Lonely Soldier King

C174 Transactions

C174 Transactions

0At this moment, beside Liu Yi, a floor full of people was lying in disarray. Not far away from him, there were three heads that had left their bodies and three headless corpses. Blood was spreading all over the place. Clearly, the bloody scene before him had deeply provoked the policewoman.    


Seeing Liu Yi turn around, the policewoman immediately raised her guard and shouted at him.    


"Thug, don't move. You will be punished."    


At this moment, the clear sound of sirens could be heard from all around.    


"There's no time to lose." The corner of Liu Yi's mouth curled up slightly. The white cop girl stared at Liu Yi, and when she saw the smile on Liu Yi's face, she had a bad feeling. Then, she only felt a blur in front of her, and Liu Yi disappeared, and the pistol in his hand was easily taken away by Liu Yi.    


"Officer, these things are useless now." An indifferent voice echoed in the policewoman's ears.    


When the policewoman's colleague woke the surprised policewoman up, the policewoman found that her pistol was placed in front of her chest in that embarrassing place, while the murderer who had killed countless people had long since disappeared.    




Liu Yi was currently in a very bad state. Falling into the realm of light, he went all out against the three Knights of the Round Table who had reached the Saint-rank. Whether it was killing the three Knights of the Round Table or finding a way out of the Light Domain, it all took Liu Yi a lot of effort.    


Even though he was heavily injured, Liu Yi was extremely satisfied with the result of his battle this time. To be able to kill three Knights of the Round Table in one battle, this showed that his fighting strength was already comparable to a mid-Saint Stage. However, what made Liu Yi somewhat regretful was that he was unable to take back that copper pot that contained the power of the Holy Maiden.    


The old man who absorbed Hera's power seemed to have immediately left. That was why Liu Yi was unable to find any trace of the old man after he left the light barrier.    


Liu Yi was hiding somewhere as he quietly watched the police cars swarm over from all directions. The bloody scene seemed to have subdued all the policemen. After the police investigated the scene, they sealed off the scene of the murder. Then, the police force that had been set up gradually dispersed.    


At this time, Liu Yi's energy had slightly recovered. He stood up from his hiding spot and left.    


Liu Yi wanted to find traces of Demon leaving, but at this moment, the entire city seemed to be under martial law. Liu Yi's movements were severely restricted. Unless it was night time, Liu Yi's movements would be severely restricted.    


"Then, I'll find a place to rest for the night." Liu Yi pondered for a moment before turning into a block.    


With his skill, finding a place to rest was extremely easy. He found an empty block and lightly jumped up to the highest floor of a six-story building. He randomly found a window that wasn't closed, and Liu Yi went in.    


This was a woman's house, and one could tell just by looking at the layout inside. Liu Yi comfortably laid down on the fragrant bed.    


As long as he left this place before the owner of the house returned, there would be no traces left behind.    


Time slowly passed, and the sky gradually darkened as well. Liu Yi's energy was also recovering bit by bit.    


However, what Liu Yi didn't expect was that before he could even hear anything, a shadow had already quietly pounced on him from the bed.    


"What's going on?" Liu Yi was very surprised.    


Although he didn't use his spirit sense to scan the surroundings, with his five senses, he should be able to easily hear the door open. But now, without making any sound, a figure suddenly appeared.    


However, Liu Yi wasn't nervous, because this figure looked like an ordinary person. At most, it was only a little bit faster than an ordinary person. Moreover, it seemed to be a slim and graceful woman.    


A woman rushed towards him. Liu Yi sneered and didn't even move his body. He reached out his hand to grab the woman and pulled her into his arms.    


"Don't move, I'll leave in a while." Liu Yi threatened the woman in his embrace in a low voice.    


This woman seemed to be frightened, obediently lying in Liu Yi's arms without moving an inch. He couldn't even speak.    


"That's for the best." Liu Yi let out a sigh of relief and quietly hugged the soft body. He waited until the sky had dimmed before jumping up from the bed.    


"Sorry to interrupt, but I'll leave immediately." Liu Yi slowly released the person in his arms. Then, just as he was about to jump out the window, that woman who seemed to have been scared silly suddenly hugged Liu Yi from behind.    


"I won't let you go, you won't be able to escape this time." A woman's deep voice sounded from behind Liu Yi.    


The familiar voice reminded Liu Yi of something in an instant.    


"It's her!"    




Liu Yi never thought that he would run into someone he was familiar with just by casually looking for a window.    


No, to be exact, they were not exactly acquaintances, because Liu Yi had only seen this policewoman once, and she had even seen her at the scene of murder.    


"You actually live here?" Liu Yi was surprised.    


"You thug, I've seen your face, so do you want to kill me to keep your mouth shut?" Out of professional ethics, the policewoman speculated about Liu Yi's purpose in coming.    


Of course, this policewoman would never have thought that Liu Yi just wanted to find a place to rest for a bit, then found a window and went in to rest. He even coincidentally found the policewoman's home.    


In a situation where Liu Yi wasn't resisting at all, she skillfully controlled Liu Yi's hands. If it was an ordinary person who had her hands locked down like this, they would instantly lose all of their fighting strength.    


"You wanted to kill me to silence everyone, but it's too late now. I've already reported your appearance to the police, and the station has already synthesized your profile picture." The female police officer said with a sneer.    


"Well, the result." Liu Yi laughed.    


Whether his identity was exposed or not, Liu Yi did not care at all. With his strength at his level, an ordinary government would not care about provoking Liu Yi at all. Even if they knew that Liu Yi had arrived in their country, they would not dare to stop him.    


Liu Yi's teasing made the female police officer quite angry. Liu Yi even felt that this police officer had locked onto his hands with even more force than before.    


"I'm very curious, what exactly are your identities? The scene was clearly an incomparably tragic murder case, and you, the killer, should have been severely punished. But, after my superior saw your picture, he actually sent a ban on us interfering in this case, and also strictly forbade us from interfering in this case." The female police officer suppressed her anger and interrogated Liu Yi.    


"Your boss is right. The reason you are forbidden to participate in this case is to protect your lives." Liu Yi sneered.    


"Protect my life. Hmph, with just you alone, I have already taken control of you." The female police officer snorted coldly.    


"Is that so?" Liu Yi laughed. His bound hands instantly changed into a strange posture. Then, his hands, as if they had no bones at all, were easily pulled out from the policewoman's hands.    


"You." The female officer's eyes widened. But soon, she pounced again.    


The female officer's punches and kicks were like the wind as she crazily rushed towards Liu Yi. In the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of speed was definitely considered as fast as the wind, but in the eyes of Liu Yi, it was as slow as a snail.    


She reached out her hand and touched it lightly, then the force of the female officer's body dissipated and she collapsed to the side.    


Liu Yi stared at the female officer with interest.    


The female officer was paralyzed on the ground for a moment before she suddenly jumped up and stared at Liu Yi with bright eyes.    



"You're from the East, you're using Eastern martial arts, you have to teach me."    


"Ugh." Liu Yi looked the policewoman up and down.    


The attractiveness of Eastern Wushu seemed to surpass the threat that the mob posed to the female police officers.    


"You must give me the Eastern martial arts. I dream of learning the martial arts of the Eastern Kingdom, I can use everything I have as an exchange, all my savings, and even my body." The female officer's eyes lit up as she walked step by step towards Liu Yi.    


At the same time, the female police officer was wearing fewer and fewer clothes. The policewoman seemed to have made up her mind to use her body to make this deal with Liu Yi.    


Large chunks of skin were exposed, and in front of Liu Yi's eyes, a delicate and exquisite naked female body quickly appeared.    


At this moment, the room was in darkness. The light from outside the window occasionally flickered in, illuminating that attractive body of hers.    




It was a sex trade, and it was a romance as well. Liu Yi was quite surprised to see all of this happen. He would not reject a woman that had been delivered to his doorstep. Moreover, he had exhausted too much of his energy and urgently needed to replenish his energy. Liu Yi was destined to need a woman in order to quickly recover.    


The female police officer's clothes were quickly taken off by herself. A very attractive body appeared in front of Liu Yi. Then, this enchanting body slowly began to wrap around Liu Yi. The female police officer was very excited at this moment. Liu Yi could even feel her body slightly trembling.    


However, when the two of them were next to each other, something ice-cold suddenly appeared behind Liu Yi's back.    


"Don't move. I know you're powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, you won't be as fast as bullets." The female officer said coldly. Hearing the voice, she wasn't the least bit nervous. Everything that had happened just now was obviously a good show she was putting on. She wanted to lure Liu Yi into taking the bait and then take the opportunity to subdue him while he was still in a daze.    


And now, it seemed, she had achieved it.    


The cold handgun was pointed at Liu Yi from the back. If a normal person were to face this kind of situation, they would have no choice but to surrender.    


"You are tying yourself up." Liu Yi said coldly.    


The temptation of the female police officer had indeed moved Liu Yi's heart. If it wasn't for Liu Yi who had already noticed the pistol hidden beside the policewoman's bed, he probably would have pushed the policewoman onto the bed long ago.    


"Don't move, I'll shoot if you move." The female police officer seemed to have lost her will to tease Liu Yi. Pointing the pistol at Liu Yi, she stuck close to him and began to slowly move away from Liu Yi.    


Liu Yi laughed coldly and held the almost naked female police officer in his arms.    


Liu Yi's actions gave the policewoman a fright. She subconsciously started to struggle: "Bastard, do you want to die? Don't move, if you move, I'll shoot you."    


As if to warn Liu Yi, the policewoman purposely poked Liu Yi in the back with her pistol, giving him a hint of warning. However, this obviously didn't have any effect on Liu Yi. Liu Yi held the policewoman in his arms, looked at her pretty face, and kissed it without hesitation.    


The policewoman's lips were covered, and what was originally scolding Liu Yi was also immediately blocked, leaving behind only a muffled sound.    


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