprised.    


Because, I suddenly realized that there were three great beauties in my ward: Sally Wilhelmson, Han Bing'er, and Yi Jing! One is an international friend, one is a giant star, one is currently unknown what role, but with the police motorcycle and the agility to catch me, I am sure, it is a very outstanding special police flower!    


I suddenly had a short circuit in my head, but it only took me a moment to figure it out. Ninety percent of the time, I had fainted, and the doctors had turned me around. I had to wake up because I'd been following them, and Sally Williamson and Han Bing'er had come to the hospital either because I'd saved them or because they were humanitarian and waited for me to wake up.    


Sure enough, after I came to my senses, Sally Wilson smiled and said to me in Chinese, "My brother originally came to the hospital as well. Later on, there were some important matters that he had to take care of. He left first. As long as you're awake, we have to go. Sister Bing'er still had a show to do, and she had to hurry to the airport! You should get a good rest first! "    


I would never have imagined such an international friend and such a beautiful star would care so much about a minor figure like me, but it did happen to me. I feel as if I am in a dream, but I have always lived in the mountains, because the mountain's vastness and depth, but I do not panic. At that moment, I raised my head slightly and signaled to the two of them. The two beauties greeted Yi Jing and me before leaving. However, before I left the ward, Han Bing'er intentionally took out a large sunglasses to put on her, which caught my attention. I'm a little confused. This woman has such a delicate and pretty face, but I don't know why she would wear such a disproportionately large sunglasses. It's really strange!    


After seeing the two of them leave, I smiled at the woman called Yi Jing. "Thank you!"    


The woman seemed caught off guard by the sunny smile of a migrant worker like me and was stunned for a moment.    


When she had recovered a little, I asked with a smile, Where is my sister-in-law now?    


Yi Jing was about to answer when the door to the ward was pushed open. A female doctor in a white coat walked in. I knew this one. It was the female doctor who had been waiting outside the emergency building when I rushed into the hospital with my sister-in-law. She gave me a deep look. He was still wearing his mask. When she pushed the door open and found me awake, she was obviously taken aback. She immediately walked a few steps to my bed and examined me for signs of injury. When she confirmed that I was fine, she let out a sigh of relief. After a while, he took off the mask and let it hang around her beautiful neck. Looking at me, he seemed a little surprised, but his face remained calm as he said, "I didn't know that I would be able to wake up from such a heavy injury in just two hours. Your physique is not bad at all! " I didn't hear a word of it. Because when she took the mask off, I was surprised to find that I knew her! She was none other than the most beautiful, most delicate young woman among the two men and two women that Zhu Dantong, Ronnie and I had been sitting in the bar last night when we were drinking together in the bar!    


When the young woman saw me looking at her in such a daze, she blushed a little, but then seemed to realize why I was looking at her in such a way. When I came back to my senses, I repeated to me, "You are still waking up faster than you would have if you had suffered a serious injury. His physique was also good. But one of your ribs is broken, and so is your right upper arm. Now that you've bandaged it all up, you should take care of your rest. " After a pause, he continued, "After your two bones were broken, you even did some heavy work, and both of them were a bit displaced. Luckily, you came to the hospital quickly, and you were lucky enough to meet my master. I've already helped you regain your position, and you've also been given a special medicine passed down to you by your ancestors. If you take a break, you'll be fine! " I smiled at her and thanked her. After a while, he thought of his sister-in-law and asked eagerly, "Where is my sister-in-law?" "How is it?    


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