Lonely Soldier King

C155 Conspiracy

C155 Conspiracy

0Under such appearances, Couric would become the oldest Prince of the Vauntun family. That was why the cautious clan head wasn't so afraid of him.    


But only Kuric himself knew what ambition lay hidden in his appearance.    


"If I become the Patriarch of the Wauntun Family, I will change everything here and raise the battle power of the whole family to the maximum. After that, I will destroy the other 12 families and unify the dark society, and everything will be mine, including this castle, including Selina, and everything else here."    


On the dark stairs, Couric's face was dark. There was no trace of emotion in his gloomy eyes.    


The ball continued on with the gentle music, and soon, Prince Kuike adjusted his state of mind. A smile returned to his face. Anyone who saw him at this moment would have never imagined that he was still so preoccupied a second ago.    


Couric walked over to the dance floor, beaming, his eyes fixed on Liu Yi.    


"This poor eastern man is going to be Serena's prey. "Even though Eastern China is mysterious, if a person from the East were to die, then so be it. If someone like him dies, then even taking care of the aftermath will be much easier." Couric sneered to himself.    


"Killing intent!" Liu Yi instantly felt Kukulk's gaze. Lifting his head up to take a look at Couric, Liu Yi smiled and hugged Selina even more tightly. Liu Yi wanted to see what this group of vampires were planning.    


Even if all the vampires were to attack together, they would still not be a match for Liu Yi. The situation in front of him, including the murderous aura emitted by Prince Kulique, would not affect Liu Yi at all.    


"I've been waiting for your conspiracy. If I could quietly control or get rid of Kuick, then it would be much easier to quietly control the Vauntun family." Liu Yi thought to himself.    


"I'm very interested in you, I've been to China before, and I'm obsessed with the beautiful scenery there." Selina, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened her mouth and spoke softly.    


"That's right, I like the beautiful scenery of China very much." Liu Yi responded casually.    


However, Ce'Nedra seemed to be completely immersed in this feeling as she mumbled absentmindedly, "Huaxia is too mysterious and enticing. That is a magical land, only those mysterious people can live there."    


"Is there something wrong with this girl's head?" Liu Yi couldn't help but mutter to himself as he looked at this charmingly talking character in front of him.    


After muttering for a long time, Selina finally came to her senses. She lightly smiled at Liu Yi as if she was apologizing, and then softly asked Liu Yi: "Mr. Liu Yi, I would like to ask, have you been to Sichuan, China?"    


"I went there once, but only for a short while. I didn't stay there for long." Liu Yi nodded.    


"That's a pity. Mr Liu Yi can't enjoy the beautiful scenery there. However, China is simply too big. Does Mr Liu Yi, who can walk everywhere, know Zhao Wuji?" Serena asked again.    


Liu Yi thought for a moment and then shook his head: "Sorry, I don't know the entire person. Plus, there are a lot of people in China, there are a lot of people with the same family name too."    


"You're right." Ce'Nedra nodded and suddenly released Liu Yi. "I'm sorry, Mr. Liu Yi. I'm a little tired, so I'll go back and rest. I hope that Mr. Liu Yi will take the initiative to invite the ladies to dance next time."    


Selina quickly ran up the stairs. This made Liu Yi unable to make heads or tails of it. Initially, he had thought that Serena had arranged something, which was why she had come to find him. After that, the murderous aura that came from Prince Kuike's body was a clear indication of this. But now, it seemed completely different.    


Perplexed, Liu Yi simply turned around and left the hall to stroll outside.    


"You f * ckers come and hit me, especially Kuike. Come over quickly." Liu Yi walked slowly, but in his heart he was shouting. When he reached a dark place, his call seemed to have some effect. A figure jumped out from behind him.    


A rather handsome young man jumped out of the darkness.    


What made Liu Yi disappointed was that this young man didn't have any energy fluctuations. It was clear that he was an ordinary person. Moreover, the pistol in his hand clearly showed this point.    


"What do you want?" Liu Yi turned around with an indifferent expression.    


"If I want to kill you, any man who has been close to Princess Selina must die." The man was agitated, his hand shaking as he held the pistol.    


"But I'm innocent. Serena found me." Liu Yi shrugged.    


It was obvious that the man in front of her was an admirer of Selina, which was why he had done such an extreme thing. Liu Yi didn't want to cause any trouble, so he was trying to stall for time. He believed that the vampire in the castle would quickly discover the situation here. When the time came, as long as an ordinary vampire took action, he could steal the gun from the teenager's hands.    


"All the men who were close to Selina are dead, and you are no exception. If Selina didn't kill you, then I'll kill you." The boy seemed to be getting more and more agitated. However, Liu Yi was getting more and more indifferent as he saw Dirk walking over from the side.    


"Who is it? Don't come over." The young man noticed Dirk's tracks and pointed the gun at him in panic.    


Dirk snorted and instantly appeared in front of him. He grabbed the gun in one hand and smashed the young man's neck with the other. The young man immediately lost consciousness.    


"Master, are you alright?" After dealing with the young man, Dirk said to Liu Yi with a smile.    


"It's fine. You deal with this person. I don't want to encounter anything similar in the future." Liu Yi waved his hand and turned to leave. After a few steps, he stopped and said, "Also, I won't go back to the banquet. How can I tell Kukulk that you'll help me settle it?"    


"Master, I understand." Dirk carried the unconscious boy into the darkness.    


As for how Dirk would deal with the boy, it was not Liu Yi's concern. He was becoming more and more curious about this Vauntun family. First the twin sister Demon, now the strange Princess Selina. Before Liu Yi understood all of this, he temporarily decided not to make a move against the Vauntun family.    


He did not immediately return to rest, but instead began to wander around the whole castle. He spread out his divine sense, keeping an eye on the surroundings. Whenever a vampire appeared, he would avoid them. He found the entrance to the basement without a hitch.    


According to Dirk, Ce'Nedra's twin sister, Demon, was imprisoned at the bottom of the castle. Liu Yi wanted to go down and see what kind of existence this woman, the Demon, was to cause such fear in the Vampire Prince's head.    


It was cold in the basement, and no one had been there for a long time. As Liu Yi walked in, he immediately felt a chill run through his entire body.    


This sort of place was not a place for humans to live at all. As for those vampires, most of them coveted peace and quiet. It was likely that they would even feel uncomfortable coming to this kind of place for once. It was quite pitiful for a little girl to be locked in a place like this ever since she was born.    


Liu Yi carefully walked down the basement. The basement of the castle was quite large, and it was even divided into several levels.    


On the third floor, Liu Yi heard a sound by his ear. What was that sound? It was caused by the vibration. After carefully listening for a moment, Liu Yi recognized it as the sound of bat wings flapping.    


In this basement, there were countless bats.    


Since vampires could transform into bats, bats had a special meaning to vampires. It was not surprising that there were so many bats under the castle of the vampires. Liu Yi harrumphed and walked forward.    


A few crappy bats wouldn't be able to scare him.    


After taking a few more steps, Liu Yi instantly sensed that the bats were beginning to rush towards him. At this moment, Liu Yi was like an outsider who had just charged into a bat position, suffering the crazy attacks of those bats.    


Liu Yi waved his hands and the zhenqi in his hands spread out, isolating the bats outside.    


"Did you come in to see me?" Suddenly, a tender voice sounded in Liu Yi's ears. This voice was very young, and it had a hint of happiness to it. It was just like a greedy child seeing delicious snacks.    


Liu Yi looked towards the source of the voice. In the darkness, there was an exquisite looking little girl sitting alone in a corner.    


The little girl looked to be at most five or six years old. She was wearing rags on her body and looked like a beggar. However, what made her better than a beggar was that she seemed to be in good condition. Furthermore, her hair was not messy, and the skin on her face was white and clean. If it weren't for the things on her body, this little girl would look like a neighbor who had just been born.    


"Did you come to see me?" The little girl looked at Liu Yi, her eyes filled with anticipation.    


Seeing her like this, Liu Yi actually recalled his appearance back then. Back then, when he left home alone to fight in every corner of the world, every night, he would feel even more lonely and forlorn.    



The little girl in front of him gave him the same feeling. Moreover, this little girl seemed to be even more pitiful than Liu Yi. Back then, Liu Yi could have used killing to send out loneliness, but this little girl seemed to have just been sitting there all along.    


"That's right, I'm here to see you. Are you Demon?" Liu Yi hesitated for a moment before finally nodding his head lightly.    


Other than the color of her hair and eyes, this little girl looked almost exactly the same as Selina. Liu Yi could easily guess that this little girl in front of him was Selina's little sister, Demo.    


"I'm Demon. That's great. You're the second person to come see me." The little girl stood up shakily. Liu Yi saw that the little girl waved her hand and the bat that was ganging up on Liu Yi immediately retreated. The fluttering of its wings quickly disappeared.    


At the same time, Liu Yi saw that on the little girl's wrist and ankle, there was a shiny chain, locking the little girl to a wall at the side. This made the little girl's range of movement very small.    


The little girl's ability made Liu Yi curious. It was as if she could control these bats.    


"I'll take you out." Liu Yi took a few steps forward and began to examine the girl's iron chains.    


"Impossible, this Star Chain is said to be made from stars in the sky. Even the ancestors would not be able to open it." The little girl indifferently shook her head, revealing an expression as if she had seen through the world.    


However, if such an expression were to appear on such a young and tender girl, it would only make one's heart ache even more.    


Liu Yi didn't reply. He was concentrating on destroying the chain. If the Tyrant Blade was in his hand, Liu Yi had the confidence to cut it off with one slash. But now, he could only use his own zhenqi to slowly pour into the gap in the chain, shaking it.    


Amidst the little girl's astonished expression, the iron chain actually began to shake and then broke into pieces.    


"You … are you the God of Heaven that has come to save me?" The young lady looked at Liu Yi with an expression full of admiration and gratitude.    


"Let's go out first." Liu Yi carried the little girl with one arm and walked out of the basement.    


Holding this little girl was like holding a child. When Liu Yi brought her out of the basement and saw the moonlight outside, the little girl couldn't hold it in any longer, she laid on Liu Yi's shoulder and started sobbing.    


Liu Yi brought her back to his room. The reason why he brought this little girl out was to investigate what was so special about her that made the Vauntun Family's patriarch afraid of her to such an extent.    


This was the first time the little girl had been brought out, and she seemed very excited. She seemed to be seeing the outside world for the first time, so she was curious about everything.    


Liu Yi kept his eyes on this little girl. From the moment she saw the moonlight, a strange energy began to flow through this little girl's body. Liu Yi was curious, but after checking, he couldn't find anything.    


Liu Yi's rescue of Demon from the dungeon didn't seem to attract anyone's attention. Originally, Liu Yi had prepared himself. If this matter were to leak out, he would immediately wipe out the entire Wyrn Family. But now, it seemed like there was no need for this.    


The impostor, Prince Abton, still received considerable respect in the manor. As for Liu Yi, apart from the occasional encounter with Dirk, he hardly went out anymore.    


The energy in Demon's body changed every day. Her physique was special, which was probably the reason why the Vauntun family's patriarch was afraid of her. However, even after more than ten days had passed, the little girl didn't show too much of a difference. This disappointed Liu Yi, and he could only temporarily give up his research on her, and instead begin to involve himself with the subversive task of dealing with the Vauntun family.    


The Brahma Mercenaries diamond guardian had already snuck into the vicinity of the Wyrn Family's territory. As long as Liu Yi gave the order, it would be very easy to eliminate the remaining guards of the Wyrn Family without giving them a chance to struggle.    


The plan proceeded in an orderly manner. However, the first step in completely subverting the Wyrn Family was to kill Prince Kuiker.    


In the tallest room of the castle, Prince Couric and a young Vampire Prince stood together, looking down at the manor. The two had strange expressions on their faces. After a moment of silence, the young Vampire Prince couldn't help but roar out.    


"Hey, Couric, this is a good opportunity, if you take advantage of it, you might be able to become the next Patriarch of the Wyrn Family, this is the dream of all the vampires, otherwise, you will immediately be sent to Africa to fight against that damnable Nirvana mercenary group, this is the information I personally received from the Thirteenth Prince. Whether you want to die completely or rise to greatness depends on your choice."    


After a sigh, he said softly, "Barton, there's no need to say anymore. I, Kuike, will always be loyal to the Warentun clan leader, and if the clan leader wants me to go to Africa, then I will go there and completely destroy that Nirvana mercenary group. It's just a small mercenary group, how could there be a life or death crisis?"    


Couric, you don't have to put on such an act in front of me. I know your thoughts very well, if I were to tell you now that Yakos had just died in Africa, would you still think that this trip to Africa would be a very simple one? Couric, you should know that out of the thirteen families that are sent to Africa, there will be a total of three princes. If there is no power that can threaten the prince, then why would the thirteen families send three princes to Africa. The young Vampire Prince Barton repeatedly sighed.    


"Brahma is merely a famous assassin. He might be a threat to those ordinary people, but not to us." Couric shook his head.    


"Then you can go to Africa and experience death. Couric, as a good friend, I just came to remind you that your decision is also up to you. As for that Brahma, I advise you not to underestimate him. Brahma personally killed Yakos, and the news is very true. If Brahma is not considered an equal opponent, then I'm afraid that he will follow in the footsteps of Arcus. " The young Vampire Prince Patton coldly snorted.    


No one could guess what he was thinking.    


As a vampire prince who had lived for hundreds of years, he was able to perfectly conceal his feelings.    


"Well, Barton, what is your plan?" Kuick finally turned his head to look at Barton with a solemn expression, which meant that his attitude had started to change. This made Barton very happy, and after laughing for a bit, he began to introduce him to Kuiker.    


"Couric, this is a great opportunity for you to take control of the whole Vauntun family. The Vauntun clan leader is still at the Thirteenth Prince's Conference. Everything here is in your hands right now. Then, I believe you should be able to find the key to open the Stellar Chain. Do you understand what I'm saying? "    


"Demon." Couric's face finally changed color.    


"Demon has been locked in the dungeon by the chief since his birth. In all these years, no one has ever seen him. What does this have to do with her?" Couric asked, puzzled.    


"This is the stupidity of your Wyrn Family." Barton did not hide his contempt at all: "Kuyuke, do you know why Patriarch Vauntun locked Demon in the dungeon and even gave his daughter such a name?"    


He knew why, of course, but he didn't want to say it, because his own situation wasn't much better than Demon's.    


"That's right, Couric. It's because Patriarch Vauntuen fears the power of Demon, even though she's just a newborn child, the Vauntun clan leader is also very fearful. The Thirteenth Prince is like this, all the powers that threaten their existence will be destroyed by him, even if the owner of this power is their family. Demon is very powerful, and if he is allowed to grow up, he might have the power to send the Thirteenth Prince to hell." Barton's mouth split into a smile as he said.    


"You mean you want me to release the demon?" Couric frowned.    


"That's right, Couric. Do you feel that your strength is enough to contend against Patriarch Vauntun?" Barton asked.    


Kuick was silent for a moment, and then he shook his head, "No. If I could kill the Wyrn Family Patriarch, why would I have to work so hard to hide my own abilities?" After saying these few sentences, he suddenly realized what he had said. His complexion changed greatly as he became terrified.    


Barton laughed in satisfaction and patted Kuyt's shoulder, "This should be your true self. Kuyt, since we can become the vampires of the prince, without any ambition, I also want to become the head of the Torino clan, which is why I have worked hard to plan all this. Right now I am helping you to become the head of the Warentun clan, and in the future I still need you to help me to become the head of the Toredo clan."    


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